IFV* wishlist!

Stormer 25 - Similar turret but with a TOW

Panhard Sphinx with 25mm or 40mm


Scorpion Kastet
30mm 2A42 Copy (ZTM-1)
Baryer ATGM

    • RK-2S Missile
    • Warhead: Tandem-HEAT
    • Caliber: 130mm
    • Range: out to 5km
    • Penetration: at least 800mm of RHA behind ERA.
    • Guidance: Semi-Active Laser
  • RK-2OF
    • Warhead: HE-FRAG
    • Caliber: 130mm
    • Range: out to 5km
    • Penetration: at least 60mm of RHA.
    • Guidance: Semi-Active Laser
      (Maybe Thermals?)

Yeah, BMP-2M is still powerful at top tier

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I see your point, absoolutely Netherlands is its own country with its own way of doing things, 100%. I agree that being neighbouring or in close proximity to eachother shouldnt mean that it should be implemented into this or that tech tree, my mistake.
But because they are more alike to eachother and because Germany could benefit greatly from it i believe as stated earlier that it would be great for them. Also as stated earlier Sweden can easily get their own into their tech tree :)

It just makes more sense giving it to the Germans considering Sweden can get their own ones in the near future.

I am interested to know, Wiki says that Simba was in the SPAAG variant, but I have not found confirmation of this anywhere. Is it fake?

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Thanks for adding the ZKDM and BMPT-62! Any chance of adding the Fahd 280-30 as well? It could go to Germany or the USSR, as it was co-developed by Germany but uses a BMP-2 turret.

Germany could also benefit from comparable local variants of IFVs, such as Marder 2 (50mm) and PUMA with Spikes.
I think both German players and fans of the Benelux concept would be much happier with that


kill it with fire now

If it’s open to things to add, for France:

First there is 2 variants for the VBCI 2:

One with crew in the turret, hence the periscop (the one you already talked about):

And another one, with crew in the hull (like the actual VBCI premium), named: VBCI 2 Philoctète
(advanced optics, no more periscops)

I would also add:

VAB T20/13

VBL family (coming with different weaponry: Autocanon, ATGM, SAM…)


AMX10P PAC90 (you start to know this box… Probably the most fun one to add :p)

With his brother, AMX10P HOT


Does this count lol:

(M1 Hull with French Crotal missile turret)


10x10 Mowag Pirhana? CV9040B turret? Sure.

Along with the 6x6 and + wheels, how about (sorry for going off topic with a non-IFV) the BM-21 Grad for East Germany, two variants possible, the Ural variant, 6x6, and the Tatra variant, 8x8.


Tatra built on the “813” chassis (known as the RM-70):

Buttery smooth suspension on the Tatra 813 could almost essentially be a “stabilizer” for the system, I love Tatra engineering, despite it being average German over-engineering.

Warrior ATDU
stealing the armour packages from both the TES(H) And WRAP 2
Count Thiccular

Warrior DRV with Radar Mast


idk if the Warrior CSP was missed off but iirc that’s been considered, or at least asked for by brit mains

Basically Warrior hull with a stabilised 40mm gun, which is the same as that proposed on the Ajax (namely CT40), as well as a reworked turret

It has been cancelled and won’t be produced but I think it’d be a neat little recce tank

Warrior 2 my neloved

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Thermals for the gunner driver and commander, 70 ready rack rounds with more in the hull, 170mm of pen a minimum with a proxy anti aor round and possibly ir tracking. Plz gaijin it would be a great 10.0

as far as I can find it’s only a mockup unfortunately

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I think it would be fun to see some other nations IFV and not just its own in the tech tree.

Why do that when you can just play sweden… it kinda removes the uniqueness of the ifv if you have some shoved in another nation, Why play sweden for the cv90 if you can just get it in Germany without grinding the other cv90s…