Hungarian sub tech tree: Italy or Germany?

Source on Italy buying the 2a8 and the Lynx?

You want me send you like 50 web site that tell that or you just want to search on google “Italy buyng leopard 2A8”?

Go ahead and send the 50 sites if you dont mind :)

-Found for the 2a8 but not for the Lynx

Ok, here we go


Italy to buy Leopard combat tanks, upgrade Arietes
Italy has yet to buy a Leopard 2A8, but already sees a replacement for the most modern German tanks in the MGCS fighting vehicle, which will be able to serve until the 2070s |
Italy pays at least $4 billion for new German Leopard tanks
Italy in negotiations for Leopard 2A8 tanks | Defence Today
Acquisition of the tank Leopard Will 2A8 by Italy be its gateway to the MGCS program?
Italy close to ordering tanks Leopard X
Italy to Buy Leopards 2A8s, Upgrade Ariete Tanks
Italy-Germany Alliance Nears Completion Of Negotiations For Leopard 2 Tank Acquisition - MilitaryLeak.COM
Italian Army to Procure Leopard 2 MBTs | Israel Defense
Leopard 2 - Wikipedia

here a bunch of sources about 2A8, about the lynx they source are mainly italian, if you want them tell me.
Aniway the fact that is basically confirming lynx for italy is that the same person in the italian defence that confirmed 2A8, the undersecretary isabella Rauti, sayed that same day that they wish we will buy lynx. Sayng that, the other options (CV90 and AICS) were pretty ignored in all this time, so that is why the lynx is the most possible among these 3.

For those who are familiar with me this post may not come as a surpise.
The sub tree is dead on arrival.
My question is, why?
Even if you supported adding a sub tree to Italy, even if you wanted Hungary for Italy, this tree solves NOTHING, the line brings nothing that Italy couldn’t bring itself. (You can look at the suggestions me and other members of the Italian community have been during the last 5 years) Hungary as of now has 1, and at a stretch 2 unique vehicles which are being added. The rest is lazy copy and paste similarly to how Finland was introduced some updates ago. I was very vocal in me being against any sub tree for Italy, however i did also mention how if Gaijin really had to add something, Spain or Brazil who share not only more historical ties, but also military ones would’ve made much more sense both in the long and short run. This tree has added as expected, Russian tech to a NATO nation. Now i know there’s some SIM players who are mainly angry because of that but the main issue in that is that Hungary in modern times has only ever really had such tech. They have no industry, the little industry they have is used to make either modifications of Russian tech or more recently gearing towards Germany for their needs. My point is that this Hungarian tree is in actual fact a German/Russian tree slapped unto Italy. Gaijin insists on saying that new Italian vehicles will also be added but actions always speak harder than words…

What are Italy’s problems?
The lack of SPAA and ‘‘decent’’ top tier tanks.
What does this tree do to help that? Nothing. Lots of supporters of the Hungarian tree realised that what they hoped for (Nimrod AA and Leopard 2a7) are not coming. Italy just got given a ‘‘top tier’’ IFV with Spike ATGM’s, this Lynx is legit just a tracked varint of that, and this vehicle very likely will not be exclusive to Italy only, once it gets added to Germany the wow factor of this new addition will lose its purpose. For those following recent Italian defence procurement you’ll also know that Italy is in talks of buying several hundred Leopard 2a7+/2a8 tanks. Italy is also looking at the Lynx when it comes to the AICS program, the Italian army has shown a vast interest for many years in that platform. Couldn’t Gaijin just wait? Italy didn’t need this sub tree and anyone who claims that this will magically make Italy playable are in for a harsh reality check because a month or so after the update everyone who had an interest will move back to playing either Sweden or Russia.

TLDR: Tree not needed, dead on arrival.


There is actually someone who thinks that the Italian ground TT becomes more attractive to play, by inserting copy/paste of Soviet vehicles?


Minor Axis nations going into Italy was announced 5 years ago so this isn’t out of the blue and I’m happy to see the tree expanded.
Its not like this means they’ll stop working on other vehicles and if this results in a boost of people playing Italy then thats even more incentive for Gaijin to focus resources on expanding and improving the Italian tree in the future.


With the addition of the vehicles of Soviet origin, they gave the final blow to the Italian TT.


Wow what is your problem? Hungarian tanks are not useless as hell and could give the dead Italian tech tree some life again. The Hungarian subtree will be better than the Finnish subtree and maybe better than the South African subtree, you haven’t even seen it and are calling it a dissapointment!? How can anyone be this scared of a subtree? And you are simply wrong. Hungary did have extensive cooperation with Italy during and before WW2, a lot of Italian vehicles were purchased by Hungary, and some Hungarian weapons were purchased by Italy. They fought on the same side, they even had similar tank uniforms. Sure, during the cold war these countries didn’t have much similarity, but in the modern era they are both NATO countries. Yes Hungary has a better connection with Germany, but Germany doesn’t need a subtree and Italy desperately does.

Also your fears are unfounded and invalid. Gaijin has confirmed they will continue to add Italian vehicles and not forget about them/overshadow them with Hungary. Btw, Hungary is 100% coming to Italy, so cry if you want, or see the positives.


It’s confirmed (and has been for a long time) that Hungary is coming to Italy. Germany was never really an option.

Orrrr because there’s not a single Soviet vehicle added with multiple at the same BR and people can’t just grind down the Hungarian subtree without grinding out other vehicles in the tree they’ll complement whats already in the tree.

What vehicles besides the L3


I respectfully disagree, I think Hungarian vehicles should still be in the game regardless of other tanks “covering” there role

Let’s be intellectually honest, if you wanted the Hungarian TT to be fairly represented, either you added a Hungarian TT only or if that wasn’t possible you added the Visegrad group to the TT, or countries of the former Warsaw Pact, not only this it would have been more homogeneous but they would even have been among the best TTs. If, on the other hand, one wanted to help the Italian TT in some way, Hungarian tanks would have been fine up to WWII, for the period of the Cold War one could think of adding vehicles from countries such as Spain, Portugal, Greece, etc. to the Italian TT because they have little chance of being added and would have made the Italian TT more homogeneous. If that isn’t intellectually honest I don’t know what is.


Not a single word of what you wrote is true. italian tt is not dead and imo this line is not bringing anything new. Do You have at least take a look at the veichles implemented? as for now none of them is filling any gap of the italian tt (the gaps are top tier MBT and top tier SPAA). None of them is useful and none of them have aplace in this tt. Historically hungary and Italy were axis nations. AND THEN? None of the veichles made by Italy and used by hungary is in game, all the veichles in game have 0 connection with Italy. (also italy never bought anything Hungarian where the hell did you read that lol?). All the veichle in this line have less than 0% of connection with Italy. Being a NATO country doesn’t mean anything for this game, I mean, even if both country are in NATO what are they similarity? NONE. Also the two top tier tanks that hungary could offer (2A7 and KF41) are both unecessary since Italy is going to buy both Leopard 2A8 and Lynx.


There are enough tanks in Britain deal with it we need HUNGARIAN TANKS!!

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There would be if we actually got them ;)

I disagree

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dead on arrival is pretty strong of a comment when Italy is in talks to buy and if they buy, the tanks will be delivered around 2030. So no Italian Leo until then. However, the Hungarian Leopards are already being delivered. …So your argument is based on fallacies. It’s more like YOU don’t want it and are desperately searching for reasons to sell your opinion, even tho it means nothing. You not gonna convince Gaijin and more Hungarian vehicles will be added is subsequent updates.