Hungarian Aviation Subtree — What it should look like!

If you mean this, this is a MiG-17


Either this is a Mig-17, then I’m wrong :/

It’s pretty much the Soviet version of the MiG-17 that the Lim-5 in game is based on.

That’s the MiG-17PF (the Lim-5P is a Polish licence-built MiG-17PF).

Update: This is what the Hungarian Aviation Subtree will look like for now:

As you can see, there are no Hungarian aircraft at rank I-III. They have stated in the devblog and the dev stream that more Hungarian aircraft for the lower ranks will be added soon and they implied that there will be unique and interesting ones (hence why they are still being modelled and not ready yet).

Actually, the part of the subtree that is being added is quite similar to my one (maybe they saw this suggestion and took inspiration)!

However, there are some parts where I disagree with Gaijin’s version of the subtree. In order of worst parts to least bad parts:
-Yak-9P being added instead of the Bf 109 G-10 or Bf 109 G-14 (Bf 109s are more Hungarian, more relevant to both Hungary and Italy, and make more sense to add, while being a better historical fit)
-IL-10 being added instead of the Fw 190 F-8 (again, Fw 190 is more relevant to both Hungary and Italy, and makes more sense to add, while being a better historical fit and being a more interesting/rare copy-paste)
-Between the MiG-15bis and the MiG-23MF, it is just a mess. None of the more unique variants were added (19PM, 21PF), too many HU aircraft at rank VII and not enough at rank VI, MiG-21MF and MiG-17PF could have been a rank lower each, MiG-21bis-SAU is not really necessary considering how many aircraft are in that section and how that entire folder was completely copied from the German tree, etc. This section could have been done much better.

But now we wait to see what rank I-III of the Hungarian Aviation Subtree will look like. Hopefully they will come soon!


I’m a bit disappointed by how boring the subtree is. But then again, Hungary seems to have very few indigenous designs. I’m surprised they didn’t add the Heja tho


That’s because it isn’t complete and they have only revealed the “boring” higher tiers which are inevitably going to be copy-paste. The lower tiers where we may actually see indigenous Hungarian designs are going to be coming later.

Are roughly 10 (lower tier) designs not enough for you? What are you expecting from a small country that used foreign technology from their allies?


And this is why I would’ve preferred a mixed tree between Hungary and Romania.
At least there is the Gripen ig.

I think this was a good proposal about it:

Maybe a bit more hungarian aircrafts could’ve been added but oh well.

Well the issue here is when will they add them. Plenty of countries have low tier aircraft that could be added to fill the TT but Gajin only is adding high tier vehicles.

There is external 23mm Gsh canon pod for the L-39 and it can carry R60 missiles as well as dumb bombs. While the ZO isnt best choice but unlike Hungary also operates L-39NG which is modernised and can carry weapons like paveways and other modern weapons. It again can carry gun pods as well. It would be similar to A6E which als has no gun. And they also operate L-159s which have further improved avionics and also are equipped with radar and more pylons. The airframe definitely should be in game and im suprised it isnt. My bet is that its so it doesnt overshadow the Alpha jet since that is namesake of update

Firstly there has never been a mixed tree like this before, secondly mixing Hungary and Romania is not the best combination of countries to be mixing together. Thirdly it isn’t necessary and just odd. At least high tier Hungary provides plenty of CAS for Italy (a priority of the subtree), an extension of the bomber line, and very competitive top tier jets.

Probably this update or next update. I can’t imagine they will leave a half-empty subtree line starting at rank IV like that for long. They probably just needed a bit more time to model the planes.

Ok, but do those countries also offer as good of a potential ground subtree as Hungary? No. Do they offer the same variety of vehicles across all different types and modes? Probably not. Do they have the same connection to Italy? Probably not. Hungary was chosen as the subtree for Italy for many reasons and a combination of factors. Just because another country had some low tier aircraft doesn’t mean they would be a better subtree for Italy than Hungary. And please don’t suggest giving Italy another country’s air subtree while having a Hungarian ground and helicopter subtree. That would be messed up and quite unfair to Hungarian aviation.

Are roughly 10 (lower tier) designs not enough for you? What are you expecting from a small country that used foreign technology from their allies?

It was just a simple remark, chill out


Because mixing Italy with Hungary and Romania made sense? No, Gaijin decided it was to be this way, so accept it as italians accept soviet tech through Hungary and Romania.

The community doesn’t like pure copy paste and this subTT is just that, mixing it could’ve alleviated the situation.

Once again, Italy doesn’t need Hungarian CAS, it has developed its own, Gaijin just recently got the memo and we’ve seen that through the addition of the Harrier IIB+ and the AMX. Italy can easily have good CAS, Gaijin just needs to pay modelers.

Once again, Italy can do more than fine even alone.
The F-16 ADF could get the AIM-9Li(comparable to the Mike) and AMRAAM in the near future.
And this isn’t considering what the future holds ahead.

Tldr; the subTT should be filling some gaps and bringing some unique aircrafts but it isn’t something decisive for the ITT.

This sub TT is also clearly not finished as I have said many times and it looks like it will have indigenous Hungarian lower tier vehicles in it so it won’t be pure copy-paste, stop whining before you even have the finished product!

Rather than being happy that you get CAS and good top tier jets now rather than having to wait years for these, you complain like somehow this means Italian CAS aircraft or better top tier jets will never be added…

I never said that it was. I was just saying a mixed subtree containing countries that had pretty bad relations during this game’s era is not a very good idea and that it wouldn’t be worth it.

I’m not saying Italy should get another countries air force. I’m saying countries like Germany have a bit of aircraft that need to be added that would fill up their TT but still not added. Gajin likes to push things off so don’t be surprised if it takes a long time to get added. Like look at the Italian low tier TT, there’s so many aircraft fiat made for Italy that could be added but yet still is not here.

Well the difference here is that those missing aircraft are not so obviously missing. For example, the Italian low tier air TT and the German air TT work fine, even if they should be better with some missing aircraft.

On the other hand, a very clearly half finished subtree line with an enormous gaping gap at the start of it is far more noticeably incomplete and thus much more likely to be completed in a sooner update, or else they simply wouldn’t have released the high tier Hungarian air subtree if they knew they would take a long time to add the lower tier stuff. But we’ll see in time I guess.

I didn’t know the RM-I had a planned armament.

I have all the planes from the Russian TT plus all the Soviet planes from the German TT and the South African Gripen from the TT UK, what would I be attracted to in researching and playing with the Hungarian planes? The only thing that consoles me is that I have long since researched all the planes and tanks in the Italian TT so I can do without all that copy and paste.

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A list of modified and license-produced aircraft :

  • Italian Fiat Cr.32 (armament was changed to Hungarian 8mm 26/31.M Gebauer motor-driven machine guns)

  • Italian Fiat Cr.32bis (around 38 Cr.32bis close-support fighters were used from 1939, armament was changed to Hungarian 8mm 26/31.M and 12.7mm 40.M Gebauer motor-driven machine guns)

  • Italian Fiat Cr.42 (armement was changed to Hungarian 12.7mm 40.M Gebauer motor-driven machine guns)

  • Hungary manufactured the Me 109 G 2 and G6. Approximately 700 of these were made in Hungary. For GE and HU

  • 900 Me109 F were built in Hungary. For GE and HU

  • Furthermore, all Hungarian ME 210 Ca-1’s of both weapon configurations were made in Hungary. For GE and HU

  • The JU-86K bombers were built with Hungarian Mistral engines at our request. Furthermore, we did use our own defensive armament on the JU bombers.

  • German Junkers Ju-87 (A-2, B-2, D-3, D-5) (fuselage and engine was built in Hungary by a German-Hungarian contract)

  • Heinkel He 112 B-1/U2 (machine guns were changed to Hungarian 8mm 39.M wing machine guns, 2038/min rate of fire and fired 8x56 mmR cartridges with 730 m/s muzzle velocity)

  • FW-58 Weihe was, of course, a German plane but it was license-built here in large number and some were modified to be able to carry 300kg of bombs under wings and 2x 8mm Gebauer machine guns to serve as a night attack aircraft

  • WMK-14 engine prototype of the CR.42

