IFV* wishlist!

Thermals for the gunner driver and commander, 70 ready rack rounds with more in the hull, 170mm of pen a minimum with a proxy anti aor round and possibly ir tracking. Plz gaijin it would be a great 10.0

as far as I can find it’s only a mockup unfortunately

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I think it would be fun to see some other nations IFV and not just its own in the tech tree.

Why do that when you can just play sweden… it kinda removes the uniqueness of the ifv if you have some shoved in another nation, Why play sweden for the cv90 if you can just get it in Germany without grinding the other cv90s…


hmmmm, doesn’t this argument sound familiar to you?

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Further to my post about the CSP, here’s a link to a thread about it.

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Thats my post XD

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he was refering to this one i think thats only slightly above


i want it

No I mean he linked my Suggestion XD

Indeed. You’re famous fella 😂

Still a good br for the Warrior 2 would be 10.0, Lacks the armour of the Puma along with the Remote turret yet it has a higher penetration, (working proxy rounds lol), its faster, along with being British =D
Plus I think id want this as a camo

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Wheres my man Patria Warrior Export Turret



Oh yeh heres the stormer with that weird COCKRIL 25mm two man turret


Same turret on a Warrior Hull I think… C25



Heres also a Belgium tank the Cobra 25

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Spain Pizarro\Austria Ulan should be in this list.

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france need the Jaaaag

Gefechtspanzer Puma For Germoney too
Puma P-6 IFV_02



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I want to see this
Pizarro ifv

That would be a fun addition! Does it have any AT capabilities other than the gun? Would be interesting.