Immutability of gamemodes

Yeah that really wasn’t clear. I answered the poll solely based on gameplay.

Btw. The gamemodes are seperate from tghe mission can play the missions from arcade random battles with sim gameplay in WT… Nothing is stopping you. They are completely Independent of eachother.

You just happen to talk about the mission types selected for the random battles of each mode, but you are naming them by the mode not the mission design name… Making it confusing whether you mean gameplay or mission design.

Let’s take air battles. The mission designs for air are called ground strike, air domination, domination, enduring confrontation and operation.

While the gamemodes are gaijins name for the complexity levels: arcade,. realistic and simulator.

In WT you can mix and match the mission designs as you please… Noone is stopping you.

Another frustrating aspect is the lack of partial capture credit.

You might take a risk to clear out the objective, get 50% of it or so and then get no credit because random CAS drops an 1 ton bomb on top of you. This is the worst in “Battle” mode.

However, my biggest lament for objectives in GRB is how it feels like they change nothing.

I’d give for a ground game mode where spawns were tied to capture zones and whatnot. Make the map dynamic, make playing the objective have a tangible impact on the moment to moment gameplay.

Kinda like how in air EC, frontlines can unlock new runway or the carrier can allow you to spawn closer to the enemy and such.

They did that with the Advance event a couple years ago. It was very good, and wish gaijin brought it back with a couple changes.

You’d need to build the mod around that mechanic in order for it to be good, because it would lead to lots of steamrolls.

The reason I am saying gamemodes is because they are tied to their missions. I know I can play a sim mission with ARB settings, but that’s only in a custom. I want to be able to play it with other players and actually progress in the game as well.

I also specifically said this:

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