If Saab105 can get air spawn, so should Alpha Jets

I’m grinding the German Alpha Jet and boy what a pain. It has pretty good armaments (also it has CCIP) and dodges missiles pretty well but the lack of air spawn and slow acceleration is what makes it less fun. Ok enough with the enemies, you won’t even have a chance to bomb bases if your team has like at least 3 or 4 guys with IL-28, Tu-14, H-5, Saab105, or any other jet that is faster than you like the F104. “But you can choose to equip only the guns and try dogfight them tho” or “maybe you should try killing ground units bro” orrrrr “just play alpha jets on GRB bro (I hate GRB due to its depressingly low RP reward and gaijin didn’t address the RP grind issue properly)” please keep these very obvious opinions to yourself because I know it too and I chose not too and I want to bomb bases. I have a feeling this post will get locked by mods because of the third “very obvious opinion”. What do you guys think? Should other strike aircraft besides Alpha Jets get an air spawn


Alpha Jet is not Saab 105’s rank.
Alpha Jet also has rather good acceleration thanks to its two powerful engines for its size.

You can use Alpha Jet as a fighter with great success as it’s really good for its BR as one.


The engines are powerful but not powerful to accelerate fast enough when I am carrying 4 incendiary bombs, even when I am maintaining altitude.

And I want to bomb bases with a biplane at 10.0 flying at match 3, what you say is kinda pathetic.

Except saab 105, the planes you mentioned are bombers, but just because YOU want to bomb bases on a non-bomber plane you ask for a buff 🤦🏻‍♀️

I want to bomb bases doesn’t mean I want to play a biplane and bomb bases at BR 10.0, you seriously think I’m that kind of a parasite? Yeah most of the planes I mentioned are bombers, but did I say saab105 is a bomber plane? I don’t know much about saab105 but clearly that is a strike aircraft just like the Alpha Jets. Yes I don’t know much about saab105’s performance, but Alpha Jets deserve to have a head-start, no? Both jets are kinda slow tbh. Alpha Jets can fly up to 1000+ kmh but they do not have enough acceleration when you are bringing 4 incendiary bombs. Side climbing won’t do because faster jets will still be able to intercept you with their speed and missiles. You can’t expect Alpha Jets to be a dog fighter either because turning eats away your speed. Even when you dump all the bombs you brought, you still won’t have enough time to generate enough acceleration and speed to dog fight them. You, he she they them whatever binary you choose, your reply is incredibly stupid and off-topic. You might as well counter my statement by saying “saab105 has missiles to compensate for its lack of countermeasures and Alpha Jets A has countermeasures to compensate for its lack of missiles”.

Won’t call you parasite, but if you want to bomb bases then use a bomber.
Don’t ask a change just to fulfill your personal desires and putting in disadvantage or making them useless other players. Since a bomber can pretty much only bomb bases

Correction: SAAB-105 should move to rank 6 so that it doesn’t get airspawn.

OK, I sum it up. GRB you get less RP, and the fastest/easiest way to gain RP is bombing in ARB. So you weakening your team while carrying bombs on a mediocre plane to gain personal ressources and doing nothing to win a battle.
And now you want to change a plane to gain personal ressources easier.

My answer:
Learn to fly and fight or suffer with your bombs.

You are half right. I always try to bomb bases first while avoiding enemies. However, should an enemy come closer to me, I will intercept them. After bombing bases, I will return to the battlefield and assist any teammates that have difficulty shaking off their enemies. I may not be a good dogfighter, at least I know how to shake off enemies and always be aware of missiles. Now for your statement, let’s say at least 50% of my team gets annihilated already before I even reach the battlefield and my team only shot down like 20% of the enemy team, do you honestly think I stand a chance against 3/4 jets coming right at me? Or how about this. Let’s say I am climbing to gain an altitude advantage (armed only with a gun ofc and I don’t intercept enemy bombers) and I am obviously still slower than most of my teammates. By the time I’ve reached them, the skilled pilots of my team have already shot down most of the enemy team (with some of the enemies crashing ) and are now hunting for the rest. I search for an enemy with not so many teammates gunning it (reduce competitiveness and not stealing their kill), and I dive to prepare to kill it. Let’s say that enemy is a saab105, and I managed to kill it because I energy bleed it. I have about 100 rounds left (yes my aim sucks because I wasted 50 rounds on that guy). My teammates are rushing to the enemy airfield to shoot the last remaining enemies, I find no point to compete with their speed and I decided to kill ground units. With my 100 rounds left, I can only kill 4-5 medium tanks. The distance is far and I managed to kill 3 tanks before the game ends and we won. In the end I only earned at least 3000 RP, that’s only about 0.2% to grind for the Type 250 bombs. Yes I want personal resources, isn’t that the point of the game? If I am unable to get that, how am I supposed to advance in rank and have fun? You think you play PURELY for fun? Is asking for an air spawn for the Alpha Jets too unbalanced because it’s like a miracle stuff that will turn the tides of battle? It doesn’t change much of the outcome anyway. That “personal resources” statement is half right, half wrong. Everyone wants to have fun, people play this game is to experience new vehicles and the thrill of warfare, not playing the same thing over and over again. You said that the Alpha Jets are mediocre plane. In ARB, yes. In GRB, no, they are simply the best CAS unless you bitch about not able to dodge enemy SPAA missiles.
My answer: learn to give a proper response instead of putting the blame on a person just because they are trying to grind.

I only grinded until Me 264 for Germany and I am not touching the rest of the bombers anymore. Flying Alpha Jets A gives me more chance to defend myself than being in a bomber with missiles flying towards you.

Saab105 should retain their air spawn

No, they should not. SAAB getting airspawn is absolute BS.

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