Hungarian Ground Forces

A 2A4 DM 33-at lődöz. link

whait your 2a7Hu doesnt get DM73?

we were talking about the 2A4

gotta work with google translator xD, ah so he asked if 2a4 either used dm 54a1 or 63 and you denied those only get dm 33 i gotcha

nah. what he said is that
They are unwilling to tell us the type of shell, but DM 53 or 63…and he didnt finish the sentence.
to which I said that usually ammunition is shown when the tanks are displayed to the public during public events, but we definitely use what our ammunition factory will produce, and in all previous military procurements they always bought the most modern with no compromise in capability.
Then he asked what shell the 2A4 uses.

Google translate is shit for translating Hungarian

so does your factory produce dm 73 or was it named anywhere?


A4 not A7+hun in the game best of ammo DM-23 OMG

well that is the same for the german one

There is not much known about the 2A7 as the first just arrived yesterday.
On pictures that were released during the presentations of Rheinmetall Hungary, we could see the assortment Milta posted. DM 11, DM 98 practice round, and an APFSDS that I never saw with its designation uncovered. All we know from their presentations and from HTKA is that we will manufacture one type of 120mm shell which is not a target practice round but a live type of round…so either DM 11 or the APFSDS based on the assortment shown during the presentations

oh so another possible weakness of the 2a7hu, it gets more and more intresting nice!

What’s life without a little uncertainty :D However, i wouldn’t put money on not having the most modern APFSDS for the 2A7HU

eh i am happy, we are at not able to shoot DM11, maybe worse acceleration and maybe no DM73 :P

I don’t know, but they always said DM11 would be the most modern programmable. Oh, and a large amount of ammunition, two types of practice. And they said there will be many kinds.

To elaborate, the german deputy chairman of the Leopard 2 development department stated the 2A7HU is prepared for possible engine upgrades and has a reinforced drive train to handle the increased weight. However, he doesn’t mention any changes to the gear ratios. Since there’s no previous Leopard in hungarian service, apart from the 2A4s for training purposes, this might just mean that it will be standard on all 2A7 varaints.
If anyone has a hungarian source on the 2A7HU’s top speed, that would definitely clear things up.

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(for now, this is the only info that may help) its bs sry


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72km/h would mean it doesn’t have the modified gear ratios because those would lower the top speed to 61km/h. However, I’m kinda confused now why it’s stated to be 72km/h (~pre 2019 top speed), while all other Leo 2s have 68km/h top speed. Hmmm

Usually, there is sort of a stat card poster next to the tank during public events, so that might confirm this data or show something else.

Thats made by HM Zrínyi. Not a trusted source to be honest…

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yeah that came to my mind too…and i saw on HTKA that they said that its no way 72km/h… Well hopefully we gonna have a better source soon.