If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

And on top of that, there is other game behaviour that has a negative impact on the game. Lemming trains, ignoring flanking tanks etc.
I dare to make the bold claim that 75% of the players are overchallenged with the game.

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Elsewhere on the forum, the goofy CnF “strategy” is being suggested again. That naive tripe was a major contributor to worsened team quality back in 2017…yet amid the ODL scourge, some people want more of that.

FWIW, CnF was great for the opposing teams when they used fighters/SPAAs…plenty of inexperienced, green CnF players to shootdown. They were usually easily beaten while thinning their own team’s numbers…I still remember that timeframe well.

CnF is a neat parlor trick…but knowledgeable players know it’s nothing to rely upon.

Considering how many people you see resorting to cheesy measures like settings manipulation to ‘improve’ their lot in life…yeah, a bloc is really reaching.

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Await the TO advocate brigade try to turn this into a TO topic again.

Stat Shame
Making up what others have said

Then get pounced on by 3 members for pointing this out…

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People enjoy tank gameplay so they play tanks. Because of lack of place for them, we are in a situation we are right now.

People who enjoy air, go to air modes that is why in combined there isn’t a lot of people who are dedicated to deal with the air.

That is why I belive that no change can really ‘solve’ the issue we are having in GF RBs mode and why any change provided will just anger the playerbase.

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Expanding access to defending fighter aircraft via the Fighters First concept is a solution to exactly this.

FF gives players more freedom of choice to confront enemy aircraft with without compromising players’ ability to select GFs at the match start…players get more choice, there’s no downside!

FF (and related mechanical changes like despawn points/SP rebates) would accomplish TO’s main goal (added protection from aerial attacks) in a cheap manner by tweaking RB GFs very slightly.

There is no good reason for TO advocates to oppose FF.

As FF concept was already talked about in multiple topics/posts I won’t bother to jump into that rabbit hole. This would destroy any gameplay for ground units that have little to no protection against aircrafts MGs.

Even @JuicyKuuuuki doesn’t see this idea as good one.

Lmao at the apocalyptic talk…we had exactly this sort of setup years ago with the Chronicles events and everything went fine.

Both teams would have access to fighters and SPAAs from the start…the only way ground units would be harmed is if the enemy team broke through the other side’s defenses and had the ammunition to inflict harm (widely variable).

Anyone who thinks Fighters First would ‘destroy’ GFs gameplay is flatly naive…it’d only increase players’ freedom of choice, that’s it.

I suppose that latter bit may be why some TO advocates oppose FF…they might fear it’d be a death blow to their own advocacy (which is entirely possible).


It didn’t, anyone who played the game at that time saw this.

Of course, but You need to remember that there are people wanting to play tanks. You are taking that out of the scenario but it is crucial, same with teams being made on random.

Not really. WWM mode had FF battles and planes were destroying any ground unit on the ground.

I would love to have FF in game as it would allow me to just win games with just air, but I understand from people who just want to play ground units perspective, that it would ruin the mode for them.

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I was there at the time and no substantial complaints were raised.

As it turned out, few were bothered by the combined arms fighting of aircraft and tanks fighting aircraft and tanks in the mode dedicated to aircraft and tanks fighting.

If you’d like to contest this, you may dig up complaints from the time for us to look at.

RB GFs is a combined mode…meant for aircraft and tanks.

FF would likely attract many pilots from the air modes who would be happy to fly defense missions of their friendlies if given the change.

WWM? Lol…it did not have FF (as proposed), was a mix of AB and RB and had direct ties to coordinated squads.

WWM has no relevance to FF here because of its differences.

While this is a good attempt at humor for its cavalier bravado, it’s not a very serious take.

RB GFs matches are decided and won by GFs, not aircraft. In addition, you’d be liable to face enemy aircraft…who’d be keen to shoot you down if you tried to engage their ground targets.

FF would not allow you to win games singlehandedly. At best, FF would let you to engage enemy aircraft and then assist your team thereafter if you survive.

You wouldn’t have bombs or rockets and MG/CNN ammo is of limited effectiveness. Add to that the enemies, ground fire and team mixture…you’d be doing CAP maybe, but that’d be about it absent a respawn.

You seem to be confused about FF and what it means…PM some time and I’ll explain it to you again.

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Well, it needs to be balanced as fast as possible.


  • maximum of 3 planes at the same time in GRB
  • the winning team shouldn’t be allowed to have more than two planes/helicopters/drohnes in the air
  • more SPAA’s with better capabilities (fire range, loadout etc.)
  • more SPAA’s in general
  • the locking system on the SPAA’s, except of the Pansir of course, are a joke, needs to be reworked

Guess there wont be changes anyway. But hey, i won’t be spending any money for the game anymore, until they change the CAS in GRB. I know, Gaijin does not care…


I was there at the time and complaints were raised.

You are the one with initial post talking about it so You are the one required to provide something to back it up.

As RB GFs is for tanks too, You need to take that into consideration. You fail on doing so.

So Chronicles events that allowed You to fly air units with bombs/rockets from the beginning have no relevance to FF too ;)?

There is no humor at it, just how tings would turn out.

Again, this is not a topic about FF and it was already talked about in multiple threads. successful

I said something similar a while ago.
1-That planes are restricted to 4 per team at the same time, and helicopters to 2 per team.
2-Planes cannot be taken out in the first 12 minutes of departure.
3-A functional AA sight must be added to the SPAA, with several reference circles and a smaller zoom to be able to shoot with possibilities at aircraft in lateral passes.
4-Possibly review the ballistics of the SPAA bullets, since it seems that they fall too soon.

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I was there…didn’t see anything like that. Not in the battles, not in chat, not in the forums.

I doubt there was any substantial complaining because I never saw any.

Lmao, so I’m supposed to prove a negative to you? That’s illogical, lol

Spare me…if you want to say there were complaints, the burden of proof is on you not me.

FF would not impose any restrictions onto tankers or their freedom of choice. (Associated mechanical changes like SP rebates and despawn points would expand their choices also.)

Chronicles were plain mode events and did not have the squadron tie in that WMM focused on…you’re comparing apples and oranges. (Perhaps you’re forgetting those events years ago)

Considering that video in the other thread…highly doubtful.

Despite its lackluster player quality, the team you faced there almost wiped your F4U out several times; it was only spared because they generally took you on 1 by 1 before losing interest in engaging seconds later.

With FF, you’d be prone to facing multiple enemies (fighters especially) focused on taking you out. Surviving that while trying to engage GFs…little to no hope for you to succeed under those conditions.

Yes it is a “What If” scenario but consider some planes are actually being used to stop CAS from having free reign.

So “What If” your teams 3 “slots” are taken up by 3 CAS pilots doing not much? Meaning no one on your side could help counter enemy CAS.

This is not disuading your point but just possible negative side effects. I just wonder if limits could be handled sensibly, and of course the above might be a non-issue (as in my personal concern).

Nice to see the thread back on topic.

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The other issue with arbitrary hard restrictions like that is that they violate players’ freedom of choice.

If a player has the SP to use a vehicle, who is Gaijin or another player to deny them use of their vehicle?

It’s better to let team mixture balancing needs (given match conditions) guide vehicle selection.


And I was there and saw things like that.

Would only destroy gameplay of ones that lack armor against plane MGs.

And in WWM there were battles without squads present ;).

Considering my K/D and K/B in said plane, it is not.

Any limitation will bring just more problems than what it solves.

When you have something, get back to me with it.

  • Vehicle qualities are a merit matter
  • The enemy team’s fighters/SPAAs would object to such attacks
  • Successes despite the enemy’s fighters/SPAAs do not constitute an issue

If the enemy is defeated, that doesn’t mean there is a problem.

WMM was wholly different for more reasons than just squads’ involvement, as I’ve mentioned. It is not relevant to FF.

There is not sufficient data filtration to verify those figures and past results do not necessarily predict the future.

As I said, your bravado was fun…but not very serious.

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True, he should have gone to the capture point so he could die to CAS there instead.


That is my opinion on the “freedom” too. But it is still a possible option and this topic needs more positivity.

As said in another reply. Limiting things won’t solve the issue we are having.

The core of the problem is that:

  1. Some people just want to play tanks and are doing it in GF RBs mode as there is no other place in RB settings for that.
  2. Teams are made on random.

If at least one of this things don’t get changed, the problem will be with us untill the game gets closed.