If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

Its old news mate and on the mobile your post is vast,gonna pass.

I lnow the system,you start an argument then run screaming to a moderator and we all get banned.no thanks

Like i said, old news

Planes with 30mm+ Cannons should also get SP increase. Though I think the spawning from airfield is a bad idea. All it does it delay you actually playing after you spawn.

I think it should be based more on the ammo belt, and less so the calibre. Too often does a change at 1 BR badly effect an aircraft at an entirely different one.

30mm Canons may be effective for ground attack at lower BRs, even up to BR9 (with the right belts) but something like a Sea Harrier with 2x 30mm ADENs shouldnt get a SP increase at 10.3 just because of a lower BR fighter with a good gun.

Alternatively, they should just start tweaking aircraft SP cost on an individual basis

Ye, I think it would be a buff and a nerf at the same time. The buff is that it would be able to sneak around the map without detection flying low and easy sneak attacks compared to its current air spawn where i can see it spawn in and react to them before arriving. The nerf is just delaying the CAS a bit longer and some CAS plane need more time to climb a bit.

Personally, I think

  • limited sorties (with a reward bonus for successful RTB) OR
  • an SP cost to re-arm when you RTB

would be a reasonable way to adjust CAS in ground battles.

The former, you get to repair/rearm at most N times, but with a suitable bonus reward when you land (to offset the absence of unlimited refills) - kinda like the 80/20 split of air sim rewards, except it’d be a 100/100 split (for example - for SL/RP at least, SP bonus potentially lower?)

The latter, you get the loadout selection upon repair/rearm, and pay some amount of SP (based on the selected munitions, not including the aircraft’s base cost) to “respawn”.
It could potentially factor in cost scaling (if you re-use the same armament/type of armament), but adapting costs would probably get complex/unwieldy if you have mixed loadouts/overlap e.g. first spawn with GBUs/ATGMs, then later re-arm with ATGMs/rocket pods.

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You do have a choice to spawn at AF.

draining SP after you’ve already spawned sounds like a horrible idea. It would be an even bigger punishment, ontop of already have to fly back to af. Furthermore, there’d need to be an option as to which munitions get resupplied, or just not resuply any at all (like if you’re playing counter CAS in spitfire) and just ressuply ammo.

Leaving the air spawn, but moving the airfield back a bit might be a reasonable compromise. I find that on the maps where it shifts from prop sized to jet size the larger distance to the AF takes some of the sting out of CAS due to the longer return times for 2nd /3rd etc runs. So you still get your quick 1st run, but tankers get a bit more breathing room while you RTB to re-arm. It would also mean that a badly shot up plane would have a harder time RTB, making it a bit more profitable playing SPAAs.
Obviously this would be less effective once you get to supersonic jet ranks, but I think it could work fairly well up to BR 10 to 11ish

Implementing something like the system for switching load outs like in air battles without having to pay the SP for a second plane wouldn’t be too bad, but it would need to have SP cost for the weapons, or you will have people farming just enough SP to pull say an F-16 with zero weapons, then instantly landing and swapping to mavericks and/or paveways. Possibly have the weapon menu pop up when you respawn at the start of the runway and you can select your loadout with free options for air to air and maybe some basic unguided air to ground, then the guided weapons for what ever SP they cost. and a “re-arm current loadout” for free or discounted SP. I’m a bit conflicted on that one, on the one hand I like the idea of less guided weapons (especially fire and forget) landing on me… but forcing players to pay twice for them seems a bit much, especially given it would mean that they have less SP to spawn back into a tank once they get shot down… but that also means they have less SP to spawn another plane and having someone kill half you team, then when he finally gets shot down, just pulls another plane and goes right back to it, is very frustrating for ground players.

SP cost to be able to rearm might work… But… Currently you cannot change your aircrafts loadout once you spawn. So you would need the ability to do so. That way, worse case scenario, you could at least reconfigure for CAP if you didn’t have enough SP for another ground sortie.

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Raising SP just means you cant fly so whats the point of having CAS? Might as well implement Tank only.If WT is so proud of the flying element then playing CAS should be as cheap as ground.

if done right, It would mitigate some CAS, without outright nerfing it. Get at least 1-2 kills. Then reload away, maybe even still with profit SP. But dont do that, maybe you run out of SP and now have to run a weaker loadout.

For example. I did a match the other day in a downtier in the Tornado Gr1 and spent 15 minutes just lobbing PGM-2000s cross map. I did about 4 or 5 sorties. But didnt get a kill on all of them. Maybe I shouldnt have been able to do that

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I understand where you are coming from and its the common answer but my point is if CAS is part of the game as we are told in every TO discussion then why seek to nerf it or balance it at all?

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Because with or without TO. CAS does need some tweaks for Combined arms as well. Even as an air main, who is much happier in an aircraft than a tank in GRB. I will admit some aspects of CAS need tweaks.

I think some things need buffing as well as nerfing though. (You can read a full list of tweaks id make as the first comment on this thread)

For example of a buff. Tornado Gr1. 1-12 unguided bombs costs the exact same amount of SP as 1-4 GBUs. There is very little insentive to run the unguided bombs over the guided bombs. If the unguided bombs were cheaper (or if the GBUs were more expensive) then there would be a reason to take the risk of using the unguided payload. I also wonder if its worth considering some “default” loadouts for some aircraft. A highly limited A2G payload that costs no SP. So on something like the Tornado Gr1, that could be 2-4 unguided bombs. Enough to get a kill, but probably not enough to be a major threat. (of course that should be done on a case by case basis)

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3 kills with Ostwind I in a 6.3 battle and 2 kills with the Bf109 G2/trop … why? why should I focus on enemy planes? For this reward? It’s a slap in the face …

The Naked Gun Slapping GIF by IFC
I’m getting fed up with always playing the fire brigade for the team. Especially now that the “Thor’s Hammer” challenge is underway, you can’t avoid SPAA and CAP …

Balance the reward … this might give some motivation … otherwise …
Angry Disney GIF

Don’t take my rant to serious but the problem is real …

And just for the record …
Killed last 85 Battles 266 tanks + 71 planes so still almost every third kill a plane.
correction (thx to ULQ) every 5th kill (4,75)

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I don’t want to be rude but if You want to talk about kills You have made:

266 + 71 = 337 - all kills
71/337 ~ 0.211

So every fifth kill is a plane (or it can be called that).

That would be good for people wanting to play the combined aspect of the game and I support it.

What rewards do you have for Severe Damage? Since that change was implemented, the Destruction of Aircraft rewards do not give a complete picture e.g.

War Thunder 24_05_2024 19_11_58

The Destruction of Aircraft reward looks terrible, because 80% of the total reward is captured under Severe Damage

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Thx for the advice it was 11k for the severe damage. Still, not very much for my taste.