If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

Again, you’re welcome.

Well I’ve always held the notion it’s in poor taste. But we can agree that campers can camp all they want but deservedly risk having a bomb dropped on them if they don’t have the tactical acumen to relocate occasionally. Because if CAS has time to take off from an airfield, reach the battlefield and find the camper still sitting behind the same bush or rock they have clearly overstayed their welcome.

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make the SP cost of spawning A2A jets really low

SPAA not really matched well against the guided munitions right now, its too easy to fly perpendicular to SPAA while guiding in bombs.

I feel like the balance between heli and SPAA is pretty good, but jets just have it too easy.

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not really… Camping or even the concept of camping (being a bad thing) is Asinine.

Its a Tank… most are designed to get into a good position and shoot/defend, then relocating, usually advancing into enemy territory…

If you have a good spot where you can shoot and not be shot very easily that is simply superior play (usually coupled with superior map/vehicle knowledge)

So, the notion that camping is “bad” is, again, Extremely stupid. Camp, dont camp, do whatever gets you better results.

CAS players didn’t make War Thunder, I know you are too unable to work this out like many others.

If you don’t like people using planes in a game with a mode with planes then… well it is obvious.

Maybe ask Gaijin, the Devs who make the game, all these questions rather than random players (yes I think the removal of vehicles in a strong position is a weak argument, but never seen Gaijin state it so just a random players opinion).

You know, asking Gaijin but not hidden in a Survey reply where there is no proof is a good start.

Shame you guys seem to attack anyone using planes unless they also have to have a mode just for their specific need…

you are too simpe

Excuse me… I am what? Please clarify if this is supposed to be an insult or not before I waste time reading the rest of your post.

Mucked it up and had not finished. In a low signal area, didn’t realise it had sent.

Where am I attacking anyone exactly?

Oh, are you all the “you guys”? Didn’t realise you had multiple accounts (that last sentence is sarcasm)

Don’t answer the relevant parts, it seems to be a trend of certain members here…

This is a response to your “CAS people say” comment. And by CAS you mean any plane used in GFRB since we know it is a veiled insult.

But reply like you did nothing of the sort…

And @Miragen it is a shame since your previous post was spot on. If you are in the mood when you posted that, and not the mood you were in during second one, I’d be interested in the airfield spawn one on particular as could do with a refinement.

Edit: Spawn SPAA works, sorry; and to be clear I mean it also works a lot better than doing nothing at all. Just not at particular BRs, which is why stating which BR a conversation is concerning helps.

Yes, glad we agree!

Oh, are you all the “you guys”?

I am the guy you replied to so I assume the things in the post that is directed at me are meant to be directed at me.

Don’t answer the relevant parts, it seems to be a trend of certain members here…

They keep it relevant instead of adding irrelevant parts? I couldn’t avoid the relevant parts if it was all relevant… but alas.

This is a response to your “CAS people say” comment. And by CAS you mean any plane used in GFRB since we know it is a veiled insult.

It’s an insult if you want to be insulted, it’s obviously a jab at the dumb argument that is supposed to justify CAS because 1 out of a 100 kills you get with CAS ended up being against a semi-valid target and not people in spawn, people trying to capture objective, not people just normally playing the game.

That doesn’t justify CAS, that doesn’t justify an A-6 bombing tanks from 10km in the air, or helicopters shooting missiles from behind cover, or SU’s shooting missiles from god knows how far, or a AU-1 carrying as much as a heavy bomber because that one time there was a guy camping.

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The last part was more general. Hence “guys”.

Yes, I agree it is a poor argument regarding “it is a solution to”, but no one made it, you just put up a flame post which was not needed (unless it was by someone I have blocked, but you did not have it linked to any other comment). That is what I replied to.

Now, you again miss the main point by being awkward. That being why ask other players why aircraft are in the mode when Gaijin are there who made the decision. Do you not understand the replies from other players are their “feelings” and not Gaiins official response, which is how these replies are taken?

Why do you feel the need to aggravate? Or am I the bad one for pointing out rants, stat shaming, making up what has been said? (Yeah, found a few of them scummers) The previous post was so constructive (minus the Just use SPAA general misrepresentation; this is not just about higher tiers).

And this IS a topic accepting planes are part of the mode, not the other type of topic lost due to lack of interest I presume.

I know, I said I generally agree…

Since you are not going to understand the difference between postive actions and silly posts like your second one I’ll move forward:

So, airfield spawns is a good idea (was always skeptical due to how the runway might get locked down by the enemy, but can do that at airspawn now anyway). An issue the alteration will bring is you will no longer see them spawn in (keep eye out for black dots after an enemy is killed, spam air alert, works at mid to low).

It might not be an issue but aircraft would be potentially more sneaky and not spotted until too late, while countering those players on the revenge bomb of course, I understand the issue.

So a possible alteration could be, to stop airfield spawns possibly creating a new problem (not spotting them spawning in/getting to battle), the display/alert of a message to the team that “aircraft are seen leaving the enemy airfield”. Only because currently, for the most part, as soon as those black dots appear you can get ready for an attack, with airfiekd spawns they would be less noticeable until too late (yes you can dump alt at spawn to hope you are not noticed but not the same as AF spawning).

And that was all to you incase you got confused.

That being why ask other players why aircraft are in the mode when Gaijin are there who made the decision

Where am I asking other players about this?

Why do you feel the need to aggravate?

I posted a freaking meme dude.

Since you are not going to understand the difference between postive actions and silly posts like your second one I’ll move forward

Positive actions like starting you reply with seemingly calling me simple minded right out of the gate or getting angry over a meme.

I see it is too much for you. Never mind…

You moan about being flagged but keep at it 👍

Get over yourself. “Seemingly”? What I wanted you to read is visible (which is why I removed simple since was a poor choice), I removed what was inappropriate/what I saw as unneeded in the edit as had not finished as I told you, but you can’t get past that…

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we disagreed about 70%, or more…that was just a 10% agree, since campers Can and do move… but they do not have to, nor should there be any negative stigma in camping (other than people who Only camp, and end up doing nothing, when they Could and should have done something to help the team … but even that has exclusions)

Exclusion example, of which i have done myself. Is, i guard the flank, and set up in 1 or 2 spots and my team Obliterates them, and then usually pushes close to their spawn, butttt, instead of that being a bad move, and them getting wiped… the whole enemy team either quits or insta dies after loading in… again)

That’s what I was noticing. I was trying to report it as an issue that impacts the game and new players, like myself but its clear it’ll never be changed so if no one else GAS, why should I. The future of a game for new players isn’t my problem. Still learning my A-6E and my Apache.

Thanks! That’s a lot of useful advice.
I’m still learning to be a pilot. Spending a ton of time in custom battles with my A-6E, Apache and my Click Bait. I know the AI is stupid but it helps me learn the maps better and for practicing CAS they make good practice targets to try to learn to find them AND, if your stupid on the ground, they’re targeting is no joke so they will keep you attentive. A-6E and I are struggling with lock breaking between locking the target and steering the plane to align for the drop and with the VERY small maps. Learning curve!

I tried rocket strafing with the Apache but not happy with how that works so I’ve been finding nice little nooks to hide in and missile from. I did go to the enemy airbase and start taking out the enemy airbase defenses to see if it was possible. I mean, its targets I can get points for, its dumb AI easy targets and then I can have my way with the enemy planes before they even start to roll. LOL.

Being new has had another very interesting side effect. I learn by watching replays. Replays of people who destroy my tank, replays of top players and even replays of players whose names I happen to notice. I watch them to learn how the pros play. I’ve found and reported two blatant cheaters so far and guys I play with have started looking at their replays and discovered really blatant cheater just this morning. I like hunting and this is a whole new side of the game, hunting cheaters. LOL

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  1. Variable FoV for SPAA - Tank players have to scan in a circle around them and are aided by engine sounds. SPAA players have to scan in a hemisphere and although also aided by sounds, the engine sounds are less intuitive for aircraft as it’s harder to pinpoint one’s location and direction. And tank players don’t have it easy at all.
    By increasing FoV, SPAA players can scan around them faster.

  2. New PoV w/ high FoV - even with higher FoV, when aiming up, the player’s vehicle will take up at least the majority of the screen, if not entirely. There is a workaround - zoom in until just a little before it jumps straight to gunner view. But the problem is that switching between that, gunner view, and regular view, is very cumbersome. It can take a while to wheel all the way between the different views.

  3. Recommended lead similar to naval - SPAA and AA crews were well trained in determining aircraft flight characteristics like range and speed, and employ a proper lead on them (and fuze if airburst). In War Thunder a player essentially has to assume the role of multiple crewmen. It leads to a situation where SPAA, particularly slow firing cannon ones, are struggling to threaten or deter CAS at anything beyond very short range.
    Depending on crew skill level, an SPAA crew should be able to periodically calculate a lead. Players will then have the ability to reliably engage retreating aircraft, while CAS players can simply maneuver periodically to counter this.

  4. Rework bombs - It seems some bombs, just by being large enough, are able to ignore obstacles that realistically would severely negate fragmentation and pressure damage, such as buildings and earth. There are plenty of situations involving large bombs that are just absurd.

  5. Separate tank-killers and pure SPAA - Some SPAA are so much better than regular tanks at tank killing. Some are crippled in that role, and some literally have no weapons to use against ground vehicles. SPAA that are bad against ground vehicles should be given a different treatment. For example lower SP, a free backup (for most lineups only 1 SPAA choice is viable, if at all).

  6. Off-map radar - Many SPAA in game don’t have their own radar, or only a fire control radar. But IRL they’re connected to long range radars, allowing SPAA to be cheaper, easier to operate, and less detectable. Yet, such radars should not have an advantage over, or be equal to SPAAs with onboard search radar. For example, an off map radar could ping the heading of all aircraft every 10 seconds. If that’s too much, adjust it to 15 or 20. But at least give situational awareness-impaired players some eyes.

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