Hungarian Ground Forces

Thats the thing as far as i am aware it isnt completly fact that the KF51 will be build in hungary, as far as i am aware rheinmetall wants to build/use the ukranian factory for it

They said as much in Ukraine, but the Zalaegerszeg factory in Hungary should also be ready for production. It’s happening now.

still gonna hope germany gets its as well, gajins implementations rules are stupid sometimes

And hopefully we see the new chasis and capabilities at the eurosatory next year

Since Leopard 2a4 is the current hull, it is owned by KMW+Nexter Defense Systems (KNDS) and the atmosphere between the two companies is frosty because of the KF51 Panther, so I understand that they are thinking about two new frames. Either an upgraded KF41 Lynx or one starting from 0. But since Rheinmetall doesn’t have much experience in hull development, I hope it will succeed.
I know that the Heron kamikaze drones will also be included.

The new chassis was needed either way, the leo 2 chassis is still an old gen chassis, since they wanna make the KF51 possibly an unmanned turret with autoloader, it is better to start with a new chassis that can house all the new features that all are necesary. And while the KF51 is a competitior , rheinmetall is still part of the MGCS development as well

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MGCS Yes, but there is a lot of tension there. Nexter will develop a 140mm cannon for the tank there. A demo tank has just been presented, but it’s more of a trial run. Because neither the cannon nor the chassis are the same.

Supposed to be able to use both the 130mm and the 140mm, germany prefers the 130mm over the 140mm one

What do you think, if we get the rumoured Tiger, will it be simply painted green and that’s it, or will it be a specific vehichle like Tiger 115 or Tiger 214? (I would doubt the latter as it had a Balkenkreuz on it)

@Dzsigolo_Lanty @PacketlossRedux btw sth funny the propably most knowledgable person about the leopard 2 in the forums said (he has multiple books /sources etc) about the 2A7HU

" It is also uncertain wether it got the modified gear ratios, meaning it might accelerate even slower than a 122B."

I don’t know this, it was only written that you can put additional armor on it. But I don’t know that…

He is uncertain… So what?
Listen. The army ordered the most modern German mbt at the time/and currently, in 2018 if I remember correctly. They ordered it with all of its bells and whistles. What we get is what the full capability of the German industry came up with and produced.

Anyhow, 5 will be delivered altogether this month and the second one left the factory today.

I hope they will equip a few with the add-on armor for the official hand-over since it’s already in storage…has been for months. That would be top quality tank p*rn

Are you Hungarian ?

hey i am not at fault the offical configuration wasnt stated anywhere


És Magyarország melyik részén ? És honnan tudod hogy hangárban vannak már a kiegészítő páncélzat ?

hmmm…nyugat mo. a infó meg a HTKA-ról van. Ott említette valamelyik katona hogy megjöttek már. Néhány hónapja volt megemlítve…

Ja azt tudom. 2018 december közepén 44 db rendeltek Leopar 2a7+ ennyit mondtak meg 12 a4 kiképzésre meg hogy Pzh-2000 24 db. Aztán később, hogy jön velük a Leuagen 3+9 meg Wiesent 5 db. Mikor 2020 nyarán rendeltek 218 KF-41-et utána pár napra rá jelentették be a 9 db Büffelt az is jön akkor ismeretlen mennyiségű és fajta hídvetőt. De teherautót pápa mobilt szimulatort mindent rendeletek vele. A lőszert nem hajlandók elárulni de DM-53ai vagy DM63.

Amikor kiállítják rendezvényeken akkor szokták mutogatni a lőszereket, mint a 2A4 esetében. De az biztos hogy amit gyártunk azt magunknak is gyártjuk, ergo használjuk.
Mindenesetre minden beszerzés esetében megfigyelhető hogy a legmodernebbet vették képességbeli kompromisszumok nélkül, úgyhogy nem köll izgulni, lesz minden is.

A4-ek milyenje van ?