All CAS should start at the Airfield not mid-air
CAS should not be able to rearm or it should cost more “spawn points” every time they rearm until they cannot anymore because it is to expensive
CAS should not be able to repair if severly damaged
“Your landing gear fell off? To bad you are not taking off again”
Every shot directly hitting the pilot should kill him instantly
Cas should cost at least double the “spawn points”
Capturing one capture point and spotting an enemy is enough to get a fully loaded plane with bombs to destroy 6 tanks
CAS that is “severly damaged” should not be allowed to drop bombs or fire rockets or other guns
It should not be possible to spawn more than one CAS plane per match
There should be a counter showing how much CAS is present in game to show players if it is worth it at all to jump into AA
Otherwise one is driving around in a useless vehicle
No CAS should have cannons that can destroy ground targets other than CAS with very large slow firing cannons (they take skill to aim)
Everyone should be able to spawn in a fighter to counter CAS even if they have not researched one yet
Your BR right now is 8.0? You get a fighter at 8.0 for free so you can actually fight CAS
It should be possible to jump into AA while still having an “actual tank” on the battlefield similar to how CAS works in Arcade. one would have 2 vehicles on the battlefield at once but only one would be “active”
CAS should have a spawn delay
Something like 5 Minutes after game start no matter how many SP you have
At high BR:
CAS should not be able to fly above radar (I dont mean it should not be allowed to fly as high but the radar should detect it no matter what)
It is a real pain in the bum to look directy above you while their might not even be someone and then you get killed by something on the ground because you where looking in the air like an idiot
CAS should not be able to detect anti air just because their radar is active… good luck finding CAS at all while the radar on your AA is turned off
Guided bombs and/or missiles should be taken away in ground battles
destroying 4 tanks in one strafe is unfair and AA mostly doesnt even have the chance to react
Helis should not be allowed to spawn at game start at all
Helis should not have more than 4 guided missiles (the helipad is very close anyways)
CAS is litterally what makes me HATE this game
It is not fun for me to press spacebar on someone to ruin his battle
and it is not fun for me to get spacebarred on
CAS is simply to easy to play