I’ve been playing wt on and off since late 2015, and in 2023 i decided I’d try to get all the Type 74s in game (with the exception of the G) because I really like the type 74
So halfway through getting them all, i learnt about the type 90 and I really wanted it.
So tonight I got it! aaand it’s probably the worst time to get it lol.
Here’s my beloved:
So my problem:
All my team does is spawn, shoot a few times, die and leave. I wish gaijin had given them at least a few backups or made a bundle with the Type 16FPS or Type 74G
I’m not a good player at all so I rely on helping my team and my team helping me a lot, but it’s horrible when my entire team disappears 8 minutes after a match starts
What’s your thoughts on packs giving a few backups?
(If they already do, sorry I didn’t know, I’ve never bought anything for this game)

You’re given 2500 gold with the Type90 Fuji - those players can opt to get the battlepass with it - backups galore (via warbonds and via battlepass levels), or they can be investing the large amount of SL gained via premium account (which they should have) + premium vehicle into the SL loot boxes (which love handing out backups instead of vehicles). However, backups for what? so you can just bring another MBT? Those people need lineups - they need IFV, they need SPAA, they need CAS, they need something to actually support the team. Backups won’t solve that issue. A bundle of MBT + SPAA would be nice, though. Gaijin showed they can do it with the German bundle (Tigers + Ostwind II). I want to see more.
The main issue with fuji teams is their lack of AA.
If an enemy spawns a CAS jet they will most often dominate because almost nobody has any form of capable AA
Other than that, its quite fun, have over 70% winrate with the fuji atm
100% this. I never run out of backups and i use them in every battle
For some reason they pair with Ger or US teams so you got a single Flakbus or Adats trying to protect everyone.
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