I didn't get my module Rp?

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will i ever get the 13000rp i earned or is it gone into limbo forever?

also thank you for the help

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There are actually two bugs related to the modification RP overflow:

  • The first one is that you unfortunately lose the RP overflow completely. There’s nothing you can do about it after the fact.
  • The second one is that you can get the remaining RP if you play one more battle. So just play one more battle and see if you get the next battle RP + previous battle missing RP. If not, then you were affected by the first bug and the RP overflow is lost and you will never get it back.

It’s a known issue, a fix is reportedly being worked on:
(Community Bug Reporting System).

Technically speaking, they have been working on it for the last 7-8 years, because it was first accepted as a bug and forwarded to the devs 7-8 years ago.

If the bug is on their TODO list, you can say (and you are not lying) that the devs are “working on it”. But this doesn’t mean that they are actively working on it (testing it, changing the code). I never heard anything directly from the devs, they never mentioned this bug in any official articles or even CM Covert Disclosures (which are clearly written in cooperation with developers).