I have an idea of how Gunships (Attack Cargo Planes to be precise) in game

So if anyone haven’t heard of armored warfare, its a game similar to WoT but modern and a bit realistic it successfully implemented the AC-130 in game and it was a fun experience for a young me and it can be shot down and shit but you needa aim for the cockpit iirc. And if Armored Warfare can put it in their game idk why WT can’t? Probably because of SAM’s and SPAA’s but for me in mind is for the Gunship to fly like a high altitude than bombers and you need to aim for the cockpit like AW and shit and yeah

  • AW have HP bars if I’m not mistaken (which leads to WT version will have similar DM to bombers and any big plane. Take a guess on how survivable are those against anything greater than rifle caliber)
  • easy target for SPAA
  • even easier target for jets (same reason why we don’t have any post war bombers beyond early/first gen stuff)
  • If you want CAS just go for actual Strike Craft or Heli (Heli with rocket pods are cheap)

Lets get cargo planes first… I’m fine to rush cap with a C-47, and do other tasks without armament.


Probably wouldn’t be all to fun in multiplayer but if Gaijin were to ever remember that the Campaign and single player missions are a thing then controlling gunships or flying cargo/troop transports with AI infantry would be pretty fun


Yeah that’s actually a good idea too


Can you explain what does DM mean? So we can discuss about how Attack Cargo Planes can be successfully implemented to WT

Damage Model

Im sure no one minds Attack Cargo Planes have the same Damage Model as bomber or maybe slightly increase its HP compared to bombers maybe?

The main issue with gunships is that they were meant to be used against infantry and light vehicles, not heavily armoured tanks that are dominant in Ground Battles. Only the GAU-23 on the AC-130W and AC-130J might be able to fight tanks, by virtue of being a Bushmaster II Mk.44 derivative, and even then it will have to get some unhistorical APFSDS, since in real life it only used HEI. The W’s and J’s can also mount GBU-44s and Hellfires (SDB and Griffin are too weak to take out anything with real armour), but being a bomb/missile slinger probably isn’t what people want with gunships.

If they do get APFSDS (and again I emphasise that they probably don’t have it IRL), I wouldn’t say they’re sitting ducks against all SPAA. It’ll have at least 2km effective range if you aim at side or roof armour, which is too far for hand aiming and the countermeasures can deal with radar SPAAG and IR missiles. It can’t go over 8.3 BR though, since IRST and beam-riding/SACLOS missiles can easily deal with it (Lvrbv 701 is at 9.7), which could lead to some interesting interactions ("My IS-3 got strafed by a AC-130J!!!).

And yes, it’s vulnerable to basically any aircraft with forward firing guns. Even some propellor fighters can catch up with it and take it down easily.

It might be more fun in Air Battles though, since they have plenty of light targets to strafe and allied fighters for cover.


I am guessing the BR of such vehicles will be the “issue”…as they are basically prop planes with similar killing power as WW2 bombers, i am assuming they would be placed on similar BRs.
Any way they place them someone will complain they are too high or too low…perhaps even both.

THAT SAID…it is actually a fun idea…BUT i have to admit i am not very keen on having AC130s appearing on WW2 matches…
IF they are matched into cold war era games…it sounds different…and different is good.

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So real.

Then why not just add the ones that can mount air-to-ground missiles? So they can be put in cold war era games which they’ll probably get fucked in the ass with air-to-air missiles but fuck it. Helicopters are there they’re basically smaller gunships and Gaijin Still added it (this statement probably doesn’t fucking make sense because im tired and high as fuck) and the GAU probably has AP something something that you said

OK, I’m starting to think that this might actually work. The AC-130J gets Hellfire II, which would put it around 10.0. My initial concern was that this would turn it into “just another missile slinger”, lacking the distinction of the gunship idea. But if the pilot is feeling aggressive, they could first take out SPAA with the Hellfires (or even Griffins, since SPAAs don’t have any armour), then move into gun range. The Hercules platform is a flying brick, but the gunship gets RWR and MAW, and if it flys close to a mountain or cliff line, it could duck out of the way if an SPAA respawns and tries to hit it with a missile.

The air-to-air problem still stands though. Helicopters at least have stealth and mobility on their side, and some later models also get AAMs, but a huge gunship spewing fire out of its side is going to look pretty conspicuous. I guess the pilot will have to scram if they see literally anything pop up on the RWR. They won’t need to worry about missiles thanks to countermeasures, but there’s nothing they can do against guns.

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As you said the gunship is big and its only common sense to make it a hulking flying armor to be honest

Gunships are great vs people who can’t fight back. Horrible vs functional AA.