If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

You can’t regulate it. I don’t really want CAS to be changed. However, if you COULD do it, I would accept a change like that.

I ask differently. How is this mechanism supposed to work?
How is the mechanic supposed to recognise that it was “revenge bombing” and not useful from a tactical point of view? Just want to understand.

I mean I can speculate on it but I’ll make some caveats now to make sure I am understood correctly:

  1. I don’t want to do this.
  2. I generally just want people to be able to play whatever they want, however they want.

So if I wanted to make a system to prevent revenge bombing and I was the CEO of Gaijin for a day, I would probably make an announcement that shows up on every players screen when they log in for at least a week stating that the TOS is going to change to enforce new behavior rules. The new TOS would state that revenge bombing would be categorized as a form of harassment. I would then define that “revenge bombing” would be any act of spawning an air asset and seeking to destroy the player that last killed you either first or exclusively. Enforcement would take the form of reporting the replays through the behavior reporting system in the game, and I’d bolster the review panel to be able to process the extra claims. Large ordinance or carpet bombing would not be included unless the player was intentionally targeting the single tanker in question when better targets were available instead. I wouldn’t allow it to ever result in a permanent ban, but it would go from a day to a week at most.

It’s not a good idea from a business perspective because of all the extra labor to process the reports and any time you have to use rules to get people to be decent to each other it inevitably falls apart. I just don’t understand how there can be so many people who rage about CAS but at the same time every time I win a 1v1 in War Thunder the loser reaches for their low BR kamikaze plane to make sure everyone is having a bad time.

Thanks for your explanation. o7

I’m for these 2 options mostly. A lot of the complains are for CAS SPAM due to how easily its obtained. It will decrease the spam for sure. It also wouldn’t hurt to allow spotting for air targets too as it will alert players and allow them to take different actions according to incoming CAS. I liked RB due to no enemy showing on the map like AB but ever since the spotting mechanic came in, started leaning to SB. To make it fair, allowing to spot air will help a lot.


If its part of the game as we are told it is then why should obtaining it easily be an issue?

They will propose every other change instead of just saying that implementing TO would solve all issues regarding ground vs air balance because in most cases they won’t be able to have fun anymore.


I would generally reduce the effective range of bombs. if someone manages to drop a bomb next to me he deserves a kill, but if he just managed to sling it 2 houses behind me it shouldnt kill me at all because the precision is missing.

It would also be gread to have range finders work quicker against planes and have a better zoom so you can easier see where your shots go. The zoom on some SPAAs is an insult.

Thats super hard to correctly implement. It would help much more if they just remove the kill cam, or at least everything befor and after the impact so you best case get a direction but no position. This would make ravange bombing much much harder.

If TO GRB was put into operation this whole debate would vanish and CAS players would have zero threat to their enjoyment or existence.

The only thing that would change for them is the cessation of constant nerfing/tinkering of CAS in GRB.

CAS whiners would not be a threat to CAS players and CAS players would not be a nuisance to TO advocates.

I don’t think it takes any great level of intelligence to work that concept out.

It does however seem to take more intelligence than some people have on this forum to understand it.


Another one is less target that are going to spawn in air/spaa to deal with them, meaning more competition.

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I think the separation would actually bring us together as a community. We have the option to play together or not and if land-based units and air are playing on the same map it is because the choose to and not forced to.

I think the overall level of player contentment would rise.


I have to agree here. The problem i see is that most players that like the current status are also pilots themselves. If 2 modes would exist there would be no reason for non pilots to stay in the mixed mode and as such almost everyone doing mixed mode would be a pilot which would quickly derail the battles from ground to air battles. One of the main reasons for liking the current mode as a pilot is easy kills and in many cases little opposition. From my experience in games it also happens that planes completely ignore each other to achieve this.

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I’m not so sure the pilot/non pilot spit exist that much. I play both and I do get the occasional x6 multy kill with the PE8 which is always funny.

My habit is jumping into CAS second spawn and while it is often an easy kill or maybe 80% cert its often only one kill and I think my stats would be better if the second spawn was a tank on many occasions, could be the same for many others .Jumping into CAS can for me see a game I am leading slowly slip away and I fall down the ranks as I mess about in the air.

I think the way we all play the game would vary in TO GRB that is why its not just about taking planes out to spite anyone or appease anyone.

Everything one does on a plane would have to be done without one and while that may seem obvious it leads to many other gaming possibilities.

You can use SP without being fodder for CAS and if SP are out there then so can fast MG armed vehicles to hunt them giving all that low BR MG/ Cannon based stuff a reason to exist in higher BR.

Much would change ,it would be like a new ecosystem in many ways if you think about it.

Lazy play would have to go and that might make for better players, better play and more thought.

TO GRB could be like Chess to normal GRB being draughts or maybe like Snooker to Pool as an analogy.


Add more SPAA. Strong SPAA. And lower all SPAA BRs.

Shift the rewards so that pilots get a better reward for killing enemy aircraft and less for killing enemy ground vehicles. That would make it such that pilots were rewarded better for being teammates than they were for hunting ground vehicles.

I would be delighted if the M16 and vehicles of the same design were to be at rank 3 in other TTs. But some others could indeed need a change in BR.

there should be 10 kills for cas loadouts 5 for anti air loadouts 15-20 kills for a nuke. i shouldnt be seeing nukes every game. these other idea above are good ones too.

i exclusively one death leave because my next two deaths after my first legitimate tank to tank death is always a heli sitting 15km away

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You are still just changing the game ,lets stop firefighting and do something that makes a difference

Bring in GRB TO and change nothing in the current GRB


At this point I rather fight cheaters, at least I still have a chance to kill them, unlike A-10 shoots missiles at my T-80 from outer space, or A-6E drops bombs from the moon, it’s worse than fighting cheaters in their tanks. lmao

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