If you could, how would you re-balance CAS in Ground Battles?

Then the said tank will be up in br naturally to a point where it starts seeing things with great optical zoom and starts getting out-sniped then is a matter of time the WT universe becomes perfectly balanced, as all things should be bro.

The worst offender is hit marker and muzzle flash, as someone who also flies I can say you don’t miss something like that, even when it’s 7km away.

This is the perfect example how extremly bad balanced the CAS is in GF.

Planes need a huge SP increase ASAP.

Do something about how boring and how weak SPAA are to play below 7.0 and such.

Most people who play SPAA just use them to fight tanks and don’t bother with trying to shoot down aircraft.

But nearly any tank could use these positions. Should we push every tank to top tier?

Ain’t Gaijin raise the br based on how the vehicle performs? It will get raised into a br where it will eventually face things that could compete against, hence it stops overperforming in its respective br, it could be due to the speed no longer giving it an advantage in the new br, which prevents it from reaching a dominant position before the others, or firepower, or lack of STAB, Object 120 for an example, it used to be 7.3 and now it’s 8.0, it’s currently in a br that it starts facing more enemies with STAB and lose most of its advantages and becoming a former self. From the look of things, it will stay at 8.0 for a very long time, unless we gather 10,000 players to intentionally play the Object 120 like a bot, hold W to the cap, and die with 0 kill/0 assist, we might drop it back to 7.7.

Make planes and tanks same SP with increasing adjustments in ordinance as they get bigger with nuke at the top 😆

6 planes per team in sky at one time no, its not a limit that they can spawn only 6 planes only 6 planes can be in the sky at one time per team, someone got shooted down next person can get to a plane, person that died in plane have a cooldown for 2-5 minutes from spawning in plane he cant wait in “spawn chose screen” so we wouldn’t se plane campers he is gonna be auto spawned in first available tank in next minute, players who would take only one tank rest planes just gonna be kicked out of the match after death in one plane or they don’t gonna be able to spawn anymore

I’d say make SPAA br redundant, what does it mean? Make it works in a way similar to CAS which the better SPAA requires more points to spawn, example you can use the Strela at 6.0 if you could afford to spawn it with 1500sp etc, because players like to argues that CAS is balanced by spawn point so their A-6E or SU-25K are allowed to get free kills because theyve earned it, but I would prefer Tank-Only-Mode as the best solution.

put bases for bombing in GB, and more tikekts/more time

It would be interesting if you could bomb the enemy runway and put it out of action or severely damage it.


In response to the OP:

Increase ground ordinance SP depending on its type (especially Heli ATGMs and absurdly large bombs like the Pe8)

Leave base spawn points for specific Air combat loadouts the same as current. Redo some of the weird SP costs for some air specific options (why is the air targets belt for the M61 vulcan 150sp gaijin??)

Thats about it really.

Basically make it so you cant cap a base in a BT-5, J out, and then spawn in FAB-5000 Pe-8 immediately. But you can still spawn in a blank fighter with that to shoot down said Pe-8.


That actually sounds like a good idea, I wouldn’t mind first spawning the Sturmtiger and range find the airfield or helipad and toss a few 380mm into the hangar, this also somehow makes artillery platforms like BKAN or M109 variants more useful and doing exactly what they are design to do.

That mechanic does actually exist in game already. Called modular Airfields They are used in EC gamemodes like SB. Drop enough bombs on the runway and it prevents spawning on it.

But there is 2 issues I see

The first is that currently, the amount of bombs required would mean that would be entirely impractical. Youd never put enough bombs in a single match to disable it. This amount could be significantly reduced but it leads onto problem 2

The second and the biggest issue. It would only make things worse. Whichever team got CAS up first, could knock out the enemy AF and gunarantee easy air supremecy. Not too mention it would also likely disable the ability to spawn CAP. Which again only further buffs CAS. Matches would snowball even faster than they do now.

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…We’re turning ground battles into air sim with player tanks?

Thats a bad idea because some nations have infinitie more stronger CAS planes than others and is not the same 6 stukas with a single bomb than 6 A1-H with 6 bombs each.

The only good and easy way to fix the CAS problem is increase the SP cost.

also whoever is using T-6-1 command to call air alert, that command should shortly display the location of the enemy aircraft in the minimap

There is another command for that

so ? there are always mix nation games and you compare 6.7 plane to 1.3 plane? still that gonna lower planes in sky SP cost don’t

6.3 to 3.3 is just example but you want compare another BR and is the same, certian nations have better CAS than others.

SP increase is necceseray, is stupid see people just can spawn a P-8 with a 5,000kg bomb just after cap a zone in a reserve tank and press J.