Some changes after So many years? Hell ye
I admire Your honesty
Especially that You know that there is problem and if there was alternative then tankers would leave
Just deal with it, Its not gonna happen. They could introduce 0.7 MM or tank only mode after review bombing and it would probably solve everything. Instead, they boosted premium accounts and added free backups for premium vehicles - two things that bring them the most money. You anti CAS guys better start grinding airplanes or SPAA…
I kindly ask you to stop spamming the forum.
You played actually 8 games since November 8th - having a forum voice is connected to play the game.
Just try to connect your number of posts today with your number of games in 4 weeks and you see where the problem is located.
But you take every opportunity to spread your stuff - it doesn’t matter if topic related or not.
Don’t get me wrong - this is nothing personal, but you and your archenemies managed to add 70 posts to a rather interesting thread without adding a single grain of additional value.
Same was said about many things ;)
I did a couple of times ;), You even agreed on it
Read the whole post, not just first sentence.
No you didnt ;)
The bigger problem is the amount of time, money, and effort spent into me grinding all of my SPAAs (to deal with planes) and aircrafts to deal with tanks/spaas.
But I also think that many tank mains should stop being 1 dimensional and start using SPAAs. I also have them and routinely play them in my lineups.
Why not just delay tanks till 1 side has lost its CAS, they then spawn SPAA, when all CAS is gone they spawn tanks, SPAA all die and you are left with tanks going pen pen pen if they are russian
And here we go you are lying again. And when I caught you lying yesterday you just come up with excuses. Just lazy…
I haven’t lied anywhere.
Yes you did, yesterday.
Quote mi then, can’t wait
Just read the thread from yesterday. Its right there…
If you are able to connect the OP with your work (nice job btw) yes - fine.
If not - see my first post…
Sorry but I haven’t lied about anything. All I say can be checked in game and I have done it myself
I can send you a PSD file if you want…
Who asked? You are just taking things out of context or lying. When you have to prove something its all just excuses… just like yesterday.
I haven’t lied about anything. Sorry to dissapoint You