If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

In the match I am recalling, that wouldn’t have happened.

There were about a half dozen enemy tanks guarding the capture point–he’d have been cut down by them long before he got to the cap.

CAS would never have found him at the cap zone because he’d never get that far…his team had conceded the match long before that point.

If his team had conceded the game then what does him not suicide charging the capture point have to do with the efficacy of CAS?

You said this scenario as an example for why CAS isn’t overpowered, but you’re saying it doesn’t matter whether he would have been killed by CAS or not as the game was lost by his team.

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You misunderstand: I did not commentate on CAS’ power with that citation–I pointed it out as a showcase of CAS’ frequent status as a scapegoat. (I would comment on CAS’ potency separately.)

The only relation that match had to CAS is that the relevant player (a poster here) blamed his team’s loss on CAS. Analysis of the match showed it was his team’s failure to pursue the objectives (the capture zone) that had lost them the match–not CAS.

Enemy CAS was scapegoated for the team’s failure even though it was obvious that their poor GFs gameplay had thrown the match for them.

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I don’t believe most people point to it as an overall reason for losing games most people generally will label this a failure of team play through various factors such as ODL or lack of skill.

People do commonly complain about CAS and its balance in relation to ground vehicles as it fundamentally is stronger. There are few counters that are effective against it in relation to ground vehicles and some nations don’t even have these options at all.

Limiting Planes/Helicopters/Drones needs to be done.

I just don’t get it, why it’s so hard to give players what they want to enjoy the game? There are so many people who are complaining about it, and still, the CAS Community gets angry, votes everything done, because they just wont those easy kills in GRB.

I am sick an tired of the state of the game at the moment. Won’t play anymore to just be eaten by planes and you can’t do anything about it. Don’t tell me i can use an SPAA… Sure i can, but try that with 4 planes attacking you at the same time, what happens so often. Or, the helicopters sitting 8kms away and your SPAA rockets just have an range for 6km… This is just unbalanced and not fun anymore.

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I know, but at least it wouldn’t be painful to have to die at minute 3 from a bomb from a player you had killed seventy seconds ago.

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As I have said previously, the biggest issues with current gamemode are:

  1. There is no place for people wanting to just play tanks
  2. Teams are made on random

No matter what You are going to change/propose, as long as this two issues are with us, nothing will change.

@poopooo just prolonging the inevitable doesn’t mean it is not coming.

One solution is to convince such players to take responsibility while playing a combined mode. But that is their choice and so accept the consequences. Promotion of stopping CAS with current tools rather than putting everyone off is a good start. And yes, those wanting pure ground battles will not be sated, hence:

Or if they want a new mode they could use a thread specifically for those players in the hope they might send a random message via a survey, or maybe the first ever Suggestion to be made in Suggestions. (I don’t know why you gave up on TO but that’s your choice)

Since a Skill MM won’t ever work the “random teams” is just how the game is and I have yet to see a way around it.

Not everyone comes from that place. People who actually appreciate GFRB also might want changes, I don’t see why you are so opposed to them.

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I already know, but for example for me it is not the same that a plane kills me at minute 3, than that it kills me at minute 15, when I have already killed several enemies, I have lost some tanks against other tanks and in general I have played a decent game, apart from the fact that there are already more players with SPAA in the game. It is clear that there will be the problem that the games are with random players, but that is something applicable if there were TO games, since there are many players of War Thunder that seems to be played blindfolded.
On the other hand, in the same way that I am in favor of ARBs, I would also be in favor of a dummy GRB TO, although I recognize that that would make the SPAAs lose their meaning.

I’m not opposed to changes, I just understand that if this two issues I have mentioned are not resolved, nothing will change.

Then if people knew that after 10 minutes mark they would just leave the game leaving around 4/5 players to fight. You are going to make other part of the community angry.

Heaven forbid people use the TO thread to talk about TO…

One of the solution would be lack of just pure tank players in current GF RBs mode, meaning it is some kind of a solution to the issue of balance.

Well, that has been happening for a long time with the ODL.
You see, this is what happens when, because of making the game more and more rubbish, you make veteran players (who generally played well, and are committed to playing until the end of the game) abandon the game and are replaced by a lot of players it seems like they’re just passing through until something else comes out, and they don’t give much importance to the game’s problems, unless they are problems that benefit them.

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I would make bombs and rockets not explode on spawn area.
And all other ammo and shots would reflect to enemy so any dmg they do = damage to their own vehicle.
And add more spaa that is actually capable of doing something and not only watching enemy from orbit (since they lack range) killing half the team. Also add spawn ammo replacement with a cooldown so its not abused.
Add some AI spaa near spawns area that target only planes that attack spawn.
Limit the amount of planes that can be spawned at one time to 2-3 - because right now GRB is more like CasRB.
increased sp needed to spawn planes to lvl that you actually have to contribute to battle (not one cap/assist) to be able to.
Completely remove free revenge kill mechanic that is strike drones (just remove them this was the worst addition to the game ever).
Add spaa radar markers customization so they can customize friendly from foe look or colors to be more noticable (would help less experience players).
And mostly massively Increase the rewards for shooting down planes/helis - right now they are abysmal and inconsistent to a point it better to hunt for tanks than to kill air
Disable the ability to drop bombs/rocets/shoting after massage of aircraft/heli destroyed.
Make damage model more accurate so air and helis dont tank so mant shells.

Give option to not play battle mode (like we have with night battles) since maps in them are so limited it makes cas way to easy to dominate the game.
Add on maps AAA placemats (different kind) that can be controlled by players (in places they cant shot and be shot back by/at tanks) when they run out of sp to spawn,
Also make air dot not blend in with sky so badly on maps with different lightning variants and improve LOD range.
But nothing will change since Gj is greedy and will never put premium plane profits over player enjoyment of game.
Stop limiting gameplay are by red zones.

Another CAS post, so yeah I partially agree, if you want to fix it, do what enlisted does, and put a timer on when you can use aircraft after starting the match.

Well I wasn’t saying it wouldn’t resolve issues for some, but not all players have the same stance.

But this thread can resolve issues for players with a different want than say TO advocates.

I just am unsure why you all abandoned the TO thread where that stance is more relevant. But such is this forum.

Fortunately someone posted a Cap and Fly video, showing that this method can be used to intercept CAS since getting an Interceptor is even quicker and easier. They might miss the first air to ground kill but after that there is less threat from CAS; why this topic exists…

It only matches didn’t last only 10 mins anyway… ☹️

It doesn’t matter if all players have the same stance or not, with accition of a gamemode for pure tankers, there would be no pure tankers in combined mode, aka:

That stance would be just true. No one could say that he just wants to use tanks as there would be a dedicated place for it meaning that all ‘use SPAA/Air’ responses could be seen as real solutions.

Of course it can be used that way, but it doesn’t solve the issue of people in a tank which is mostly where people have the issue.

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Airfield spawn as mentioned is an important start, significantly delays CAS, removes revenge bombing by a significant amount, taking a heavier loadout actually negative impacts your travel time.

Higher SP cost, a single kill or cap should not be enough to spawn a fully loaded plane, SP also needs to add up with every single bomb as to not make the biggest loadout the most valid option.

Removing markers for air, no idea why they get hit markers and scouting targets from several kilometers away when they only have to search in a small 1x1 square most the time, whilst air operates in a massive 360 degree environment and at best we got a general direction with a command.

No intel on capture zones, it’s a giant ‘come kill me’ when you try to capture a zone with planes in the area, they are not on the ground, they should have no way of knowing the status of a zone.

Clean fighters should be cheaper, but the problem is that many can still have strong enough belts to be used as CAS, so they’d need to rework belts to only have a low pen belt and even then they could still be a risk.

SPAA gets the scouting ability to mark planes for 1 minute, also allows for scouting assists to help with rewards.

At higher BRs they should be a basic radar for everything that informs the player that a plane is up and it’s general direction, no military operates without long range radars and having to rely on the Mk1 eyeball is stupid when missiles get launched from several km away, it’s impossible.
Something like a radar that updates every 10 seconds that detects enemy planes in a general area.

Remove attack drones, it’s stupid.

Actual sights for SPAA so you’re not firing third person and getting blinded by muzzle flash.

More proxy SPAA or vehicles with AA capabilities that aren’t Russian.

Never allow planes to outrange SPAA.

And this one doesn’t even consider the issue that you cannot hit targets at close range either.


Bigger maps, more objectives, more players.

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