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Because you guys had top jet last update?..
bro… STOP ASKING FOR THE WORLD to go to britian. you dont need the best russian aircraft in the british tree. play russia if you want that thing
Can you wait like, at least a patch? Let the OG one be in it’s OG tree for at least a little first.
TBF it is the mainline and domestically produced aircraft of India, which is a UK sub tree, people like it or not it is a valid request/hope.
Though personally I think it would be fine to wait a few patches myself, and hope for a more unique India aircraft to finally be added (tejas, ajeet, marut)
Britain should not get it at all.
Eurofighter already exists. You want Su-30MKI? We have Su-30MKI at home (Su-30SM in USSR tree).
Next there’s going to be another post demanding Rafale in Britain too, followed by Canadian CF-18, etc
and people complain about germany lmao
they gotta see this
Are you going to go to the Thai F/A 18 thread too or just picking up on India? ^^
Haven’t seen no Thai f-18 thread
After we get MKK and MK2 for China.
Sat in this same forum subsection :)
Wow… a guy not even demanding but just asking if its feasible is equal to this???
These people cannot be saved.
You replied to me, I didnt make a demand, the OPs writing suggests either being young or 2nd language, also not so much “demand” either.
Its a question too comrade )))
Heck, you even said “stop asking” in your initial comment lol. Not “stop demanding”.
Still not seeing a valid argument against it tbf.
Thailand canceled their f-18 purchase in 1998 cuz they couldn’t afford them
This forum man…
initially i replied to dave. you replied to me
sure… i wont look that deep into it since any assumption you and i make could be wrong. however it is obvious he desires to see the indian Su-30MKi in the british tree. when the mere presence of india in the UK is a matter of intense debate too.
bro if youre gonna view everything that disagrees with you as an invalid argument then idk what to tell you. ive argued with people like that and they never change. so id rather not get involved.
if you still wanna hear, it is because of tech tree originality, gameplay experience and historical accuracy.
No. India is not a UK Subtree, they have like 5 vehicles total, 3 being premium. You have 2 MBTs, 2 SPAA and 1 Fighter, and none of them are in a single subtree-like state. Look at the Finnish Subtree, its literally a line. Or the Thai Subtree. India is just there to make money or to give Britain another 2 10.3 SPAA… for whatever reason… either way, Britain does not need this. You have the Eurofighter, giving the UK a full Indian subtree means a Rafale, Su-30MKI, Mig-29, Mirage 2000, Mig-27, Mig-23, Mig-25, and a few more Soviet + French jets. Britain does not need this. I’d be down for having Britain receive the CF-18 (as its basically the F/A-18A/B, and can provide some interesting CAS for Britain at 12.7. And I really don’t see the CF-18 coming to the game any other way, USA has the -18A.