If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

I’ve actually been grinding the event via CAP/SPAA work at the moment (with the odd bit of CAS) I just cant stand playing so much ground in one shot. Though I am an air main


And that’s exactly what this mode is great for. That everyone can fill their role as favourite. Nobody is forced to play a certain role.
However, it can help to be flexible in battle and sometimes bring an aircraft back to the airfield and then leave it. Unfortunately, many people use the -100 ticket option to leave an aircraft …
At this point, a simple thank you to you for making life more bearable for others on the ground! o7


The sort of (re)buffs I proposed in other threads for SPAAG and SAMs would lighten your burden by making efficient use of such machines more practical to learn for the average player.

  • Short-range lead marker for non-radar SPAAG out to 1.0km/1.5km for stock/ace crew. Teaches newbies where and when to open fire, only vs planes. This would also be applied to any heavy AA vehicle when HE-TF or HE-VT rounds are loaded, and only vs planes.
  • Radar SPAAG would have their radar lock more easily and stay locked more easily, as well as giving people speed range settings for the radar to lock and ignore objects outside said speed ranges.
  • SAMs would get the same aforementioned radar change.
  • Overhauling Stingers and Starstreaks to work well is obviously without question.
  • All old nerfs to SPAAG anti-armor belts would be reverted now that we have overpressure making them squishy and volumetric shells eliminating microscopic armor gaps they once exploited. Bring back all the full AP/HVAP/APDS belts. Remove arbitrary limits on how much of a given belt you can take. IFVs run around with full APDS belts in limitless quantities, and most SPAAG with full APDS would frankly be worse IFVs no matter how you look at them.
  • Add missing antitank rounds where appropriate (40mm Bofors APDS for both L/60 and L/70 versions, 37mm HVAP for Flak43/44 cannons, 57mm HVAP for the ZSU-57/2s, 20mm DM63 for the R3 T20 and every other machine with that gun lacking said round (for balance reasons), and any other rounds of such types for various higher-rank AA guns (and also multirole IFVs, such as the 57mm Bofors on the Bagel missing APFSDS)
  • Adding missing HE-VT for 40mm Bofors L/70
  • Allowing manual launch and guidance of all SAMs, with options to turn off the VT fuse before launch (roadmap has the latter actually) so that a SAM can be used like a giant HE round on a tank in a pinch if needed.
  • Spiderweb sights for all AA guns. While Sim will benefit more than RB from this, they’ll still help somewhat in RB.

Then, average players will become more willing to use SPAAG, move outside of the spawn, kill planes reliably, and lighten everyone’s burden. If “track-&-barrel torture” is a problem, deal with that on its own and don’t artificially nerf SPAAG to try and curb that.

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Your welcome. Though I wish CAP was a hell of a lot cheaper (it should be prevented from first spawn, but its beyond me why pure A2A aircraft have an SP cost so high)

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The biggest issue with Radar guided SPAAG is that the lead indicator sucks (which I think is an intentional gaijin nerf)

Starstreaks can sometimes be absolutely awesome and other times god-aweful. Though i think the launcher needs the buffs more than the missiles (after they’ve been fixed) Though wouldnt say no to make them actually able to hit recon drones

Wasnt there something on a roadmap somewhere for this?

If not, you can do it already.



Not the same to be honest…

It’s like you’re making out that a scope, with a spiderweb is the same as open sights with the spiderweb…

Very different.

Not really my area of expertise. figured it would be essentially the same. Then sure. Im all down for a proper sight

The scope makes your eyes ‘fixed’ compared to open sights being wider and more movable.

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I would change the scoring, such that pilots were paid better for gaining air superiority, and pay them less for killing tanks.

Id not say no to increased value to play CAP.

Its one thing to sit in an SPAA/CAP ready to deal with hostile CAS, but ultimately sat twiddling your thumbs waiting for something to happen. Its another when the rewards are kinda meh when you do so.

Though I dont necessarily think you should get paid less for playing CAS. Less SP sure, but not SL/RP

You’re not twiddling your thumbs though, that’s the thing… You don’t NEED to spawn it first, you don’t NEED to be doing nothing other than looking to the skies.

Well, it is better than nothing. It being not perfectly accurate is frankly a good thing. Unlike now where its total guesswork, at least the average clueless History Channel-infused Tiger driver will actually be a little less of a hindrance when their Tigor is blown up and they spawn a Whirbel.

Maybe? I don’t quite remember.

True, Though the induced-errors gaijin adds could be removed with minimal harm. Probably also wouldnt be a totally bad thing to drop their BRs a little where applicable.

We’ve already had meteoric drops in BR for many SPAAGs without radar. Only the Falcon and ZSD-63 have gone up because few play them and they melt tanks like crazy.

The Whirbelwind, Ostwind, Kugelblitz, Ostwind II, and even Coelian have all gone down. The Ostwind especially used to be 4.7, now its 3.3. The Ostwind II used to be 6.3, now its 5.7. The Coelian used to be 6.7 or even higher, now its 6.3. The Kugel used to be 7.0, now it too is 6.3. The Whirbelwind has dropped as well, I think.

The M19 used to be 4.7, now its 3.7. The M42 Dusters used to be 6.7, now they’re 4.0. The ZSU-37 used to be 4.7, now its 3.3 or lower, I think.

Average players need help spoonfed to them, or this isn’t going to get any better. They spray and pray from too far away, sit in their own spawns, then wonder why AA don’t work. I’d rather see things get “easier” via arcadey aim assists and removing old antitank capability nerfs than leave things as-is.


Im not going to disagree with that (im a crap shot in many SPAA, though I also dont play those BR much)

but I think a few could go down, like the Skink. Felt a tad Over BRed the last time i played it.


Let me put it this way, when I get the “kill SPAAs of the enemy” task… I pull a plane to do it, usually in the 3.3 to 6.7 range as above that they die to fast to get a kill on them.

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Yeah, almost like it’s easier to spawn a plane and HVAR the braindead wirbelwind player who doesn’t even know his tank can move than to spend 5 minutes maticulously sneaking an M18 into enemy spawn just to get 1 kill b4 match ends.

Its just easier to kill pre radar/ stinger SPAAs with planes IMO, they are almost zero threat. also I use bombs or guns, I suck with rockets.


Rockets are pretty good, I put a few rounds into them to make them hurt a bit then rocket to finish off.

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Not really. It’s just that the people who play SPAA are generally very low skill players that can’t get enough SP for a tank, thus they never do things like stick with their team, use cover, fire in bursts, or even have any sort of decent aim.

I don’t play much SPAA cause America has 0 good options between 2.7 and 9.0, but when playing Germany, France, or Israel, planes aren’t really even a threat aside from Russia/German planes.