If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

Add ARMS, HARMS and ECM >:)

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You replied to me saying

So If You were talking about @VenomThanos then reply to him.

Not to mention the rant to me while I haven’t even talked about

He is free to go to whatever topic he wants and talk about the subject of tank gameplay in GF RBs mode. There are tanks here and should not be neglected (as You like to do by telling people to use something else instead).

But they are not a solution for people who are in tanks.


So no one bothers to shoot you down. No wonder certain groups put off others from using CAP and SPAA.

Hint: anyone wanting to stop C & F of enemy just one player does C & F but spawns a CAP! Rocket Science!

But I know, its impossible spawn planes in GF…


Odd, I started when planes existed in GFRB and as a collector/spader I didn’t have issue with enemy air to notice… and all these players against aircraft still retain decent to amazing stats (bar a lot of shirt holders) with ground vehicles in a mode impossible for ground vehicles to perform due to air… hmmm… I see a problem with this narrative.

If you don’t want to fly just ask Gaijin in a random survey; they will respond instantly!! 🤫🤔🤣

For bi-plane level, for sure. But no point since no one wants to play planes or SPAA anyway 🥺

Lower the AA sp cost , even though it’s low enough than the rest of vehicles ( I think )

Um , planes like SU-25 that can have a very big weapon loadout ( and similar other planes ) to be “locked” in a way , like a team can spawn 2 of them max ? Something like that and the rest to spawn different planes .

Not all AA can handle SU-25 for example . But a SU-25 can handle any ground vehicle .

Might sound dumb as an idea but that’s that came up to my head quickly enough to answer this question which plagues the game since the ground forces came into the game .


A game chosen to play. TheManx already showed he does not appreciate it. That’s fine but more relevant to a TO topic (but still not bringing anything new until the next survey).

What is the solution then in GFRB to alter CAS/other mechanics to allow GFRB to be what Gaijin wat if to be? This is not a TO thread so must be in relation to GFRB. But I know you have stated before you are generally against changes here (to GFRB).

As in “the topic”, not just a complaint about not enjoying the game (valid but better off in a relevant thread, yes?). Whether someone likes GFRB generally or not is fine but not as important as solutions, aka “the topic”.

No, not every comment is relating to YOUR issue with WT. Some comments clearly state playing tanks is pointless (in their opinion, fair enough) as planes win battles. Yet people get good k/ds, win rates, without using planes. Which surely is impossible if the situation is as dire. Yes I can empathise with those totally not liking GFRB due to the only modes being Combined.

The OP made a specific topic to pool ideas regarding GFRB and planes. I am not sure why you have issue with that.

Maybe I am not misreading some comments or trolling but have a different opinion on the game? Responding to people who refuse to answer basic queries on their statements, and those trying to muddy the waters, is tiresome, yes.

Otherwise, yes, if one team has a player willing to play air and the other all want nothing to do with it the player willing to play air will have many options to get kills on ground vehicles. Such a surprise!

Edit: and let the topic flow again like the previous comment, since this is why the OP made it and people should respect that.

Tank gameplay is also relevant to GF RBs topic as tanks are part of it.

That is why suggesting player that he should not play tanks is not a solution.

It is not about my issue but issue players are having and are talking about here.

You want to downplay the issue by trolling but anyone who can read the comments on said topic understands that You are not even talking about the problem player have.

We don’t need air units doing 10 K/D to be able to prove the lack of balance between ground and air units. It was already discussed here and in many places on new and old forum.

Of course, if You want an actual discussion not the trolling, You can write me a PM ;).

Edit: flagged for no reason.


Amazing we go from a ridiculous misunderstanding of what is being spoken about to this:

Are you playing dumb on purpose?

Did you even read what I said to TheManx? Did I mention any of what you say I had done? No. He is a 40 something year old man, I am sure he can hold his own.

Limit CAS numbers in GFRB?

How did I type that and it not immediately start a new topic?? Mystery.

You cant balance it…It really is that simple.

Planes made tanks redundant both in this game and in real life.

So don’t take the game serious, the Devs and the players don’t? planes simply slamming into tanks for a kill should be all you need to know about how serious to take this game.

Planes made tanks redundant both in this game and in real life.

video game?

It’s not even the most I’ve ever seen, that is a screenshot from THIS WEEK. Of course, I cropped out the part where I got a tank kill and died.

In many aircraft spread throughout the game, getting tank kills really is as easy as pressing a few buttons. Even at low tier - a Pe8 or Lancaster allows you to kill half a team by pressing spacebar once. At top tier, guided bombs from space aren’t rare.

What’s funny is that the US actually has quite a number of SPAA that could be added to fill in that gap, gaijin either doesn’t want to or hasn’t gotten around to doing it.

My personal recommendation is to get an aircraft (which you’re already doing) and take matters into your own hands - USA restricts you a little on playstyle (essentially, stay fast or eat ass), but they have a lot of great fighters to choose from.
Spawn in, memorize your spawn altitude, climb a little, and head over to the enemy airspawn. Don’t stay too close as you’d be marked on the map but you can be a little off to the side and still intercept aircraft before they ever touch the battlefield, and it’s a lot harder to shoot down an aware opponent than rocketing or bombing an open top SPAA.
If they notice you, keep going fast and waste their time, you’re still preventing them from doing anything to ground units.

Just be aware that the ground units you’ve just saved from many bomb deaths aren’t always gonna turn that advantage into a win, and if there’s no CAS, you have no targets.

I will take one objection to this, shooting down CAS planes in my J2M3 is basically shooting fish in a barrel but it is insanely satisfying

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I support a TO mode and I’m pretty good in both. Feel free to try to statshame me though, it’d be nice to reminisce on the days when I was bad at the game.

At least then I’d have a mode to play my tanks in without feeling like I’m putting my entire team at a disadvantage by NOT using a plane and NOT shooting down the sometimes EIGHT CAS PLANES IN JUST ONE MATCH.

Obviously there is only one of me, so I can only do one of those.

-Increase bomb/rocket/other spawn cost and decrease spawn cost of clean fighters. CAS should be more expensive to spawn.
-Remove airspawn/put airspawn lower in altitude
-Add air scouting/AWACS/ground radar station, telling every spaa in the match where every single aircraft is
-Enlarge map borders for SAM SPAA only, allowing them to get in better positions where they don’t run the risk of a tank suddenly showing up
-Fix heli heat signatures and contrast locking so helis aren’t straight un-lockable by all the self-guided SAMs in certain situations (proximity to ground/low cloud cover or fog/distance beyond like 3km where Stingers are UNABLE to lock them in any situation)

Hey look just off the top of my head I’ve made CAS less powerful and SPAA more useful, AND I simultaneously fulfilled the premise of this topic.

You’re welcome.

This is not about a TO mode and it was @VenomThanos talking of shaming stats.

It is not a hard conversation to follow.

Are you trying to mock me? It was not me trying to swing this topic to something else.

Oddly you were not the person I was speaking to; they refused to discuss solutions…

Some suggestions that I think could fix CAS or planes in Ground RB are increasing the spawn cost of getting into a plane (especially if it carries bombs), setting a cap to the number of planes active at a given point in game (maybe by type? Fighter/bomber etc), or increase the incentive to spawn SPAA and shoot down aircraft (higher RP and SL gain per aircraft shot down).

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This isn’t a TO thread. Sorry you can’t find one so have to derail this one yet again with your salty trolling.

CAS abusers like you are the problem. Constantly annoyed by players who at least try to stop CAS in GFRB…

Where did I say TO supporters are bad at the game.

Oh yes, I didn’t.

Go away troll. Maybe keep TO in TO threads…

No matter what you change in the area with CAS. The players refuse to take countermeasures and prefer to play the petulant child.
Why do a few manage to deal with CAS and others don’t? Simple answer … that nobody likes.
The mirror provides the answer.

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It’s easier to whine than win.

I remember some months ago we had a guy complaining about CAS ruining a match for him when it’s actual influence on the match was negligible:

His team ignored the cap on a Conquest map to sit idly camping and spawncamping within 5 minutes of the match’s start while tickets burned down at the uncontested, enemy-held capture point.

That didn’t go so well, but because he was killed by an aircraft once: “OP planes!

Blaming CAS for losses is the poor man’s excuse for being outplayed and defeated.

A large portion of the time, CAS is irrelevant to the ending for them…it’s just an easy boogeyman to whimper about.

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