Hungarian sub tech tree: Italy or Germany?

The current lineup presented is uninspiring. If it were more unique and interesting, I’m sure a good few Italian players who are on the fence about the tree would be in favor of it. In my opinion, though, these vehicles do not address the issues facing the Italian tech tree (and if you think they do, you at least have to admit they aren’t very interesting vehicles), nor are they at all necessary for Germany bar maybe the Lynx.

I can understand wanting Hungary to be offloaded onto a different tech tree, but all signs point to Italy being its host tree and that is very unlikely to change. Whether you like that or not is up to you.


You don’t have to play the tanks just because they’re in the tree, but your worry about Italian tanks potentially being ignored is valid concern.

Well its what happened to britian and are string of worthless SA vehicles that all had better or on par british equivilents

Also the only “”“”“”“”“interesting and Unique thing”“”“”“”“”, the Lynx, Is not even Unique since Germany Will receive It and also Italy Is planning to’ buy It. So again as You said and as other player saids, this sub tree can’t help the Italian TT in any way since all the veichles that It can offer have alredy far Better counterpart in the Italian TT and they don’t fill any gaps (Gaps that could be resolved by Italian veichles that are still not in game). Italy in the real Life Is a military Power that has and had enought veichels for this game for every needed Role and a sub tree Is Just the developers again talking away from a nation that Is alredy ignored Money and resources that could be used in Italian veichles. As You said this sub tt Is pointless in it’s form. (Sorry for the long commenti but I wanted to’ Express all my disappointment )


I think whoever is responsible for balancing vehicles, just doesn’t like Britain very much for some reason.

well there is a reason we have an ever growing list

looks like italy is in that club now

“”“”““this sub tree can’t help the Italian TT in any way since all the veichles that It can offer have alredy far Better counterpart in the Italian TT and they don’t fill any gaps (Gaps that could be resolved by Italian veichles that are still not in game)””“”“”"

Enough forums for me today. At least I know I won’t face such an inaccurate opinion again


It seem clear that You don’t even play this tt and have 0 knowledge of the situation so the only opinion that could be adressed with the Word “inaccurate” here Is Your One.



eh not immediatly, i can see it coming after 3 patches maybe if even, since it will be the poster child of the hungarian tree and will stay unique in their until the tree is more flashed out

You know how Is made the German community and how hard they Will ask for this right? But Aniway yeah It could be One patch away or 2 or 3. But I suppose It Will arrive soon for the Germans. But of course this Is my opinion.

it will just show the double standard, coughs at teh list i posted higher in the thread

i am part of the germans so i know very well, that being said look at the switz hunter, uk isnt getting it either

Yeah the difference Is that UK have a smaller player base compared to Germany and for The Devs they count less since they are not a Major (like every nation aside the big 3).

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Tell me which gaps can be better covered with x vehicle instead of Turan I & III, Panther & Tiger, 40M Nimrod, BTR-80A or Strela-10?

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one of the reasons i dont mind the KF41 to much is because it is modular, there is different version germany could get, 1 with 35mm gun just a better gun already, or boxer variants

Sorry to ruin it for you

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But if you dont add vehicles that can and should be added you end up with the situation where you have no reason to play the tree, and it lazily robs the germans of their actual stuff, looks at the eurojet they could have gotten instead they effectivly stole a hunter the british were in need for and had been requested.

you create a negative feedback loop with what they are doing which is not healthy for the player base of the smaller nations. the gas lighting doesnt help either XD

Germany already has T-72M & Leo 2A4, thus it’s not Germany. Should’ve been obvious.

My friend Is not a my fault Is You don’t know anything about Italian veichles. Let’s start with Turan III, a tank that won’t fill any gaps at all since Italy alredy have a lot of veiclhes in that area. T44 Tam was a mock up. Italy has alredy a Tiger that can be added. Btr80 Is a extremly poor IFV compared to alredy in game Italian IFV (look at the VBC PT2). Aside than that Italy could get a lot of other car/APC that have 20 and 25 mm cannon (some have even ATGM, a thing that BTR 80 completly miss). Strela can be alredy outmatched by others AA alredy in game such as Sidam Mistral that Is Better under every aspect (Just rember that the One carried by Strela are manpads like Mistral not SAM like a Tunguska). Italy could also get Indigo and Aspide carrier that Both have Better missiles compared to the biggest Number of AA of the game.

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I don’t see the point of Your comment, You are Just showing an event veichle