If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

If You can’t earn SP in a plane, then You would’t be able to do that in SPAA.

SPAA are not effective against planes in general (with some exceptions), thus there is no point in actually using them.

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Fact be known, if you can’t accept that capping, assists and actually supporting the team, are part of doing well in the match, then you ignoring that those stats aren’t tracked, and don’t show in your precious stats, makes it clear that you’re so hooked up on misrepresenting those stats that you’re genuinely disingenuious.

Your stats don’t mean squat.

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So are we talking about the way to deal with the plane? Because people talk about the situation when they die to the air, and they want the solution for that.

Air is more effective against the air than SPAA and that is a real fact.

Not to mention that again, if You can’t earn enough SP in a plane to spawn into anything else, then You wouldn’t be able to do that in SPAA too.

People want to play tanks, not SPAA, not AIR. You can’t understand it? Fine. Then let them play in a mode with just tanks.

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It’s a shame that it has to escalate like this again. I had written a lot, but deleted it again, because it doesn’t change the hardened fronts that exist here. A waste of time. I’d rather deal with aircraft in the GRB …
In the end, everything just goes round in circles anyway.

It goes and will go in circles because some don’t understand a simple fact:

Some people just want to play tanks.

Because of that, they can’t understand why TO would be better for the game.

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I find the level of concentration to be so much deeper in times when CAS has been absent.It’s a real focus and " in the zone " type thing and CAS just shatters it.

No tank game touches War Thunder in that tank vs Tank moment,that is why I consider it a positive thing not a criticism to call for TO mode.

Keeping CAS is fine but War Thunder at it’s Tank vs Tank peak is just WT at it’s finest and the game would be doing itself a massive favour by having a TO mode.

It would be Tank gaming heaven and GRB bliss.


I would appreciate a lower BR for (at least some) SPAAs. For example the Wiesel. It’s almost impossible to use it as an SPAA because the planes almost flying at mach 1 and you only get a machine canon with max vertical angle of ~45°. Practice in test drive doesn’t help either because the ai planes flying much slower.


I’ve typed out so much, and also deleted it because it’s a well known fact that whatever I put out is derided by stats and mere assumption that I only want to get cheap easy kills and that I’m a bad person for it…

No-one defends my opinion, but I’ll be derided for the days by these sorts of players who think their stats are king, and that anyone else can shut up because checks stats I got more kills than you.

All for the ultimate goal of being able to be blind to any threat, so thus leaves one question… If CAS were to be removed, what would be the next issue they’d want removed because they can’t actually handle the game.

(Edit - Absolutely on-topic, and those false flaggers can go wreck themselves…)

It really takes a lot of practice. And even then, it’s a game of chance due to the high speeds involved. And even with the Kugelblitz, it’s already close to the limit. In a full uptier, you don’t even need to pull it out.

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Nothing will ever happen in this regard since game is geared towards selling premium planes .

When weighted against cold hard cash all of your arguments go straight into the bin .

Same goes for arguments about BR’s for Tanks …

Another solution ,play Russians since all their SPAA’s are OP based on Sekrit documents

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Play them first before you make such claims.


Historic loadouts + limits how many planes can spawn per match
Spawn points get bot AAA …one from 10 updates ago from RB

How does this statement relate to the fact that you didn’t play a single Russian SPAA in GRB? In general, your experience with Russian vehicles in the game is limited to the fact that you have only experienced them as opponents. 71 rounds in Russian vehicles in relation to your 15k+ battles indicate a clear lack of experience in handling Russian vehicles. On what do you base your claim that all Russian SPAA are OP? … you didn’t mention any specific SPAA so I assume you’re referring to ALL of them.
Secret documents? Nice claim that you will never be able to prove nor can anyone disprove. Therefore irrelevant.

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Honestly, screw top tier anyways. That’s the only place CAS-haters really have an actual argument to make.


I always have a good laugh at the folks who criticize me for not trekking up to top tier quicker…not playing in the dump is the smart move!

I’ll play top tier when I get around to it–it’s not something worth rushing toward, that’s for sure.


I’m with this guy.

My very own opinion is to remove combined arms battles entirely. I’ve known that era in the early days, I do miss it. Those were the days. I’ve never ground a single plane, I boast a competent winrate without having used a single plane or heli ever (besides like 5 times in 10 years for “trying it out”) and that’s my very own bragging right. It completely breaks the rock/paper/scissor aspect of this kind of games. I will not condone it and it’s plain boring too.

But since we know that isn’t happening (I’m no fool) then I’ll gladly settle for a rebalance especially the SP cost for ordinance, especially the completely broken point-n-click adventure minigame of top tier guided stuff. SPAAs at top tier are competent performers tbh. Balancing between nations might benefit some but overall I don’t think SPAA at 11+ is a problem. At mid-tier that’s where CAS is absolute (insert prohibited slurs here) and where SPAAs are completely incompetent at what they do. I’d much rather have a 50 cal on top of every tank to swat the (insert slurs) away. At least you can keep playing the game… You know, that mode, GROUND battles.

Is there space in your opinion for players that enjoy playing GRB as it is?

Indeed. Until top tier is actually given 1) proper maps to engage at mainly long range 2) gets badly decompressed so that rough eras of tanks mostly don’t mix anymore 3) objectives other than “sit in circle and pray you don’t get bombed,” I genuinely could not care less about it.

The technology is kinda cool, as is some of the ways snail went about implementing it, but the sandboxes they have to play in are woefully outdated.

Top tier just forcibly drags the godawful implementation of CAS to the surface for all eyes to see and no ability to deny it. Hence the storm of threads on the topic, usually with half-baked suggestions of “monke want mode no plane” and “monke want higher plane cost” like that will really fix anything at all.

All of the problems with it seen there originate in lower ranks, split into three main areas:

  1. Rage mechanics (unrelated to the April Fools from this year)
  2. Counters are either unavailable or inadequate
  3. Total lack of the real objectives most CAS actually did, as well as what most tanks actually did.

Rage mechanics are as follows:

  • Kill camera
  • Planes spawning in midair at fairly high altitude
  • Text notification when caps change hands functioning as “there is a (mostly) stationary tank at marked map zone, go bomb them!”
  • The entire concept of “earn Spawn Points for planes”
  • Helicopters being treated with kid gloves and allowed to first spawn unlike all other aircraft

The counters being unavailable/ineffective:

  • SPAAGs below radar tier are too punishing on average players, and too difficult to learn to expect most people to know how to use them WELL in their intended role.
  • Years of prior nerfing have enfeebled most SPAAGs in tank-killing ability, and then we’re surprised average players just sit in their own spawns waiting to die? This also extends to Radar SPAAG and especially SAMs. Many AA guns are missing their best anti-tank rounds altogether.
  • The game allowing people to queue in the mode at all without an automatically mixed lineup sets up new and inexperienced players for becoming enraged when they die to something they did not know they needed to counter and are not taught properly how to counter.
  • Radar SPAAGs and SAMs generally having harder and harder times locking targets and staying locked (Strela and Pantsir are FotM exceptions)
  • SAMs still being able to be prematurely detonated by incoming enemy ordinance, enabling a helicopter with 10 missiles to consistently defeat a SAM with less than that.
  • Several SAMs underperforming or not performing at all (Stinger, Starstreak)

Total lack of proper objectives for CAS (nevermind also tanks):

  • AI infantry
  • Bunkers with working guns
  • Towed AT guns
  • Artillery platoons outside the tank map
  • Supply bases outside the tank map
  • Modular airfields not guarded by Flash and Superman on the flak guns
  • Supply lines/trains, which are the vast majority of what CAS excelled at snuffing out
  • Last but not least we’re still stuck in the archaic setup with caps and spawns being fixed, separate entities. Some of the best shooters of the 2000’s worked on caps controlled by your team also being spawns.

And War Thunder has all the components already to completely fix every. single. one of these.


probably just separate it as a mode, i’m just tired of terrible ground players excelling in ground because they can get in a plane after almost no contribution


As much as I like GRB as it is now, I too long for a break from Combat Air Patrol and SPAA “commitments”