Chilean Air Forces Sub-Tree

I agree with that. On the other hand, it is one of the few aircraft that was developed almost from scratch in Chile, so it should be added. Maybe as premium but it should be in game.

I’m thinking of adding the Falcon 200 of the Chilean Navy since it was modified in France to be able to carry 4 pylons under its wings where it could carry AM39 Exocet anti-ship missiles and Matra Magic 2 air-to-air missiles, it could also carry SNEB rocket launchers and countermeasure pods, as for the maximum speed is 870 km / h which is not bad at all, as for the BR I was thinking of 10.0-10.3 because the air-to-air missiles are very good but the plane is not that fast so I see it similar to the American A-10A which is slow but with very good missiles. I would like to know what you think about this or what BR you would give it.

images of the plane in Chile



Underwing loads



It reminds me of the Dassault Breguet Guardian II which is from the same family of aircraft built for the exact same role

Can be complimented by the IDF/IAF IAI Seascan

You had me at “chilean” ;)

but what BR should it have? and what type of aircraft would it be? attack aircraft?

It’s faster than an A-10 but slower than a Su-25, no gunpods of any kind and has fewer plyons to utilize. However it does have CM, AGM’s/ASM’s, it has a very strong AAM that has IRCCM. I’ll probably say no lower than 10.3 in Air RB and 10.0 in Ground and Naval, ideally 10.7 in Air RB, 10.0 for every other RB game mode for the sole reason that it has Magic 2’s.

Classifying it as a Strike Fighter is reasonable

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I am also thinking of adding the A-29B Super Tucano in BR 6.3 as it can fulfill a similar role to the British Strikemaster, I will just limit it to carrying bombs and rockets.


Damn. That would be sick if added in game.


Perhaps I will add it as a premium to the tree since it was only 1 and did not last long in service, it was sent to France for its conversion to a militarized version, here are some photos in France while they added the missile supports


Yes but i want it high tier… 10+ , with AIM-9Ls or something.
I’ll be the first person to play it . “Freebird” loud on the speakers and coming invisible behind a mountain…! It’s one of these planes…
EDIT: it can carry even Python 4!

About the Sub-tree, i love the idea of it, but on a Latin American unified tree. I believe LA nations have very interesting vehicles to show in the game, some of them very unique! And as a unified tree (with nations having a sub-tree) they can cover all eras of aviation!

I didn’t understand almost any of this, especially the AIM-9L and Python 4 thing.


Super Tucano has AIM-9L and even Python 4 in its repertoire of weapons.


The thing is that you responded to the other person who commented in a comment where he was talking about the Falcon 200 and not about the super tucano, that’s why I was confused.


Yea, I think the general sentiment imo is correct. Since the US placed an embargo on Chile, they used to be reliant on Israel for their military. Generally when we have great trade relationships like these it makes perfect sense for Chile to be in Israel’s subtree because a large number of their advanced weapons and aircraft are produced and or upgraded in Israel. Israel also still has some more planes they could add such as the Mig 2000 or the Mig 17 they captured as an event vehicle, more F5s and the Kfir C12. the C10 should also probably be introduced into the tech tree aswell besides the event vehicle.


In my personal opinion I believe that Chile is the best sub tree for Israel since it is the country that fills the most missing spaces and has the largest number of vehicles in relation to Israel than any other nation, which is why Chile is such a popular option within the forum. In fact, this Chilean sub-tree suggestion is the most voted for by an individual nation, so let’s hope that Gaijin realizes that and hopefully this year we can see Chile in Israel. It would be great to also see the export or modified vehicles by Israel like the ones you named to be added as an event/premium as happened with the Colombian Kfir.

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When did they capture a MiG “2000”? This is the first I’ve ever heard of this… I would assume you’re referring to either the MiG-17F or the MiG-23MLD they captured, but I’ve never heard of a “MiG 2000” designation ever.

He means this, I think.

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Ahhh the MiG-21 2000. Gotcha.

I meant the Mig 21 2000, sorry! It was actually a prototype that Israel made to make the ultimate Mig 21. Just like the F20 it never made it into service but it would be the perfect rival!


Yep I know all about it haha, I highly anticipate this aircraft addition to the game! I just for some reason don’t click the two together due to the lack of the MiG-21 designation being present hehe.