Hungarian Aviation Subtree — What it should look like!


You said Hungarian modified Italian aircraft are just boring copy-paste that nobody wants.
Then you said Romanian modified Polish aircraft are actually way more interesting and fit better into the Italian tree (they don’t).
Now you are saying the Romanian modified Italian bomber is so great.

Clearly you just have double standards and will criticise anything Hungarian, while promoting equivalent Romanian stuff…

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That’s why in my suggestion I included both.
I have Hungarian modified Italian fighters.
I have indigenous Hungarian light bomber biplanes.

Now you come here saying “that Hungarian stuff is all trash, look at my better Romanian stuff”
You are suggesting Romanian modified Polish fighters (inferior addition)
You are suggesting an indigenous Romanian light bomber biplane (equivalent addition)

Tell me how your equivalent and inferior additions are so much better and more unique?

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I dont hate Hungerian Aircraft. I just thinking that the romenian ones are more interesing. I would like to have the WM 23 ingame, but there might be too little information about this plane for a detailed model ( just two blurry photos existing)

Im also missing the Tu2 “Tuzok” with high caliber gun in your tech tree.

Gaijin will add the hungerians but it will be most lickly a low effort copy paste approche


lol you still trying to sell this ?

Sell what? A basic logical comparison?

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Your only activity on this forum is:
-A question about copyright
-A question about a sale
-“Please don’t add the Hungarian air subtree, it’s just full of boring copy-paste crap, add much more interesting Romania instead” (x9)

It sure does seem like you do.

Sure, which is why you praise Romanian modified planes, while downplaying equivalent Hungarian modified ones as “basically just copy-paste boring crap”.

I literally made an entire detailed suggestion for it.

Huh, I’ve never even seen this. Thanks for that!

This we can all agree on. Nobody likes it when Gaijin implements something with a mainly copy-paste approach and leaves out the indigenous stuff.

That we can agree on. And even the little what they add is going to be horribly inaccurate. Then we going to make pages of reports again of which Gaijin will implement a quarter and put the rest in the corner with the tag: acknowledged, on it. Classic Gaijin. But they don’t need historical consultants.


Oh yeah, like the Zrinyi I’s lower plate - supposed to be identical to the correctly modelled 75 mm thick Zrinyi II’s lower plate, but it is still incorrectly only 50 mm thick… 2 years after being added with loads of people reporting it.

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I originally voted ‘no’, because of several planes in this TT suggestion that would not be a good Idea to add to an already very diverse TT:

This would be a very bad idea, a Tornado, F-16, AV-8B, Gripen, MiG-29 in one Tech Tree?

Another point being that your suggestion is bloated with Copy-paste, even when speaking in the most lenient sense of the word, over 65% of your planes would only get a Hungarian cockpit, crew-voice and skin. No engine, gun or body modifications to be found.

I suggest slimming down your TT suggestion by removing the obscure C&P German or Soviet planes and removing the Rank 8 jets, as they would introduce all the current top tier jets in one single nation.

I hope to see a Hungarian Tech tree, but not completely as this suggestion includes aircraft.

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what c&p german aircraft ?

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The one German bomber that had Hungarian-built engines and Hungarian defensive armament? or the bf 109’s of which Hungary built hundreds per type ? or the FW…which is actually fully german and c&p ?

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Oh… or the shelved German design that Hungary bought, fixed up and then sold hundreds back to Germany? AKA the ME 210 Ca-1 ? Which one @Thomas_Belgium ? tell us

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I’m not responsible for game balancing, just for showing off what Hungary has to offer at top tier. Also, what do you want? For Hungary to have nothing at rank VIII?

Yes, copy-paste is there as it is necessary, but that over 65% is just wrong. Let me break it down:
-My suggestion includes 30 researchable aircraft (premiums are not counted as I have already stated that none of them are necessary additions).
-13 of them are strictly copy-paste aircraft already in-game. 13/30 = 43% C+P (perfectly fine)
-3 of them are “copy-paste” aircraft that are not yet in-game, so at least somewhat interesting. 16/30 = 53% C+P (still fine by your standards)
-5 of them are Hungarian-modified, but if you are very strict, you might downplay these as “just copy-pastes” 21/30 = 70% “C+P” (but this is only if you are very strict)

Also, 3 Soviet MiGs can be removed if absolutely necessary (17PF, 19PM or 21PF, and the 21 bis). This helps reduce the C+P %. From the striker line the Ju 87 is the least important, then the Fw 190, then the Su 22. All 3 could be removed if absolutely needed. They do not form the main line. The bombers are helpful for Italy so they should stay, even if they are copy-pastes.

So unless you are super strict, my suggestion is under your 55% copy-paste threshold.

Which ones?

Why ask the question and immediately follow up with your examples? Leave 1 BF109 type, exclude the Mig-17PF,19PF and 21PF (as guns AND missiles might prove handy instead of only missiles). Keep the Hungarian build German planes (especially the Me410)

The 5 Hungarian modified planes are perfect. Same for the 3 versions of planes that are not in game yet.

How does 13+3+5 add up to 30? Or are you excluding the planes you deem ‘Unique’?

I am calculating copy-paste percentages because I dispute your “over 65%” number. 9 of them are not copy-pastes.
13+3+5+9 = 30 (total)

do people not realize that not alot original is left, “copy paste” will always be a thing, whether you like it or not


So Hungarians have no right to the BF 109’s our industry produced cause random user of war thunder forum does not like it? While Italians think its their right to have an M18…and the plethora of Italian-used, non-Italian tanks and aircraft.
Edit: not like any of this matters at all cause its Gaijin that decides what to add and these suggestions are at best paper weight at the end of the day

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As said in the reply above, yes, these can be removed if needed.

Ok, then by your definition, only the 13 pure copy-pastes are truly bad, so that leaves us with 43% C+P (not 65+%).

I think the 2 Bf 109s I included is fine. The premium is not needed, but could be cool.

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