If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

Please cite me saying that I want review bombing to occur.

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I am so glad I put that trouble making troll on Ignore.I can highly recommend it .In fact its the only bit of WT related advice I might have for you lol

Because any means necessary to make the issue… After all, you can’t admit that the review bombing did nothing, but you want to make out that it did, even when you admit nothing of the review bombings want was implemented.

It’s alright, those of us who can engage without calling out mental health slurs are more thankful for you not being a part of this, so please, continue on your ways.

So You can’t cite me saying that, thus You lied.

People wanted optional night battles and got it. So I have already debunked Your claim.

Nope, didn’t lie at all. Stop calling me a liar because quite frankly, that’s insulting.

Didn’t take a review bombing to make that happen, and that wasn’t what that was about… Whilst people wanted that to be mentioned.

Any reason to make the issue was literally what that review bombing became. Any reason under the sun that anyone could put out as a ‘reason’… Just pure uncoordinated rage.

So again:

If You can’t then You have lied.

But it happened as a result of that. Same goes for changes related to the economy.

You can’t claim that review bombing did nothing.

I haven’t lied as it’s MY OPINION that you WANT the review bombing BECAUSE of the riling up you want to stoke on this forum on the regular.

Pffft, it wasn’t the goal of the review bombing so it’s not the same thing, that’s the issue with this shotgun tactic for any problem… Get enough people riled up, and you’ll get those rage voters who make you think you’ve got a majority going because the actual majority aren’t here, making stupid threads, and throwing out their cries of sorrow about how bad they’re getting owned in a game.

You stated it as fact.

So You have lied and now are backing up as I have pointed that out.

So what was the goal of review bombing? Because I remember that people were fighting about changes to the economic of the game which were implemented after review bombing as a road-map.

You know … I respect the three of you here for your views and opinions. It’s only while you’re banging your heads in here that nothing changes. In the end, everyone’s opinion is based on their experiences. And that’s hard to talk down.
If I was constantly annoyed by red cars as a cyclist back then, I’m sure that today I’m more likely to think that drivers of red cars are shit. But that doesn’t have to be the case … it’s all based on experience …
Basically, we all agree that a TO mode is the most sensible solution somewhere.
But how do we get there? I have no idea … Wait and pray?

I’m doubling down on it, and I will state it again… You want it to happen so you can tout your want as the solution.

There was no goal for the review bombing as every reason under the sun became the issue everyone was using to get their want through.

That’s how dumb it was.

No, I absolutely do not. This is the issue I have with this want to remove and want a new gamemode so people can be all ignorant to threats and be all adamant that they are good based on a stat which isn’t gauged in the same manner.

So You are straight up lying.

There was and many things are implemented because of review bombing.

It is, some just don’t want it to happen because they are scared that things are going to change for better.

I don’t want to remove anything from GRB. Just a mode in which you can recover from CAS.
Without CAP and SPAA again today, there’s hardly any chance of winning.

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People choose not to use SPAA on the advice from others, and get hooked up on them dying that they quit out…

There’s a reason you can respawn, but many choose to ignore it and keep just spawning tanks.

The remove I mentioned is the knee-jerk remove anything that affects me because they’re assholes for using it, and exploiting my ignorance.


People asked for things to be implemented - Gaijin ignored it - Review bombing happened - It got implemented

Sorry, that is just logic.

Provide any evidence to the discussion, so it can progress and then get angry about it.

Evidence of what? People not spawning SPAA then getting upset about the planes ripping them to shreds?

That’s all over the forums at times and it gets cleaned up on the regular because of how adamant they are that the change that needs to happen is in the game, not them.

And your advice to spawn planes is hilariously encouraging people to fail because they use all their SP on spawning a plane, crash, then leave.

Oh, don’t remember the very ‘common’ situation that You were describing and then refused to give even a link to server replay when that happens?

If they die/crash without gaining any SP that is on them. With SPAA they would just give more free SP to the enemy and has less chance to really do something.

What situation are you inferring because it’s quite obvious when you suggest to spawn SPAA and people are all ‘I’M PLAYING TANKS!’ that they aren’t spawning SPAA, or even looking up…

They can make more SP with the SPAA than a lawndart risk of getting nothing from spawning a plane.

The difference in cost makes it clear they could spawn an SPAA AND a tank, without even gaining anything, but with a plane, using all thier SP, they won’t be able to respawn if they didn’t get anything back.

Talk about logical thinking… /s

To the one You were describing when talking about effectiveness of the SPAA.

And with TO You would have a place for such people, leaving GRB to the people who enjoy combined aspect of it.

If they die to the plane that they can’t do anything to, then no. Not to mention enemy tanks in most cases.

So die in a SPAA to the plane and later in a tank to the same plane? No, thank You.

They have much bigger chance against a plane in a plane.

I use one, that is how I understand how this game works and can have good results in it.

If I were lying about things in game, my own stats would show that.

That was months back. I didn’t even mention it in this thread, so maybe you want to think a bit more about what was said, rather than trying to provoke an issue as you commonly do.

I was actually saying about the AVOIDANCE that people DO about not spawning SPAA themselves…

Because that cost difference makes a very big difference to how long you can last in battle, without using all your SP.