Devs have said it isnt the only reason, but allows them the ability to do so.
Examples being that Finland doesnt really fill gaps in the Swedish tree. Belgium in the French tree. South Africa in the UK tree.
Pretty much all of them have domestic systems they can call upon for those gaps. It is also to help allow nations that wouldnt normally get into WT, and their vehicles, get into WT.
And if it isnt a reason to give everyone “the same things” explain how the Hungarian and Finland trees dont do that with their massive copy-paste USSR tank lines xD
They could have added Gripen NG with the EFT from recollection.
“I can’t work out why people are okay with us receiving something that’s not the pinnacle of the tree as compared to receiving something that’s the pinnacle of a given tree immediately upon its release”
Folk like you really make the pommies look insufferable and greedy. You don’t need everything instantly, especially not the best of everything instantly.
Apart from this isnt just about 1 plane, its every. single. time. a. vehicle. is. added. T90 bhishma, the SAMs, heck people were even pretty rude on the Vijayanta being added iirc.
Maybe try reading up a bit and see where I said
“Though personally I think it would be fine to wait a few patches myself, and hope for a more unique India aircraft to finally be added (tejas, ajeet, marut)”
instead of assuming what my position is.
Like, I think I made it pretty clear in my comment it isnt just about the plane I am talking about there, its India in general.
edit: really no need to go with the “pommies like you” insulting either mate.
As the suggestor of the Su-30MKI, it should not come anytime soon imo. The main missiles of it are too powerful (the R-77 is being slowly replaced), missiles like Astra series Mk.1 - 3, where the Mk.3 was shown to be carried on a MKI, and that thing is too powerful. Other missiles like I-Derby-ER are also too powerful. Whats the point of even adding the MKI with lets say R-77 only or maybe MICA (reported to be used)? Britain got the Typhoon last update (well, technically almost last update, as next one is tomorrow), so there is no need for them to get something like that. I’d rather just have a Tejas or something like that, although I’d rather have British origin Indian upgraded aircraft first.
It’s missing 1.3 worth of Top-Tier air, There tottaly isn’t there a really competive Jet from Suhkoi that can compete with the typhoon(SUKHOI SU-47 BERKUT )
Not really whining, its requests for more Indian stuff given they are now a Sub Tree it would be nice to get actual additions.
“copy and paste” shows you dont actually know what the vehicles are. The SU-30mki and the T90 went through major vehicle development and modification requirements before the Indians accepted them into service on their own side and ofc, made them en mass. Its akin to claiming that all the top tier Chinese planes are just Russian copy pastes really, which isnt true.
They are way less copy paste then the masses of Magachs used by Israel for example lol. Or the masses of Centurions used by everyone xD
It also makes me laugh how when its a nation asking for something that people agree with, its asking, but when its a country they dont like/dont want, its whining.
Just go through the recent posts and tell me what you see. Britain just got the Typhoon two updates ago and it’s still a very good aircraft, but none of that matters now apparently, I’m glad they didn’t cave on this update.