If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

I would lower the br of every spaa that has only missiles (the ones that can only target planes) to 5.0, so that you can get rid of the 15 planes that continue killing you in your spawn.
To balance this, those spaa will cost as much spawn points as a heavy tank.

2a0a2a1021e29f96173e35bc17f5b326 (1)

Ito90M 5.0 real!?!?!


That’s the crack cocaine take my friend.

Damn, gimme some of what hes on…

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Unlimited AA won’t work. Many of them can already “penetrate” heavy tanks to death. The quad .50 pens all the early tanks way too well.

Then maybe an AA should be classified as tank destroyer or light tank (like IFVs) if it carries high-pen belt.

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Nah, just add a strela or ozelot at 5.0 in every tech tree. This will also fill in any spaa gaps in the tech trees.

I have a question…

Wtf are you on rn, and can I have some

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I’m just annoyed about enemy planes spawn killing me all the time.

Then maybe advocate for CAS SP rebalances and/or forced bomb fuzes, not putting missile SPAA at the same BR as the late zeros.

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So what we see here is an RB battle I just finished. So I decided to explore the battle to see if there was any correlation between the use of planes and top scores. I’ve blacked out the names here on WT to protect the guilty but I didn’t block them out elsewhere. I’m focused only on ground kills by aircraft. Ground kills by ground vehicles for contrast.

On the blue side the top scorer is a level 100 player. The player got 2 kills in 2 ground vehicle, switched to a jet to get the remainder of his 15 kills pausing only to crash land at the airfield twice for repairs. He divided his air attack time between capture points and the spawn point.
10% kills = by ground Vehicle
90% kills = By Jet

On the red side the top player surprised me because they actually got the bulk of their kills in ground vehicles. In the air the player spent some time attacking the capture points. 2 of the air based ground kills were targets leaving or defending the spawn area. It was noteworthy to me that the this player was NOT level 100 but was 86.
60% kills = By ground vehicle
40% kills = by plane

On the red side again, the second top player, also a level 100 player, got 1 kill in his panther before dying and switching to aircraft for the balance of his kills. He divided his time between the capture point and the spawns area.
10% kills = By ground vehicle
90% kills = By bomber

Of special note, a level 100 player who died in his tank quickly, spent the remainder in a plane, crash landing numerous times for repairs and blowing his own airplane apart while bombing me. This would be laughable if it weren’t a high level player with 448K+ ground kills and a PVP ranking in the 1400s.

So this has changed my mind about killing tanks with planes. Clearly killing tanks by planes is far more effective then hunting around trying to kill them on the ground without being shot. Top scoring players are only using their tanks to get into the match before switching to planes to kill distracted tanks. Their even using planes to build their naval trees. I watched carefully and each and every player in my match received multiple awards and tank kill credits. Even TANKENSTIAN in his review video of the A-6E referred to tank kills as “Some free RP”.
It is impossible to learn to play better when I can’t even get out of the spawn area beyond the first tank.

So you have finally convinced me. Everyone should build a lineup of ground attack planes to grind a tank tree using dumb tank players for RP. Time to buy a top tier and say to heck with the grind.



So you have finally convinced me. Everyone should build a lineup of ground attack planes to grind a tank tree using dumb tank players for RP.

*air tree

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Or move off spawn maybe… i just feel bad players blame anything on their terrible skills.

Pearl Clutch mode needs to be added as a safe space for ground only limiters.

How would that work? You just been shot down by one enemy who used a fighter for one minute, CAS stopped, your lineup would be free Points to an enemy with 1 brain cell.

Which is the problem.

If you didn’t like my analysis with the guilty protected, you’d really hate the YouTube videos I’ve been creating with names shown based off of the skills of these great spawn camping players! I’m building an entire series with just the kinds of practices being demonstrated by players in this game. I’m also going to make a montage of people spawning and being blown up with their “Skilled” killers in the background. NEAT HUH! I’d be playing in tank battles but I still have to map my controls to my new A-6E.

Well perhaps you can enlighten the the unskilled amongst us.
How would you drive away from a spawn while being bombed? I use the “W” key but I’m new so perhaps with your greatly enhanced skills you can provide us with a much better way to outrun planes and bombs as you try to flee the spawn area?

Accept it, the game is for planes only. Have you noticed on tank maps, the ridiculous number of AI SPAA surrounding the player airfield to protect against airfield spawn camping. Why the amazing lack of the same spawn defenses around the tank spawn areas? That’s because if they put AI defenses around tank spawns, spawn campers couldn’t get any kills.


Your initial post was all doom and gloom and dismissive. I returned the favour. Whether I liked it or not is not relevant (I would say it didn’t do anything for me either way)

If aircraft were up and no credible defence had been supplied by my team I would not be moving from ground spawn. I would be adapting to said battle (all those micro decisions) and attempt to remove said threat. Hint: personally don’t use SPAA for air, but game has this easy option to stop CAS and still mainly play the ground game. It’s all in the skill of adapting, yes most players are probably unable to.

Oddly I’ve spawned thousands of times, the being bombed/attacked on spawn part I seem to avoid. Maybe the enemy just like me and choose not to attack? Who knows?!

Yeah, my many more hours in ground vehicles than anything else and acceptable returns must have been before planes existed.

Thanks for your proactive addition to this thread xx

Yeah, I’ve seen plenty of that. Though you can always fight back if you’re so inclined:


Of course, I realize that adding MORE planes doesn’t quite fix the issue, but if more people did this, CAS players would stop spawning them so often.


hehe thats one way of dealing with them. I get the same results using M16 SPAA though, which is what im used to anyways. But I agree, CAS wouldn’t be a huge threat if the team supported this way too.


Been saying that for years but the pushback is usually instant and negative.


The inherent flaw with SPAA is that you can’t quite intercept aircraft before they drop stuff on your team, with a fighter you can.

I see a lot of people not prepared for the inevitable top tier ground situation of aircraft easily outranging any SPAA in any nation. Aircraft will be the only viable counter to other aircraft eventually.