For a game that is getting constant updates every few months that add numerous vehicles and mechanics, why are gamemodes never worked upon?
Gamemodes feel like the weakest part of the game for me. Players are given all the cool toys and tool but the sandbox they are put in feels extremely limiting. We have nicely modeled vehicles, realistically modeled mechanics (for what War Thunder is, that is) but the game we play feels so bad. When I think of War Thunder I think of the cool vehicles and mechanics in the game, but never how great ARB or GRB are as gamemodes.
Now some might think this is because of how old these modes are and I grew bored of them, but I don’t think that’s the case. For example, Counter Strike’s main mode (defusal) has been almost unchanged for over 20 years, and people still play it. No one complains about defusal, because it’s an amazing gamemode. I am not someone who needs new and shiny things every few months to keep me playing. I have played thousands of rounds of Counter Strike and I still like it.
Modes in War Thunder simply don’t allow for vehicles we have to be used to their fullest potential. These modes feel extremely unfinished. They feel more like alpha modes that would allow for testing of features in them like base bombing, point capture and similar.
People have been complaining about gamemodes for some time, but they are never changed. I don’t think there has even been a test or a change that got rolled back in recent years. I am not referring to lowering of player numbers in ARB we had recently, that is hardly a change to the gamemode itself.
I am just confused as to why gamemodes don’t get more love. They are the glue that hold vehicles, mechanics and maps together.
This game markets itself as “realistic” but none of the modes really are “realistic”. And I am not talking about the fidelity of the models, or the control scheme used, but rather what you actually do in game. 16v16 deathmatch in ARB, helipads in artillery range in GRB and other “unrealistic” stuff.
Now all I just wrote is just my opinion, but I want to see what everyone else thinks. Also keep in mind I mainly play ARB and GRB, but I have played all gamemodes (except naval) and I found none of them to be “good”.
Now I would like for your opinion on War Thunder’s gamemodes.
I am not referring to balance of vehicles here, only to the design of the mode. I.E what do you actually do in game, objectives, win conditions and similar.
Please only answer if you play the mode in question. Don’t vote on the poll otherwise.
How satisfied are you with Air Arcade Battles?
- Very satisfied
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Unsatisfied
- Very unsatisfied
How satisfied are you with Air Realistic Battles?
- Very satisfied
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Unsatisfied
- Very unsatisfied
How satisfied are you with Air Simulator Battles?
- Very satisfied
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Unsatisfied
- Very unsatisfied
How satisfied are you with Ground Arcade Battles?
- Very satisfied
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Unsatisfied
- Very unsatisfied
How satisfied are you with Ground Realistic Battles?
- Very satisfied
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Unsatisfied
- Very unsatisfied
How satisfied are you with Ground Simulator Battles?
- Very satisfied
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Unsatisfied
- Very unsatisfied
How satisfied are you with Naval Arcade Battles?
- Very satisfied
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Unsatisfied
- Very unsatisfied
How satisfied are you with Naval Realistic Battles?
- Very satisfied
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Unsatisfied
- Very unsatisfied
I don’t think naval has sim, someone please correct me if I am wrong.
Would you like that Gaijin test new modes or updates for existing ones?
- Yes
- No
One thing I would like to note here, if there are tests for new gamemodes there should be some in game announcement and maybe even an incentive to play test them (slight RP bonus while playing for example). What should NOT be done is testing them on the dev server or have them excluded from gaining rewards.
Thank you all for your time, I am looking forwards to reading everyone’s thoughts on this.