If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

Do you not consider the huge skill difference in being effective in CAS Vs effective in SPAA to be an issue though? shooting down a plane in SPAA is far more complex then CAS, hell a good third of CAS just fly into the target an press space at the last second and still get a 1 to 1 KD.


The only real difference between CAS and tanks like the Jagdtiger or IS-3 is you get kills quicker. It does cost alot more SP afterall.
That being said, I wouldn’t be opposed to the idea of forcing GRB planes in to sim controls. being limited to mouse joystick would make lining up rockets, bombs, and especially strafing alot harder. It would also lead to more noobs pulling up too hard and getting their plane into a spin and crashing.

No the difference between CAS an the Jagdtiger / IS-3 is that I can engage and out play them… CAS I just have to pray they don’t see me. I cant track and destroy the gun barrel of a plane then flank for a side shot.


You almost always have a decent chance to fight back against CAS if you really want to (exception being early-mid ATGM tanks, and tanks with extremely bad muzzle velocity and no MG)

However against things like Jagdtiger, you can’t really do much but pray it doesn’t see you and that you get an opportunity to attack its side armor. This is especially bad for nations like USA which trade firepower for turret rotation, reload speed, and occasionally mobility. This is why CAS is used to much by U.S mains.

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That’s a bold assumption there, which I can assure you isn’t factual at all.

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as a noob who struggles with SPAA and does everything I said you shouldn’t, you have 0 opinion in this matter.

What even is this supposed to mean? Please, use your words more…

If you’ve got nothing better than namecalling baseless opinions on others stats, then you’re well out of line and should take your own advice…

Noobs like you get no opinion.

If you have nothing better to do then saying “erhmm that’s facutally incorrect”, then you’re well out of line and should take your own advice…

Noobs like you get no opinion.

Come up with your own comebacks… I’m a person who uses SPAA commonly, and I draw offence at you making the dumb claim that we do so because we are low skill, and can’t get enough SP for a tank…

I commonly spawn 6-8 times in a match so I have no shortage of SP.

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Then why did you enter this discussion by adding literally nothing, and just saying UR WRONG!!!

I was already here in this discussion, and I can unequivocally say you are wrong… What’s wrong with that?


kk level 20 player

What? You must be mistaking me for someone else… But alas, you’re wrong, again.

your K/D certainly shows worse

Ahhh, the old stat checker who couldn’t figure out my true level… How quaint…

womp womp

I’m sure that you’re projecting because you failed in doing anything.

I don’t care about my stats, and what you see in those stats is just you looking for reasons to make trouble.

It’s very misguided, and misguided to the point that you’re delusional if you think it means anything more than you needing validation.

you’re just salty you’re not getting any respect from som1 with a french pfp

I don’t care for respect from assumptive fools like you…