If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

If he haven’t played it, You would say that he has No experience with air

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Because at one point I was a CAS main, but not for long, why are you surprises that I am creating a meme to shit on my former self lol

What? I think you are trying to display something not present. If you continue to misconstrue comments there will be no discussion since we know your intent of just trolling.

Yeah, and you weren’t good at it, it appears as used meme ones only (I mean mainly the ones with the BIG BOMB which even you couldn’t make work as a CAS MAIN).

So again, which CAS mains?

And people like I linked above? Bad in tanks, and bad in planes?

And you admit beyond “CAS abuse” you have no interest at countering CAS with the the same vehicle type you “abused” (badly)?

So again, same scenario as ever!

A tanker who flies and stats show aircraft make little impact in the end (compared to the complaints).

Because I have no interest in flying, it gets old so quickly so stop playing them, when you have no interests then expect to perform badly in it, same as someone who have no interests in getting good in the tanks they played the most bro.

You never did “fly them”, just used supposed OP CAS that you were unable to achieve with.

And you ignore all my questions so I know you are just using bad faith.

So still no moving forward due to these Anti-plane Trolls. Nothing is stopping any progress but YOU guys and your deflection.

Which CAS mains? … TUMBLEWEED…

(The only person I found matches your description is a supporter for TO - bad in tanks, bad in planes. Therefore “Tankers” are bad at Tanks!)

Because we are discussing a problem that occurs when player is in a tank, not in a fighter or SPAA.

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Sorry, you jumped into another conversation. There is no “we” with “you” in it. “We” (I and another called the Manx, then Venom) are discussing.

Stop being disingenuous like your first reply, and then the second.

Seriously, realise when you miss the mark!

Edit: Just waiting for VenomThanos to “explain himself” by avoiding what was discussed completely…

What do you achieve anyway? Since you used everything in the game why is your winning rate still lower than someone who only plays tanks and nothing else?

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So @VenomThanos are You talking about a situation when You are in a tank or SPAA/fighter?

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In a tank bro, like what my Maus gonna do when a plane drop bombs on me, some of “them” indirectly tells me to dodge the bombs, those gaslighting though lol


Why ask me questions expecting answers when you do not reply to mine from the offset? Stop trolling. I know you are having fun and have said as such before, and I take your posts with that in mind.

Why are you asking him?

The conversation is with TheManx… and it is not “talking about a situation”, he does not like how GFRB is setup, is a new player and decided it does not fit what they wanted.

Scroll up some more? VenomThano’s quip was about something he is unable to substantiate. You are jumping all over the place…

Keep avoiding and deflecting when it is just simple questions considering you replied to me replying to another…

This topic about how one would re-balance CAS (not that the three new thread creators give a shit), not really “I don’t like the concept and so want a rant about it”.

And where is the TO topic? I seriously can no longer find it and forum is a mess with the duplicate threads.

You not agreeing does not make a troll. I try to answer questions, yes it turns messy sometimes due to dishonesty like the type you are showing here. Can you find evidence of “my associates” trolling? Will you ever answer a reply honestly?

And again you deflect with your bad faith…

Specifics? Which CAS mains? Which CAS main associates?! But you won’'t answer, you are just trolling… sigh

Trolling =

-Try to get people to make a Suggestion
-Try to get people to ask Gaijin specifically and not rely on other player’s responses
-Promoting this thread as opposed to starting countless others
-Point out SPAA (Juicy showed) and CAP (many other showed including ULQ_Lover) are part of the issue and use of such improves the situation

Classic Trolling, yep.

As opposed to yourself and ULQ avoiding answering where possible and making out something else has been stated.

I am not the one missing out, you guys are! If you truly wanted something you would not be acting so poorly.

You are having a conversation with him to which I replied.

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I’m having a conversation with TheManx and then VenomThanos made statements which he refuses to embellish upon (other thsn I agree “mains” are not probably the best players… specifically CAS mains and Tanker mains, the default being a WT player/Tanker who flies etc.). I should not need to do the work for you.

So the subject of the conversation is neither controlled by Venom nor you, hence my question of “why put that question to him”.

The fact that we are in multiple comments now due to refusal to answer just proves this constant bad faith a few members bring.

Shops are open so time to pop out and leave you two to avoiding for whatever reason…

@TheManx are You having a problem while driving a tank or when using SPAA/Air?

Because if You are having a problem while driving a tank then a ‘solution’ of using something else is not a proper answer.


No answer at all, trust me bro.

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You just can’t stop trolling. I’d advise waiting for the next survey.

No, VenomThanos has yet to reply to my first two in relation to his reply to my own comment. This has nothing to do with your replies as I was speaking to VenomThanos… who has avoided being straight even now.

Stop kicking the can down the road and pick it up…

Can’t even point to a CAS main… but THEY are everywhere!!! Oooooo

Then he should go to a TO thread and not a “what can change in GFRB” thread. The tools of SPAA and CAP are not hidden in this mode

You are being intentionally stupid ULQ_LOVER so either read the conversation or stop derailing and trying to alter the conversation to fit your pointless narrative.

What a total prick you are being… what a surprise. I hear a new survey is coming up 🤣🤣

i win 60 % of all matches with my 7.0 US lineup only by playing planes (cap and fly).

it is extremly easy to get to the top of the scoreboard by playing air planes.