If the F-15C MSIP II (2005) is supposedly the last F-15C produced by the USA where is it's AESA radar aka AN/APG-63(V)2

So if the current radar the AN/APG-63(V)1 - PESA radar made in the 1970-1980s according to Raytheon themselves said (link) Also used in F-15A. So why does the F-15C MSIP II have that radar if it was made in 2005? The radar it should have the AN/APG-63(V)2 - AESA radar which was made in December 2000 although fitted on 18 F-15C’s we are using a rare F-15A that has flares and chaff, so why not? I’m not asking for 2006 AN/APG-63(V)3 radar just the V2. I don’t think it would be OP considering most aircraft would be able to Fox-3 back at you forcing you to defend and loose track of the people you have locked. But I do prefer instantaneous spotting from my radar than a delayed lock


The simple answer is that the snail didn’t want to model AESA radar’s on planes due to it being the path of least resistance. Also pretty sure the V3 is just a V2 with upgraded components leading to greater reliability and cheaper costs.

As it is now, the V1 is already underperforming so It might take a while for the F15 to get somewhat accurate radar performance for any of its models.


Do you really think the F-15C needs an AESA radar at the moment?


There’s mostly no harm in it, so yeah


You don’t know much about AESA radars do you?


Depending the radar, it can do a lot of things, I can list 3 of them because I don’t have the mental capacity to keep track of them all. It can jam the enemy radar, keep track of and lock multiple bandits, cable of even tracking ground targets. But I mainly just want the Track and lock multiple bandits instead of just tracking one

I guess gaijin ready new F-15C with AN/APG-63(V)2 or AN/APG-63(V)3 AESA radar after 2025

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For the love of god do not make me grind out yet another F15C just for an AESA radar and the 9X/120C.


No, the simple answer is MSIP II doesn’t use an AESA radar.
A further upgrade uses an AESA radar which is not in War Thunder.

Well tough, cause the F-15C we have in WT never had an AESA radar.


If this is supposed to be a 2005 F-15C (it’s not)

I think there are more things lacking than just the radar lol


So what jet are we supposedly using? (meaning year) because if the Su-27SM is a 2003 jet and we still using our 1985 jet?

If understand how underperforming and lack of everything 63V1 now - maybe

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We have later MSIP, possible one from ANG.
They had 63V2, but not all of them.
And bruh
We still have 2005 modification with JHMCS
But only with 9M and 120A, which is fun

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Possibly 20p8, when JHMCS was ordered(maybe?)
Theres a lot of dates

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Mid 2000s but before USAF bought APG-63V3.

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Theres not only 63V3 as AESA for F-15C
Some od JHCMS kits was bought later

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Only 18 F-15C from Alaska was equipped with 63V2 as experiment.

Still equipped

And also


SmartSelect_20240708_103906_Samsung Notes

Can be deployed since 2000s


Yeah, trying to pin point the exact F-15C that got these upgrades and their designation without any unethical methods (not that I have any way of even doing that) Thank you for contribution though

63V2 tbh can be fitted on all us F-15C, theres not a really major difference between that got it and others.
And with 63V3 is the same