IFV* wishlist!

Still alot better then what nations like France, Britain, Japan can say…

u always forget to name the unmanned turret and spike launchers xD

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No idea why gaijins fixated with sweden tho…

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not disputing that, but sweden is more big 3 at this point then germany

If we talk about attention from gajin not player number

Does that look like photoshop too anyone else…

Their premiums sell really well. (And they were META, together with Russia for at least 3 updates)

I sadly just wish they focused abit more on minor nations then another damn event ru tank…

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Britain is in a much better spot though attention wise?

CR 3 TD got a free handout in the form of 1500hp engine that it never had according to RBSL (they make no mention of mobility improvements anywhere). It also had non-exposive ammo for a whole month.

Gripen with 9Ms and SkyFlashes that it never carried (SAAF only used IRIS-T), it probably doesn’t even have Mavs IRL.


It’s just an unpainted turret lol

Here’s the same RCT 120 on the tracked Boxer.


Gripen yeh… but the state of the Challengers are abysmal and have been for a good while…

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i mean…
Boxer is modular for a reason


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God I hate the tracked boxer

Yeah, though they might included that other skin as an excuse to keep them there.

Talking about Boxers… Boxer MGS C3105

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they dun circumcised the barrel :((


Apparently an Irish Eland 20mm

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AML with Fox turret

Both 2E and BN are good from what I’ve heard, the fatties sure, aren’t good, but we’re talking about the attention a nation received from the devs here, no?

Since November of 2020 (not counting premiums and above 9.0 at least);
Germany ground: PSO, 2A7V, Puma, 2PL
UK ground: ADATS, Chally 2 TES, Chally 2E, Chally 2 BN, Chally 3 TD, T-90S

Germany air: F-4F (Late), MiG-23MLA, ASSTA 1, MiG-29A, MiG-29G, Hunter F.58, Su-22M4
UK air: Jaguar GR.1A, Harrier GR.7, Tornado GR.1, Sea Harrier FRS.1, Sea Harrier FRS.1 (e), Gripen C

4 ground additions for Germany
6 ground additions for UK

7 air additions for Germany
6 air additions for UK

Doesn’t seem to me like that much development was spent on the Germans.


Malaysian with a LCT 30 turret from the SA company Denel
Same turret of the Boxer

Scorpion Helios FVT925 turret with 25mm Bushmaster