If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

I just use SPAA to cap (Bosvark 20 miles ahead of the team is funny if roads allow, got mine pimped and camoed for extreme prejudice), CAP to de-CAS. Plus if you find a light tank on the cap chances are a good ROF SPAA can put them out of action. This has been a method up to where I tailed off (7.7/8.0ish - too many nations as I spade all and burned out). I can imagine Top Tiers and the advancement of systems takes the mode away from what WT achieved in earlier war years. So one must adapt or face the consequences (often not a persons fault but a collective)

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ehhh already stopped many from doing so. Flaw, maybe if one don’t know how to aim with SPAA and wait for the right moment.

But how reliably can you do that? Even if I’m alone, the only times someone will slip by me is if there’s two of them and I think I can’t take both of them on, or if they just suicide dive at the battlefield.

Outside of that, the battlefield will remain enemy-CAS-free.

And even if I got shot down, I might have forced them to drop their bombs early and outside of the battlefield so they can have a chance at fighting me, and that is a very good outcome too.

I have recorded videos and so far seems pretty reliable to me. I shared them already on other another main CAS thread but its far within the 3k posts that will take forever to find. Literally just have to find the good spots or stay with your team and not in spawn, learn a specific SPAA you feel comfortable in to learn the shells velocity and know how to lead with it etc…

As someone who has CAS in every loadout and spawns CAS every chance I get: honestly, at least until Rank 5 when jets start rolling up, I think removing the air spawn would prevent the most toxic part of CAS: revenge bombing. Unless of course the recipient of the bomb is camping, but camping is also toxic so it balances out.

I’m also for having SPAA be able to replenish ammo at spawn.


Those aircraft are still making it to the battlefield, that’s the problem. With a fighter, they aren’t even making it that far. Pe8s and Lancasters, even when flying high and outside of SPAA range (for most players anyway), aren’t safe either.

So doesn’t matter if I keep showing proof then lol literally saved my tankers and to you it’s still a problem

camping is Absolutely Not toxic…

You can argue that Spawn camping is toxic, but even then i would argue that if the team lets them get in position to spawn camp (not watching flanks, getting overrun, etc) that the spawn campees deserve it.

Revenge Bombing is completely toxic. and a cowardly scum move.

Comparing the 2 is absurd.

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Last time I heard them say: “hehe we just wanna quickly get back on the tanks to help our team bro that’s why we crashes, no need to waste time rearming”

um… wut?

You know initially I thought I was providing useful insights from the perspective of a new player. Sometimes I forget the times we live in, lol. The community is absolutely in love with spawn camping and killing tanks with planes, I know that now. No one wants to hear anything negative about their favorite way to earn RP! What was I thinking? Even the other YouTube cannels call tank kills in planes “Free RP” and when I noticed the Airbases on tank maps have an AMAZING amount of anti-air defense while the tanks had none, I realized I was missing the point of this game, its not tank vs tank battle its tank target for planes. Planes are defended from spawn camping. Tanks are not. Says it all. I even tested some of this. I tried to drive to the airbase but the game considered it leaving the map to drive there and taking another aircraft there is not a good idea for most pilots in the Tank arenas, lol, its not like attacking freshly spawned tanks.

If you can’t beat’em, join’em or take all that money and leave. So rather than fight it, I said, “Screw the requests not to buy top tier till I was at that level” and I bought Click Bait and an A-6E and I spend my days now behind my Warthog controls and Pendular peddles learning the air to ground systems in test drive and custom missions. See I agree with you, you’re so amazing!

I’m with you, if a tank driver can’t get out of the way, GREAT, more free RP for me. And the video content for my channel is AMAZING!

I just do the tank junk now for video content to edit. I just finished a battle where I had to respawn in a T14 with a turret rotation speed of 16.9 degrees. 2 SPAAs where at the spawn already fighting 4 aircraft. The planes were alternating their dives from all directions so it seemed like there were so many planes coming at us. I couldn’t turn my turret fast enough to keep up and get any shots off. ALL SPAAs died while I managed to survive but only because I was a heavy and the pilots sucked that bad at bombing. As I tried to drive away from the spawn I was shot by a tank spawn camping. Do you have any idea how amazing that will be for my channel demonstrating what new players will face in WT. Its absolutely amazing and with all the planes swarming everywhere, it’ll attract a ton of attention on my my channel. I mean really, it looked like Tora Tora! Amazing stuff!

I love it

By the way, the Warthog throttle works for normal aircraft but Apache collective gets all messed up with it. Reports on the forums and reddit all say its been a bug for more than a year. The A-6E targeting systems lose lock when switching from targeting view to 3rd person view, reddit also says that’s been broken for over a year, the TrackIR for flying views completely conflicts with the targeting views of the apache and the A-6E which reddit also says has been a bug forever and you can only work around by mapping a butted to deactivate TrackIR when you want to activate Targeting view. Before I add it to the list bugs I’ve encountered I thought I’d ask the community if any new solutions have been found?

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PercussionCap & JuicyKuuuuki, thanks for your kind advice.
Percussion, its amazing how far a little honest acknowledgment goes isn’t it. I’m a 40 year gamer (Started on the Radio Shack Color Computer). I don’t roll over and cry when someone upsets my cornflakes! I get off my butt and fight back! All I have to loose is pixels.

That score list is an absolute testament to how many planes are in tank battles. If you hadn’t said so I would have thought that was from an air match and not a tank match.

Yes I have absolutely done exactly what you suggest. In arcade I’m good at it but I need to play realistic (I naturally sneak around which can be really dumb in arcade). I’m grinding my US tree as my first full tree and only have the M42 as my highest SPAA. I’m currently grinding the M163 but that’s 7.7 and my highest lineup is barely 7.0. As I was dying in my SPAA one day I realized I was not using any of the tanks in my lineup because I was too busy defending myself and others on my team in my SPAA. So it dawned on me, what’s the point of the tanks? I either die to planes or spend my times trying to kill planes from the ground. fighting tanks is irrelevant and using an SPAA really just joins the air battle. Why not just call a spaded airplane a spaded airplane!

As I began searching the net for answers, I was told to group up in a squad. First squad I was in had amazingly nice guys but they played Helldivers more than WT. A very old friend invited me to his squad. I’ve never head from anyone except my old level 100 friend since joining and he suggested I play Arcade for a while to get more experience before grouping with anyone. I just unlocked my first Rank V vehicle so I guess I’m too noob, besides, grouping with a level 100 and following them around sucking off the “Team Kill” tit isn’t the way to improve. Its not about leveling up its about skilling up. Anyway I digress. That being said, dying in slow tanks immediately after spawning isn’t very helpful either.

I started to notice several Youtube channels referring to tank kills in planes as “Free RP” and when you think about it it makes sense. WT has always been an air based game. When I noticed the airfields had heavy AI defenses but the tank spawns had none, that confirmed it. The big problem now was that after decades of playing Air war games from the mid 80’s on, I came here to do tanks and hadn’t put any time into air. Now I had to abandon tanks (except for my channel content) and learn planes and if you’ve been around a while you know every sim is entirely different.

So now I turn the negative into a positive for me. Turns out you can rename the replays so labeling the ones with really extreme and blatant spawn killing is really easy and there is SO MUCH CONTENT! I’m by no means poor so I subscribe to the entire collection of Adobe tools so I use Nvida shadow to copy the videos and Adobe Premier Pro to do Post production work and over-dubs on them. Some of these videos are ridiculously amazing. Can’t wait till I start uploading and publishing.

It was funny the other day. My old level 100 friend sent me a screen shot of a tank camping a spawn and had written on it, “9.7 match” and add a text below it telling me to enjoy my easy times while they last, serious campers await me when I get to upper tier. It was so funny when I showed him some of the info I had collected from Rank 4.

Anyway, thanks for your kind words.

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That’s quite a lot of not a lot. Thankyou.

I’m so glad you enjoyed it. You’re so deserving :)

I’m not the one ranting after only 400 matches. Type less and learn the game (I had little difficulty in my tanks regarding planes considering the majority of my time in game by a large margin is in ground vehicles).

You obviously started with a negative attitude and it shows, surrounded by friends with a negative attitude.

Things are not perfect but the issues are widely team/player related. And this is NOT a one on one dueling simulator, if you want to play it like that it is your choice.

Maybe don’t buy premiums until you know you like the game! If your way to tackle air personally is a mid-rank Heavy then maybe drop back and try again.

Tailess cats are soooo moody…

That’s exactly the advice most cas mains here needs to note down, type less and learn how to play, because the ones who quickly jumped into the anti-cas threads to deny there is CAS problem always happen to be the ones with negative KDR on most of the vehicles they played, even after having 30,000 matches they still negative, they die more than kills, spend more team’s tickets on average than draining the enemy teams, which give the enemy more sp to spawn more CAS or tanks to jeopardize the team lol sometimes when I see my team has a lot of deaths with no kills then I expect to get bombed more often.


CAS mains such as?

Why would anyone listen to a “CAS main” or a “Tank main” in GFRB where no such reasonable position exists?

So you agree TheManx and “Mains” should type less and learn the game, good.

Just need to find these CAS mains (I think there are one or two self-professed but already found out they probably aren’t and their results in CAS mean they are NOT the ones killing you, or anyone).

I presume we mean people like this?:



(There is so much more but rest assured almost all is sub 1.0 K/D… which isn’t a biggy since this is just a game where people do what they want)

Just for shit and giggles


Ironically you seem to use the “Nasty CAS memes” a lot yourself… Pe-8/Do-335 B2/He111 H-16/Lancaster B Mk III/Wyvern… most played air vehicles by you! Looks like probably doesn’t play ARB (much or at all) so most come from GFRB? Not bothering to use CAP or SPAA but willing to use CAS and then be one of the group putting people off CAP and SPAA… hmmmm. And yet you do well in all your ground vehicles despite this supposed impossible game due to aircraft… hmmmmmmmm…

Yes, we know the scenario.