IFV* wishlist!

Tbh the Swiss has enough ground stuff for its own tree


i just found their is another challenger with a smooth bore but it was an export one
Challenger 1 with the L/50 with add on turret armour and using KE-W


The Al-Hussain?

Aviation side of things is alright too, better than most think


Got better thermals aswell tbh

lets not start that discussion again, it leads no where, even more so since they dont have top tier, their ruag tanks are only mock ups

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I mean… theres plenty vehicles ingame that arnt as developed as their were irl such as the radkampf or the yak

I just dont want all that cool stuff to go to waste just being shoved in the GER tree…

mock up is a complete different matter, thats literaly the reason coerlian got removed and bunch of other stuff

My guy the rad legit had its turret welded on the hull and the yak lacked its flares n stuff

why would it go to waste? thats a dumb statement, they shine as well. Besides that look at the russian tree, which is way worse

Baring the Leopards the sheer amount of Mowag stuff my guy

yeah but it was functional, mock up means cardboard /only sheet steel, we dont have armor values for it because it doesnt exist. do you believe gajin the company that wants number proofs for armor values will give mock ups imaginated armor values?

I mean… there was barely any info on the 292 and its coming…

problem of that tree i think was the maker wasnt that serious in research and many vehicles didnt exist, besides that typical problem of no top tier spaa, which should be a requirement for all trees before getting accepted

The Swiss have so much stuff that could be added I. Low to higher Mid tiers they have a lot of indigenous designs. There is no room in the German tech tree for those. Why add a single fancy Swiss plane or tank just to ruin all the leftover potential that such a country could have?


…Are you looking at the piker pik tree or the Caid one…

of course u can add the other switz stuff as well? why shouldnt that be possibe, you are arguing with the wrong person here, i am very hard on the stand of being against both benelux and a switz standalone tree. Main intrest lies high /top tier and those trees are pure copy pasta (besides cockatrill turrets)

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