Hungarian Aviation Subtree — What it should look like!

I genuinely have no clue what you are on about.

You seem to be very confused on what is being talked about here.
Could you elaborate on it?


P133, Br1150, SF2 Tracker and B24D exist

This is the only point were I agree since Italy doesn’t have an Il28 counterpart

Proceed to forget the pleora of Italian CAS (MB326,339 and S211 families) that can be added

Tornado’s exist and in future the main aircraft will be the Eurofighter (and tell me, why would someone even want a russian or swedish top jet in the Ita tt?)

(btw I’m not here to go against this subtree idea since it’s inevitable that it will be added eventually, I will just rember You various things that You forgot.)


Sweden has finland as well.

thats literaly what a subtree is

its about the addition of the air line counterpart for completions sake


I have Hungarian planes already. How simple is that?

Finland and the also said their will be a Hungarian air line in Italy like what is your point

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but not single line of them yet

And how does that take away from wishes to expand upon that with more unique designs…?


To be fair, the opinion of the “italian” community matters less in that moment. Its more about the hungarian fans and them seeing their own stuff in the game and them possibly recreating their own line ups in the future. KF41, KF51 EVO, Leopard 2a7hu, KF41 Skyranger and then cas Grippen in the future would make a great line up for those wanting to play pure hungary


Yes and as I said in my first statement, I have Hungarian planes in Italy, very nice I don’t need a load more personally. Thats it, that was my reply, no confusion.

Adding a load more units from every nation wont make the game any better or solve its endless problems.

Many of WTs issues come from adding nations and units and not being able to properly make them work as we have seen with so many incomplete nations.

Make Israel, China and Japan work then worry about every other tiny nation and subtree. Even UK and France have huge gaps

Yeah, You are right. Indeed I see it from another perspective, since everything beside a rank V jet bomber like the il28 is not needed (Italy alredy have counterparts for every single veichle the hungairan sub tt could bring).


So what you’re saying is you wish for nations to be properly fleshed out and have gaps filled… but then don’t want Hungarian aircraft to further bolster the Italian tree while also not wishing for Hungary to really go elsewhere…?

Rarely have I ever read something to contradictory and with lack of thought.


jup, but it is what it is, if gajin can do copy paste fillers they will do them, just to flesh it out more and its easy

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I am saying enough is enough and we if Gaijin never had any way of making complete trees for nations then why introduce them in the forst place. Same with UK plenty of British vehicles we never needed the stupid SA tech tree.

There is already enough Hungarian stuff in Italy ,How much more do you want?

we are talking about air here, italy does not have any hungarian air at all. its not about enough, its just that hungary is placed in italy now. And besides that compared to South africa the Hungarian future addition will seriously strengthen the italian line up like the 2a7hu overshadowing any ariete once it gets added


It does I have two . ME 109 AND 110

? italy doesn not have any ME plane

None of the Hungarian aircraft are researchable.

The only Hungarian aircraft that are in the tree at all are premiums or event/battle pass things.
This leaves a nation that should be properly represented (considering they have a sub-tree in ground) behind a paywall.
This is unfair and shouldn’t be the case.

And yes, I agree that ZA was a ridiculous addition for the UK tree.
That is, however, a far different case from what is being discussed here: UK already had five lines in aviation, thus they couldn’t get a sub-tree there, Italy has only four lines.
Italy is also much more constrained in options than the UK is, especially in regards to ground. Yes, this has been in part alleviated by Hungarian ground forces and yes the Italians still have a lot of room to expand without the Hungarians in the aviation department, but most (if not all) of the stuff that Italy could still receive on it’s own can be effectively placed in the already existing lines. There is no reason to believe Italy would get a fifth line on it’s own and that Hungary would take anything away like ZA did from UK.


You better look harder

There was a battle-pass BF-109 G-4, but that is again an exclusive vehicle, which really doesn’t help the Hungarian aviation case.

but that isnt an ME is it? like i am literaly looking at the wiki page