If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

You can have great K/D but still feel like crap while being outranged by CAS below your BR. Helicopters are especially nasty if you’re playing IR slingers, considering how hard it is to lock even starter helicopters within their effective range.

So no, having high K/D doesn’t mean SPAA vs CAS is balanced, especially in higher tiers.

yea its like saying the sakeen is good cause defyn got a high K/D in it, he said himself that it doesn’t mean a thing

Oh so now K/D don’t matter lol

literally just shows how skilled you are, I’ve absolutely binned the K/D in some apparently “OP” vehicles

I think the biggest problem lies in drones even scouting ones being labeled as air kills when You destroy them

Considering you have over 42k games under your belt I’ll assume your skill level is way above average, which certainly helps against people that don’t have a tenth of your experience.
Try playing your SPAAs against similarly skilled CAS pilots and your opinion might change pretty soon.

Also, how do you justify my 10.0 Stormer AD not being able to lock a 8.3 helicopter from 2.8 - 3kms away, which is well within his effective range ?

I have, either ends with both killing each other or one of us coming out winning. But its rare to face them, majority of them fly just to fly. Or maybe I did face them and didn’t even notice I shot one of them down. My opinion’s wont change either lol Not by the results I’m consistently getting anyways. Will enjoy using the new OSA SPAA when it arrives and the new US SPAA.

That’s just how Gaijin thinks it works or how they coded them to be. AD isn’t that suitable for helis unless they are close, that vehicle is more for jets/super close CAS as how this games goes. Stormer HMV just better at doing that job against helis at far range. Just T,6,1 (Air Alert) spam till someone with a better vehicle sees it and kills it. That’s about all you can do, that’s what I been doing as well.

Anyways, cool to know K/D only matters when its convenient. 👍

That’s what I’m talking about, people of your experience aren’t that commonly found in the game, so most of the times you’re going against people that have a fraction of your experience and skill, thus might be unable to extract full potential of their vehicles.

This goes for most IR slingers, AD isn’t alone in this which is a big problem. When you have a 8.3 helicopter basically making 10.0 SPAA useless you know something isn’t right.

Good job on the K/D but I think it doesn’t tell the whole story, especially when looking at your experience.
I’d only look at someone’s K/D if I’m trying to gauge relative performance between two similar vehicles.

far more spaas for nations that lack AND nerf their armor pen ammo so people don’t piss around in the bushes playing low SP tank destroyer.

Ive lost count how many matches ive lost because people spawned and died in thier AA and then cry when they are getting bombed.

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I have died just after I capped, having driven my M109 straight from game start spawn to the capzone, when I was strafed by an enemy fighter.

Take away SPAAs armor pen, and there will be even fewer people trying to play SPAA. (I guess, if you’re mostly a pilot, that is something you would like.)

I still say that changing the rewards, such that it’s generally better to drive tanks in GFRB, and flying is more of a thing you can do, instead of being the best way to get rewards.

Remember that these suggestions are for GFRB:

  1. Increase rewards for shooting down planes (air or ground shooters)
  2. Give a life reward for time on the ground in a vehicle. (Not runway time)
  3. Let SPAAs scout enemy planes. (Not for rewards, but to put them on the minimap and flag them so other teammates can tell they are reds)
  4. Give the planes other things they can do, such as blasting rear area artillery or supply lines. (Not to mention defending same!)
  5. Short range AAA near the ground spawn that regens after being blasted.
  6. Add “Swap zones” where a tankers can give up their vehicles instead of J-ing out. (So they are refunded spawn points)
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Bouta start watching people’s gameplay fr besides looking at stats. Sorry in advance 👀Probably will get hated for it.

Eehhhhhhhh I believe you…Just only saw your recent previous 11 matches, 10 deaths were by tanks and 1 by being strafed while using a SPAA and doing TD with it. From what I seen, all you do with SPAA is use them as TD 1st and mostly ignore air targets. Though the previous day you played 40 matches, haven’t seen those yet so one of those you got strafed by CAS in your M109 lol

I’d love to see 1, 2, 3, possibly 4, but not 5 or 6. However it’s not like your gonna do the job of a SPAA anyways from what I seen.

The issue is that sure you can take measures against CAS while in your open top SP gun but do you want to spend your entire game doing that or shooting other tanks? Hiding and waiting gains you nothing if the sky is full of CAS all game.

So you want to play the Yag 10 or Flak 88 but the CAS God says no.

Why should somebody who wants to play a number of open vehicles spend their GRB game hiding and not firing? If CAS makes GRB unplayable then how does it enhance the game? I am quite adept at avoiding CAS by pretending I’m not there ,I was good at EnE in real life but I am outside the game when I do it and scoring nothing.

Only alternative I can see is to give the same points for killing a plane as you would get for a tank but I also see they now have a mechanic where a plane simply crashing near you can give you the kill and the points.I think Gaijin have lost it.

Not surprising everybody is camping in the forest. WoT cross overs always say WT is too campy for them and CAS is the reason why.

At least Gaijin should give us a tank only mode and let us take a breather and enjoy GRB with no CAS even if its for a few games now and then.

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when i play AA, and i do that fairly often, i hunt planes and if you see my stats, you can see that’s the truth.

I don’t hunt tanks.

So that’s why i write as i do, i try to keep the sky clear so the tanks can do their job.

They have boosted SPAA since I played all the time. (I really backed off playing this game a couple of years ago) I have noticed that I can get 1-shot from an HMG, or maybe even a LMG, which does make it a bit more challenging to bomb, but my point is that it is still a real boost to my rewards if I fly, as opposed to staying on the ground. If they’re going to call it “ground combat” as opposed to “air raid”, then GROUND should be the better rewarded skill.

Having things such that a random hit can 1-shot an airplane isn’t realistic. It is an improvement of the game overall, but it more means that people firing SPAAs can get kills beyond their skill, and while that means it is more of a challenge for a good pilot, I’m still seeing I get better SL rewards by bombing folks on the ground than I do staying down there and shooting them with my tank.

Gaijin, of course, could fix my problem by refunding the money I’ve spent on this game and banning me. They could also just add a mode for just tanks. (I’ve described it many times, but just to be clear: Cut/paste GFRB into a new mode, remove all aircraft from it, and return to the old spawn point system. They could call it “tank battles”) With another mode added, tankers could chose to go into their own mode or go into the combined arms battles, the way pilots get to choose, already.

I haven’t kept careful counts at all, but I’m pretty sure I shoot down more aircraft with SPAAs than I do with any aircraft of my own. Also, even with the boosts they’ve given to SPAAs, I still kill more of them than they kill my planes. If I flew guided missile shooters, I’m betting that ratio could be higher.

They haved buffed aa Overtime but the air has also improved alot the ka50 and Apache were the most long range cas in the game
Now they are pretty avg in therms of range
Wen also considering Fixed wing aviation

Not sure why you are talking about naval in a thread just about ground.

In naval, Id be the first to admit that AA needs to be nerfed. Its too strong and CAS stands no chance.


HMS Hood entered service in 1918 and just recieved a few light upgrades mostly AA at the start of WW2, that is the modification we have.

Scharnhorst entered service in 1936 and has way stronger AA than the Hood. It is also overall stronger than Hood. If you want vehicles of equal era, then Scharnhorst should be fighting HMS King George V. Let alone other inter-wars like HMS Rodney

CAS is in Navle as well I do totaly agree But we get thes usless WWI battle ships with 1 or 2 aa guns… As for coastle lol Germen boats cant even kill one enemy befor our guns either bun out or have wait 10 to reload or un jam… The 3.0s are the worst and the K2 goes at most 20 used to be great for coastl till they screwd it over gun bardgs do 15 but stand a better chance lol

A WW1 Dreadnought has limited AA, yes I agree, but then Id advice not over-extending and just stay near-ish any teammate with AA. Most cruisers and more and more top tier ships are of an era with powerful AA arrays that are massively more accurate than they should be. Combine this with the introduction of mid-late war era SAMs… a slow WW2 bomber rarely gets close.

dont help if ther jets or have guided missle boats… Also if you are over 16000 your mostly untuchable… At least Germen bombers dont have any 2500 kg bombsx8 or somthing like the PE8 8000kg glad that got a big nurf should just remove it all to gether… But yes Navle and Ground both suffer from bombers… But at the same time its all us Bombs have we can some what do any thing if our AI gunners wher compaten like Air Asult or a bit better since ther experinced enugh… Hell a single B17 took on 8 Jap fighters and still made it it was called My Love and Dove I think but as I said our gunners should do a hell of a lot better…

How to balance CAS in GB?

Before everything else, I play arcade battles mostly.

Simply, best solution would be to remove it completely.
If not…

Remove bombers with big bombs. Today I was in few battles where my team was wiped out with few bombing runs. True, they were close, but is it normal that one bomb kill 5 tanks at once?
Make aircrafts spawns much less, make it 5 minutes before next aircraft spawn is available.
Aircraft only ruin fun.
Yes in real life there is CAS, but this is totally different from real life.

I am really sick of aircrafts, there are situations where I somehow survive hell, than find a spot to repair and after few seconds someone just simply sh*t a bomb on me and destroys me.
Or I found some spot where I can do something, especially that is with light armored vehicles. But nooooo… there is aircraft who will destroy me.
Yes aircrafts maybe prevent camping, but they also prevent to focus on enemies, there are battle that I feel more like a game where you need to evade aircrafts and bombs, than to shoot at enemy vehicles.
This is toooooo much!