If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

Thx for the correction.

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Remove it completely. If Gaijin were to chane nothing else, they should make SP on aircraft much more expensive. SPAA is wildly ineffective, bombs are wildy effective, and CAS ruins the entire gameplay anyway. Realistic battles are just a race to spawn in aircrafy, not an opportunity to practice ground strategy or even just enjoy a nice, competive 1 v 1 tank battle. Any extended tank battles in Ground Realistic are ruined if they last longer than 2 shots by some idiot in his plane. Remove CAS or make SPAA effective. CAS is ruining the best part of the game.


I would have a separate GRB with no CAS. Leave CAS alone for those who enjoy it and have a new GRB with no CAS for those who simply want to play with no CAS for whatever reason.I would play both versions.

Re balance = constantly messing with .Sick of devs constantly fiddling with and ruining this game.


That is the only solution at the moment.


The games industry is already struggling with one “scandal” after another. And the players don’t feel that they are being taken seriously as it is.
The only thing that seems to help in the short term is “shitting on the floor”, so to speak


They tried that here with the review bombing that they think did more than it did lol.

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It actually changed a lot considering how Gaijin is now more cautious with what they do.

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Absolute nonsense… And the uncoordinated mass that threaten AT EVERY MENTION OF THINGS that they’ll go back to review bombing is the most peak ignorance of it.

The fact that it was uncoordinated so much they were joining the game, telling people not to play it, berating those who were whilst they were in the game themselves and all ‘dunno’ about the timeframes or what they were even doing was indicative of the mindless mindset of them.

It did nothing, and trying to tout it as doing anything is hilarious.

Even the helldivers bombing didn’t do anything because that playerbase was so conned anyway lul.

How is that nonsense? Many things changed to what players wanted it to be, they are still implementing it.

So the whole changed to economy didn’t happen, same goes for many more changes from roadmap… right.


I don’t know it what kind of reality You live in really.

Players did what they needed to do as devs didn’t want to listen to what playerbase wants.

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I have decided for myself that when my Premium expires, it’s the end. There are still 208 days in which something can change. Apart from that, it was a great time and my life continues to go its own way.
If the players find a creative and purposeful way to have a positive influence on the developments here, I will gladly join them.
Call for it … aahh … no … I don’t have the creative and purposeful ideas for that. ^^

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You have to ask why any game that is 12 years old or very old elements of a game need re-balancing. It implies it is inherently broken.if you move a T34 to 4.0 after three years at 3.7 does that not indicate that 1 :It never needed moving as it was fine as it was for so long or 2: it was always broken and somebody wasn’t doing their job properly.

Would it not be logical to fix the game and spend Dev time on new elements rather than constantly fixing old ones? it just seem like perpetual firefighting.Bucketing water rather than fixing the hole in the ship.

Then you didn’t follow up on the story about helldivers then… They ‘won’ but then realised they lost, after changing thier reviews to positive, thinking they had won.

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Devs are doing what players want at the moment.

Please provide a link to any news talking about it.


Maybe you need to stop touting failed ideals thinking you’re right all the time.

This! I tried to warn them that it’s not over yet. Everyone felt so energised by the victory … yes yes … These are big companies just waiting for the right moment. It’s like politics. One step back and two steps forward.
Ubisoft and EA have been working on their own decline for a long time. Microsoft is also heavily involved. I don’t know what the situation is on the console side.
I’m not even sure if I’ll still want a computer in 10 years with all the shit they’re coming up with now.

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The case is still not finished and what players were fighting (needing to link to PSN) was not introduced.

And that is why players are doing review bombing, it is the most effective way to change something.

If all players would join, then devs would have to change things.

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Oh it’s absolutely finished, they won… You’re just so delusioned that you cannot accept that they got outplayed because it doesn’t suit what you want the narrative to be.

What narrative now?

That review bombing in WT bringed roadmap which are changes that players wanted? Just because they aren’t actually how people thought they will be, doesn’t change that it is what they asked for.

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It hasn’t changed anything, they removed the game from places that don’t have PSN, and new accounts sign up with the requirement to link your PSN.

You’re delusional if you think otherwise.

Are they though? Can you go into more depth on this ? Seems so many are saying Goodbye to the game over the last few months.