This was also only in existence while in the “starter pool” of pre-3.0 vehicles from what I recall (Or might have been Tier locked as they altered what Tier does over updates).
Do new players no longer have this starter pool? And did they remove AI from that? Of course when I experienced this we still had the D point spawning at random moments.
In my opinion, the only balance would be the mode combination, as this would completely change the game structure and maps,
All players choose whatever they want according to the map, plane, tank, ship, but they stay in the vehicle they choose until they die, the next spawn chooses what they want again. Additionally, if what I wrote above is done, a single spawn always makes more sense.
If there is realism in the game, even if it is an arcade, the player should not be able to jump from the tank and fly into the plane. If this is prevented, then CAS will be as it should be. If there is no realism, then tanks need to be equipped with auto defense so that I can escape from a helicopter firing guided missiles and rockets from 3 km away. Isn’t all the imbalance here?
The worst offender of this is that all allied cannons that can pen nearly 40mm dont pay extra SP. For reference the Mk 103 with its nerfed pen sits at 165 SP for 58mm of pen at 10m for its API and 77mm for its HVAP with 70-240 shots. At the same time US, Russia, GB etc. pay literally nothing extra for being able to destroy any tank with plane cannons or HMG´s especially in context to their abundance of Ammo. For comparison at BR 5.0 the D-28 has 8x.50´s with 30mm of pen at 10m, 8 HVAR´s, 6 M8´s, 2x 1000lbs and 1x 500lbs (yes all in one setup), the F-8 has two low velocity 20mm with 27mm pen at 10m, one 1000kg or 500kg, 4x 50kg or 2x Mk103 with 70 rds or 14 Pb2 rockets.
One can delete a postcode on its own, the other in a best case scenario two postboxes yet same BR and same SP for their maximum setup.
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Well, they aren’t wrong. Pressing spacebar a couple times isn’t anywhere as involved or skill dependent as getting a couple fighter kills provided your enemies aren’t paid actors. And in a mode without respawns, the fastest and most reliable way to win is to shoot down everyone else.
Giving Bofors HE-VT would send their BRs up through the roof, would also not be particularly good for the slower attackers and tactical bombers you want to facilitate.
Same would go for 120mm pen APDS - you’d send anything with a bofors all the way up to 6.0 and beyond.
I can only say two good things about the 190 F8 there, the 1000kg bomb can be hilarious if you find a nice group, and it makes for a decent low alt CAP fighter, unlike the D28.
I think the original poster was well thought out and solution oriented. I just had to acknowledge that. I only wish I could be more like the OP is.
For me, I’m still trying to level through my first tree. At this point its become very hard to play at all. I’ve taken far too many beatings by airplanes while trying to improve in tanks and trying to level in tanks.
For me this goes back to a common problem across all PVP games. There is a portion of the PVP world who cannot function without unfair advantages. Those are the players who hunt new, untrained or unleveled players in many games. They’re in it for bragging rights and slink away like cockroaches when the consistency of their failures and their methods are exposed. They steal and cheat in the grey areas and in so doing cause all manner of controversy. I’ve exposed a few in other games. They moan almost as loudly as they used to brag.
Simply remove tank kills for planes. If you kill a tank in a plane, that’s an aviation kill. You should not be able to advance your tank tree with an airplane. I review far too many replays of very high level players who can’t kill a tank, die, jump in a plane and get their kills harassing the spawn.
Remove credit for any kills by planes over the spawn. The planes are being used to suppress movement from the spawns which destroys game play. I just bought new premiums and this is day 2 of not playing them at all because of aircraft harassment. I’ve just been hollowed out by it all.
Aircraft bombs should have no effect after the plane is destroyed or about to die. So if a player is dropping bombs properly as a skilled player, it counts as an aviation kill because the plane is still flying when the bomb is supposed to go off but if the player is suiciding bombs on people or trying to grey area the situation by trying to be barely alive until the bombs go off, the bombs never go off. This encourages skilled use of bombs.
As a final note I offer this. I have the cash and the desire to just buy a BR 11 and have fun BUT my in game friends tell me this is not the honorable way to do things and this ruins the game and is not appreciated by other players so I don’t… Yet I can’t even play my Rank 4’s for spawn harassment by higher level players in planes, the vary players who will cry foul if I just buy my way to top tier. So my point is that the kinds of harassment we’re talking about here is actually encouraging players to give up the grind and just buy top tier.
(Full disclosure: I had to have an apache so I bought one at too high a BR. I only played with it in test drive until I unlocked choppers and then only in PVE till I reach its BR. Just full disclosure)
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CAS at 5.0 - 8.0 should be disabled. It is too strong for the current game mechanics which do not allow interception of CAS before they’re over the battlefield. Interception would help to balance the mechanic without removing it.
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You already can’t. This is not and has never been a thing.
They don’t. Once the pilot is dead they can’t release bombs.
No. Unrealistic trash.
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But the plane can count as “killed” while they’re still able to drop bombs ans fire rockets and guns.
Thanks to the new kill credit system, the only remaining situation where this is possible is the fuselage being cut in half… at which point no one is dropping anything with any degree of precision whatsoever; if you get killed by bombs from half a plane flinging bombs in some random direction, it’s something to laugh about.
I would have gone one step further and made kills only credit when all of the crew are dead or bailed, but this is the next best thing, really. And covers essentially every situation.
I would also be in favour of allowing guns, ordnance, and their systems to be able to take damage. For some bizarre reason despite gun damage being a core gameplay element of tanks and ships, aircraft guns cannot be knocked out.
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Hazarding a guess it might be detrimental to ARB, adding an extra way for the cannon/mg to be knocked out (over heat and low round count) in a one life mode. So guessing this is why cannon/mgs are removed from the damage model, apart from wing mounted where they have been severed by attacks.
If so it is a shame they cannot just turn it on for GF and from a player perspective does not seem impossible.
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He ment that after a bomb drop the plane dies before the bomb explodes. and he thinks it should not explode if the plane dies.
i don’t agree with that at all, but you just answered the wrong thing and i wanted to clarify.
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And I responded to that specific point of his post with this rather aggressive response.
So the entire enemy team is dead but the game doesn’t end? Because if not, all the fighting usually happens right in the middle of the map, over all the ground targets. Gonna be pretty hard to have a good impact there.
Like what? Pressing spacebar when your bombsight is pointed at an enemy marker? Pointing your guns at an immobile or slow-moving target on the ground? That’s never gonna change.
And as I said, making them that easy to use against both air AND ground vehicles will increase their BRs and restore the current situation. The Falcon was pretty good at both, it’s now 8.0 because such a vehicle is just too good.
Imagine what would happen if the Ostwind got its 110mm pen HVAP. Now it can frontally pen pretty much anything it meets, and it’s got the rate of fire to make the lack of postpen damage simply not matter - it would be a monster. What do you think will happen to its currently 3.7 (RB) battle rating?
It will be one way or another. If you’re looking for ground targets because you’re much closer to the frontline, you’re probably gonna miss the plane coming right for you. If you have your eyes on the sky, you’re probably not gonna see that tank pulling out around the corner as well.
Hence why I think SPAA would do much better as a secondary spawnable vehicle, like scout drones.
I don’t think adding PvE targets would help. I’d at least like to see a public beta test for all this.
And y’know… if slow attackers have to get anywhere close to the battlefield, the fast firing HE-VT Bofors is gonna put a stop to that very fast.
Minor note-
In AB you can get ground RP from CAS. (Tbh I like this though, it makes grinding stock viecles a bit better, especially light tanks.)
I would love 40mms getting APDS tbh.
Might make some upside for the Lvkv 42’s lack of ammo.
SPAA usefulness is entirely depending on if there are aircraft around or not. If there aren’t, you’re stuck being basically useless because SPAA are NOT tanks, they can’t fulfill that role.
Give them all HVAP and you’re gonna have a lot of SPAA becoming worse at doing their job because their BRs have been inflated by said HVAP and the ability to murder tanks easily, which is also something that most players HATE.
Hence why this:
…wouldn’t work either - the Ostwind would suck as a 5.3 SPAA. If I wanted to shoot planes down, there is zero reason for me to bring that out instead of the much better Ostwind 2, currently 5.0. I don’t need HVAP to do my job.
Being able to spawn an SPAA as a secondary vehicle would fix SPAAs being basically dead weight if the enemy team simply chooses to only bring tanks, would encourage players to actually use SPAA since they don’t need to ditch their already spawned in and positioned tank, and would keep them effective at their job since they wouldn’t go up in BR well past their usefulness - also, Bofors HE-VT didn’t exist for a damn good while, certainly not in time for the swedish SPAAs, thus adding it is fictional at best. Others like the Ostwinds or the ZSU-37 never had any.
This is completely different, there’s always ground targets to shoot at. Planes, just by virtue of their much higher spawn costs, will always be rarer.
SPAA rewards will always be low because such gameplay results in low battle activity %, which is very impactful on earnings and really discourages SPAA use - if you’re in one and the skies aren’t busy, you’re basically burning credits.
I can see this working but would need a couple rounds of public beta testing, which gaijin seems to hate.
Add Hellfire L
Correctly implement AHEAD
Fix Hellfire flight profile
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SPAA as a secondary viecle is stupid, not to mention a massive change to the norm (And would make a lot of people pretty angry, especially if it impacted SPAA already ingame)
Im going to repeat a point I made over in the BR change discussion:
We simply need to start making decisions on how to balance SPAA. Do we balance off antitank capability, or off of antiair capability.
Honestly imo it should depend on the vehicle, stuff like the L-62 ANTI II and other such 40mm barges that lack proxy should be balanced off the AT role, with a secondary SPAA role. (The same goes for the Lvkv, etc.)
Wheras more dedicated SPAA should be more balanced off their SPAA role. (Missile SPAAs, etc.)
limit the number of Planes per team not more then 3 air crafts can fly, its impossible to counter hordes of CASholes , most german tanks dont even have roof mounted MGs specially Rank 3
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