If there is only one plane left and it is outside of the general combat area tickets should begin draining

Mate, you’re already at that middle ground. A lot of players are complaining that tickets are draining way too fast and attacking ground targets can end the match too quickly. And as I said, unless you’re in EC, most maps you get are incredibly tiny for Mach 2 capable jets. Small Afghanistan might as well spawn you already merged with an enemy.
Average match time has already been reduced substantially to a point it becomes annoying how fast a game ends. If you aren’t a fan of the every so slightly slower pace of ARB then I once more recommend playing arcade instead.

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Reconcile these two statements with the screenshot provided and the title and pick one.

More to the point I want the game mode that is designed for PVP to cater to PVP players.

Yes I am fan of the ever so slightly slower pace of Air RB that’s why I play it (let’s also completely ignore the reward differences between the game modes since that seems to suit your view better). The player in the screenshot is delaying that pace and making it abnormally long. Hence this thread was created.

ARB isn’t team deathmatch. There’s an objective, just like GRB. Unlike GRB though more often than not a team is all dead before it is completed, hence the suggestion that it’s all about fighting players. Nevertheless the objective is still there for you to interact with and have a win condition based upon it.

The player in the screenshot is delaying that pace and making it abnormally long. Hence this thread was created.

How often does this happen? Every game? Once in 10 games? Once in 20? When such a person is being unsportsmanlike in such a manner then simply utilize the mechanics given to you to punish his playstyle and secure the win for yourself. You earn more, they earn less. Spending 3-5 extra minutes groundpounding isn’t “wasting time”, it’s playing the game as that is an essential aspect of the gamemode.

The developers of the game disagree with you.




There is an objective. You have a problem and are offered a solution through said objective. Somehow it’s still not enough for you for…reasons?

If the main objective of the game mode is not the focus of the game mode then the game mode has design issues.

Obv when both are applied, the timewasting overrides.

But simply flying outside of the main lemming vector is not timewasting.

I do not consider flying along the edge of the map border to be simply “flying outside of the lemming vector”.

He is alone against many, he would be a fool to fly straight in.

He stays out of detection and waits for the right time to strike, if not, wait for the enemy to come to you whilst you have some kind of advantage to exploit.

Your just salty mate, some proper Himalayan minerals.

Why make the post if you are just gonna argue with people or have a bad attitude?

Use your radar better or hit ground targets, nothing more to say.

I don’t think you understand rhetorical in this context, and that isn’t my problem. Much the same as you being unable to prioritize objectives when you have a problem with a players actions.

You’re talking about an F-111 with rockets that was base bombing then flew out over the bay.

Are you seriously asking the question of whether a player would be incentivized to do the task which rewards them more?

Not at all, I’m actually asking why you see it beneath you to go for those targets when they are part of the objective rather than fixating on the player you can’t get to merely lose by being distracted.

It shouldn’t matter about the reward, but the actual outcome of the match.

That is after all, one way of making the tickets bleed.

I don’t understand why you’re asking this as a rhetorical question.

Stop using words you don’t understand… It’s not making you any more engaging.

Why are you literally ignoring the WW2 era vehicles, that are soft, that can take tickets out, and instead complaining about a player whom you cannot get, but still won’t take out those targets because they don’t ‘reward’ you as much… It’s like you’re shooting yourself in the foot intentionally to spite someone.

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You’re asking an illogical question posed as a rhetorical question I’m trying to figure out why.

If you don’t understand why you’re doing this then it will probably be better if you stop asking the same question.

You’re actually avoiding the point as per usual, and trying to act smart in the interim…

I’ve rephrased that question a number of times, you’re just ignorant to it and want it to be the same to make it easier to keep moving them goalposts…

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I’ve been asking you to clarify your point. You are the one refusing to do so, not I.