[Development] [RoadMap] Following the Roadmap: Safe Exit Zones for Aircraft in Ground Arcade Battles

We’re continuing to cover features from the Roadmap that we outlined at the beginning of the year. Today, we’ll be talking about safe exit zones for aircraft in Air Events in Ground Arcade Battles. Let’s take a look!

How it was before

Currently, after bombers and attacker aircraft have attacked ground targets during air events in Ground Arcade Battles, they usually have to spend the remaining time of the air event (usually about half a minute) doing nothing. Many pilots J’ed out of their aircraft or crashed them, therefore losing the reward for saving the vehicle. This also happened to fighters when all enemy aircraft had already been shot down.

In top-ranked battles, helicopters can also fly out into air events as well. The equivalent of a bomber is a helicopter with ATGMs, an attack aircraft is a helicopter with unguided rockets, and a fighter is a helicopter with machine guns or cannons without rockets.

Let’s take a look at the new system.

The new feature

To make battles more intense and give players the opportunity to get the well-deserved “Safe and Sound” reward for preserving their aircraft, we’ve improved the mechanics of safe exit zones and have added it to Ground Arcade Battles.

If you’re flying a bomber or attack aircraft (and their equivalents as mentioned above) and have used up your bombs or rockets, you’ll receive a message about the option to save the vehicle for additional rewards. An icon will appear on the screen indicating the safe exit zone and the distance to it. If you’re in fighter (and their equivalents as mentioned above), you’ll receive this message if there are no more enemy aircraft up.

The new icon is displayed at the height of your aircraft, and the exit is available at any altitude. If you’d like to, you can speed up the process by diving down as the exit is close to the ground as well!

All you have to do is fly to the icon. When the distance to it becomes 0, you’ll automatically leave your vehicle and receive the “Safe and Sound” reward, and along with it an additional random reward:

  • 1 to 3 air event points
  • 1 to 3 artillery strike points
  • 300 SL (with a Premium Account: 450 SL) up to a BR session of 4.3
  • 750 SL (with a Premium Account: 1125 SL) up to a BR session of 4.3
  • 1000 SL (with a Premium Account: 1500 SL) from a BR session of 4.3 to 7.7
  • 3000 SL (with a Premium Account: 4500 SL) from a BR session of 4.3 to 7.7
  • 5000 SL (with a Premium Account: 7500 SL) from a BR session of 7.7+

If your vehicles don’t have the Artillery strike modification, then you won’t receive this bonus. If you already have 1/3 or 2/3 artillery strike or air event points, and then receive 3 more points from the additional reward, then you’ll have 3 total points (the maximum amount possible), meaning the excess is not credited. However, if it’s possible to take a nuke carrying aircraft in the battle, the counter will continue to grow and in the described case, you’ll have 4 points for the bomber air event.

Other stuff is coming!

We’re continuing to work on the Roadmap points and will soon be announcing the testing of Research Bonuses for new nations.

Keep an eye out on the news for this!


thanks for improving arcade another W for Gaijin for just knowing what this community wants the most and thats Ground Arcade and safe exit for 10 more points. Thank you just as sign of graditude Im gonna buy few 75$ premiums so I can go all out in Ground Arcade.


interesting, thought gaijin already forgot about gab

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so i can use plane to earn tickets for plane?

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There is soo much more serious problems then exit in Ground Arcade. Like very small number of people play Arcade, I tried with rank 7-8 vehicle and I waited 10+min to get in one game… But yeah you are free to think whatever

Why ?

Also, can you add a CD? The gab’s bombardment is really terrifying.

I have been playing AB regularly for years and have not noticed this mode being empty.

Do you understand the difference between a game mode where the player can take several planes and one? ARB is a take-off simulator, and most players are like you who go in and out, fly for 3 minutes and die sometimes fragging and queuing up again, this may explain the difference in waiting times for battles.

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Sounds good.

Can we have this in ground realistic battles too?

Oftentimes I spawn in an aircraft to take out a few priority targets for my team, but don’t want to stay in the aircraft for the rest of the match.

I’d gladly take a few extra rewards for “saving” my aircraft, so I can return to the more pressing struggle on the ground.

Also, this would disincentivize the unfortunate “kamikaze” behaviour in ground RB where players crash their aircraft into the enemy tank.


hahahahahahahhahahahaha oke buddy then Im sooo happy Ground Arcade is saved with this update… hahahahaahhahahaa, most popular mode, waiting for 10 min to get in…you know theres diffrence between most popular and most played? But it doesnt matter, Im happy for you

This is the only thing about this that i don’t like (depending on how you intend it to work as it is not clear).

First question:
Is the randomness only within the categories or between them?
As in; is the random function ONLY applied to the “1 to 3” points, or is it also random between one of the three reward types; “air event points” OR “artillery strike points” OR “SL” ?

Second question:
is this ment to replace the timer entirely or will the time limit still remain? What happens if i don’t reach the exit before timer runs out or game is over?

Everything else looks great!

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Time zones exist. it might be that a majority of the players that like that mode plays during times you don’t. I don’t know if that is the case but it could very well be an explanation for your que times.

Like, i live in Europe and air arcade que times are almost always 10 min during the day when people are in school or at work but in the evening (after like 17-18 local time) the que time goes down to around 1-2 min for me.

Not only that, but air arcade match times are WAY longer (mostly at higher BR’s) so you can have double the amount of players active in air arcade but still have longer que times than air realistic would have with half the active players.


How would you then define most popular if not by most played?

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like this, F16C and all that top tire is most popular, but props and like 10-11 br ranks are most played.

Im in EU also and I play over day mostly after that I enjoy life, not gonna waste my afternoon on arcade ground :-)

This sounds terrific, but there are a number of additional improvements for Ground AB’s fly-out events I really hope you’d consider implementing, Gaijin:

  1. Fixing both team’s aircraft spawn placement so players are not immediately coming under fire when they spawn (or worse, if there’s major lag, already shot down before you even have control of your plane).

  2. Ability to cancel joining a fly-out event (and subsequently freeing up the slot you held for a teammate to fill) so you have the freedom to deal with sudden changes in a situation, and not needlessly lose your tank because you’re committed to the event.

  3. Bring back cockpit view (I hate that this was removed years ago 😢).

  4. Option to have the nation of the aircraft played in Ground AB’s fly-out events to match the nation of the ground vehicles being played.

Honestly, I’d prefer Ground AB’s aircraft gameplay functionality to work in the same manner as Ground RB and Naval AB/RB, but I’d still be really happy with these improvements. Please consider them, Gaijin. 🫡


This isn’t a definition.

the word “popular” means “liked, enjoyed, or supported by many people” and so the phrase “most popular” would then mean that the largest number of people like, enjoy or support (or in this case, play) that thing.
so in this context “most popular” and “most played” are by definition synonymous phrases.

Yeah. I think rewarding for landing back at the af in grb would be nice.

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Honestly, I’d love it for tanks as well.

MG SPAA is kind of useless after planes stop being a threat. Retreat off the map, wait 1 minute to respawn without repair costs and come back in a proper tank.


This looks like another idea that is very good, but unfortunately poorly implemented.

You know where’s the problem? You give players a choice to waste their time, fly to the safe zone and receive a random reward:

Or just J-out / crash (when damaged) and receive 30% of the rewards of the player credited for a kill. So if you actually J-out / crash (when damaged), you receive: score + RP + SL and you save time.

Why not giving players e.g. 50% of base kill rewards (score + RP + SL) at the current BR for reaching the exit zone? That would make it worth it.

With your proposition there is a chance that the player will only waste time reaching the zone, and get unlucky with RNG that will basically give them nothing at all (because they e.g. already have artillery strikes). The only thing that could be worth it are additional air event points, but they are random and I bet they will be very rare to see. I still prefer guaranteed score + RP + SL rewards from dying early.

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if anything you need to do the opposite. what you are saying makes no sense. you need to extrapolate and explain, not dumb down.

Useless change with randomness bruh
But I guess it doesnt hurt

He’s just a troll