Idea for encouraging players to pick off-meta planes and join lobbies even if their favourite vehicle is bottom bracket by compensating repair costs (non-prem), additional rewards (prem).


The way spawn costs and the useful actions system interact leads to some anti-fun behaviour being incentivized. It makes flying bottom-bracket vehicles doubly-punishing as not only are you an underdog, you lose just as much SL as if you were top-bracket. Thus, if you only want to fly a specific plane you might opt to skip playing air sim until you’re middle or top bracket for that plane’s BR to minimize your losses.

This I feel is bad for population numbers.

Having read that in the past, there were spawn points you had to grind and under-bracket planes were free to fly - I’ve had an idea to bring a positive element of that back.


  1. Keep spawn costs as they are.
  2. If you are at the middle or above in a bracket, nothing changes for you.
  3. If you are flying a bottom-bracket (minimum BR or below) plane and do NOT have premium, you receive a 20% discount on spawn costs.
  4. If you are flying a bottom-bracket (minimum BR or below) plane and are a premium player, your investment and support of the game’s continued health is rewarded as a 20% boost to your earnings instead

The numbers naturally are free to be tweaked, they are only working propositions.

This would also encourage entirely new players to try air sim and fly riskier planes as they can fly a “trainer” aircraft (bottom-bracket vehicle) and thus minimize their losses.

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I believe I’ve been clear enough in the body of the post, but I have received comments when sharing this suggestion in other places that made me realize that people reading the title alone might miss that.

For people who don’t know how sim “Matchmaking” works:

There’s this schedule.

Today, “EC6” fly at 7.0-8.0. You can fly any plane within this BR range or below it as long as you have at least 1 8.0-9.0 aircraft available. You can join such lobbies, create such lobbies as desired and leave as desired.

On monday/tuesday, “EC6” becomes 8.0-9.0

On wednesday/thursday, “EC6” becomes 7.7-8.7

It’s not automatic. It’s a choice to fly in specific brackets on specific days.
I want this suggestion to encourage people to fly planes even if that day they aren’t the top-dog by compensating them for fighting uphill battles depending on premium or not.
I want this because korean jet BRs are incredibly dead whenever I get the itch for flying my banshee.

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