If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

Do players need to link the account to the PSN one?

People wanted economy changes? They did them.
People wanted an optional night battles? They did that.

Just examples, more is here:

Saying that review bombing in WT didn’t change anything is delusional.


People proclaim they leave all the time, but they don’t… Just look at that guy who compained that CAS was a problem, ended up playing Naval… lol.

So he started playing the mode with AI AA that removes his problem

That wasn’t the reason actually, but you keep telling yourself that…

Player A wants to leave the game because in mode X, he sees the problem of CAS.

Instead of doing so he changes the mode to Y where problem doesn’t occur, if it did, then the player would still not want to play the game.

Logical thinking is really that hard?

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It’s not logical as the actual reason they gave was that there was less CAS…

That’s how dim you are in terms of actual consideration of others knowledge.

It was nothing to do with the AI gunners, all to do with avoidance of the threat.

Veiled insults are just becoming so obvious that it’s dumb that you keep trying to make me angry by using them as often as you do.

So You need to understand why there is less CAS in naval than it is in ground modes, then we can talk.

We’re talking now, so why are you so upset about the points not matching yours?

Advocating review bombing, trying to extort and blackmail the company into doing what you want, trying to force their hand when you have no actual option to force such a thing is delusion. And your want for it to be about CAS, is ill-founded.

Especially on the back of the helldivers DEBACLE… rofl.

There is no point in discussion when You don’t understand how certain things lead to another.

If it was easier to use the air in naval, it would be more used. Thus AI AA lead to less air occuring, thus there is less air in the mode.

You brought helldivers example and I have told You that things changed, just not like players wanted it. Same is WT, things changed, but not how players wanted it.

See above… It’s done nothing and repeating the claims that it actually did anything is mere wishful thinking.

Changes were implemented, just not the ones that players thought they would get.

You can’t claim that roadmap doesn’t exist.

So the demands weren’t met… Wonderful that you can admit that failure.

Do You happen to know about ‘The monkey paw’? Or how not properly made wish to the genie will lead to the demise of the one wishing?

This is what happened. Players want changes and they get them, they just don’t understand how they are really going to change the gameplay.

But these players think themselves a majority, when they aren’t…

Many of them have simple issues that can very easily be rectified, but people like you saying that it’s pointless, make them think it is pointless, and then they become willingly blind to any alternative.

This is why it’s hilarious when I find someone with a simple issue with thier options, that makes all the difference because every time they sought help, they were told it was the servers, or the games bad netcode, when it was simple wifi or a join in progress setting.

As long as we don’t have an actual in-game poll on how players think, we don’t know who is in majority and who isn’t.

Indeed, but all these years, of all these threads with you participating and fueling them, isn’t making a difference other than to stoke the whinge.

From Your perspective, sure.

Pretty sure it’s not just me, as the same goes for peopel thinking I’m just an asshole for continually disagreeing with you…

The fact that we can have new people come in and abuse me directly because of the actual opposing opinions when I don’t call you guys names or insinuate medical conditions on the regular shows there’s a problem…

Not with the game, but with the players and the way they can’t handle being opposed.

If You want to talk about something else than the actual topic, then use PMs or other topic.

This is the topic, as you want the review bombing to occur.

Those who are going to be manipulated into thinking they did anything towards a fix, are going to be vocal because they’re having trouble with the game, not because they know what the issue they are facing is.