If you can get to the spot it is part of the map (Discussion on Kill zones on ground maps)

38th parralel with it’s ‘slimmed’ version is in the same depth…

I’d be keen to redesign a few maps to make them better myself, or at least just oversee the actual movement to it… The sledgehammer method isn’t really good lol.

I would support that. Not much help here but if you have the knowledge, maybe even make a new map? Here is Top of the World. Invasion of North America through Alaska. Great terrain, lots of cover for pushing and it already exists. Driven this a few times.

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I would be keen to get into a group focused on doing a long stage map, because that would be a good one to work through…

I don’t have the skills, but I’m keen to get in, and point, say positive stuff, and get some sanity going…

I think we had engagement on the other forum in the past in the same sentiment, and I really do think we should.

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I agree. As I said, I am no skill about this map design. It’s not like I hate GJ maps, sure shrinking is an issue but mostly boredom. I mean how long can you keep playing the same maps over and over. There must be others that do have skills, interest in assisting GJ in developing maps which can be used long term such as WW11, tanks drove a 1000K to Berlin, would make a good long term map. The African campaign from Morroco to Egypt, another 4000K map opportunity.
Maybe I am full of it, but my feeling is, this game needs more map options just to keep interest up.
Thanks for your feed back

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Nah yea, we do need to push something…

I’m getting a bit tired of the combative nature of random people on the forums though to be honest.

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Forums by the very nature of anonymity often brings out the worst in ppl. Say shit they would never say face to face. Just keep in mind, your opinion is just as valid as anyone else’s, sure don’t expect everyone to embrace it but also keep an open mind.
Most long term players here know way more about the game mechanics then me as I don’t take it seriously enough but do enjoy playing it in small amounts at a time. I do learn a lot by reading the forum and being an opinionated ass I am, do submit feed back. Try not to feed the bears and ignore dumb asses.

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It is a bit unfortunate, very hard to be heard over their spam and derailing.

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yeah, rn the biggest in WT are as follows, Lack of Gamemodes/Stagnant gamemodes, the horrible traction system and inept map design

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