And it shouldn’t. But Gaijin got the T-80U wrong too. But its okay they dont care about primary documentation. Clearly with the pure gaslight coming from budapest rn
Mans looked at two sources (both of which have already been debunked or have been shown to be amended) and thought that was enough to say that the Pre-SEP-V3 didn’t have DU
His Inherent Soviet bias is really showing through
At this point just stop playing the game until they fix nato vehicles (thats why I uninstalled)
And post a bad steam review with the text “salt the snail”
I treat it similarly. Hope it goes somewhere, but I don’t expect a lot.
Ihope they take our considerations seriously.
Seems theyve no intention to at this rate.
great response, I’m hopeful they respond back. As i have Stopped playing the game and will not put 1 more dollar into the game till they fix the Abrams. 5 second reload was a give me. i do apricate that. but its not competitive no more in terms of survivability no more. I get it that it is classified, but. its 100% clear it has DU armor in the front hull. its exact makeup cant be determined but I’m sure they can figure the amount based on the weight. IT NEEDS A BUFF IN ITS FRONT PLATE. now the spall liner i cant argue with at all. there is no documentation to prove otherwise. however it would seem to me that a tank that puts crew survivability first would have the most basic of protections. but i dont care other wise. but the sep v2 should not have even been put into the game. the sep v3 yes. but not this. America now has the oldest mbt at top top tier in the game. with the most recent being russian t90m at 2017… unreal
if you actually seen the document above. you would have seen that the Abrams 100% has DU in the Hull…
That guy literally just parroted what gaijin said, while fully dismissing all of the source information gaijin themselves didn’t use
bro this adsd is a waste of time to reply to i gave him proof the m829a2 could penetrate K5 he ignored it.
Hey, he’s got a different opinion on which source to trust about K-5. But at least he’s been a lot more civil and not intentionally trolling and derailing like a lot of other Russian mains here. He won’t say his take is gospel truth. He even considers that we might not consider the source he references if it isn’t concrete proof.
He’s not a bad dude.
Since we were on the topic of Western KEP versus Eastern ERA, here’s two funny simulations disproving Gaijin’s “we don’t believe M829A3 & co. can defeat Kontakt-5”:
To put it bluntly, YES, they can even at excessive ranges (that you will almost never fight at in WT).
he’s using a youtube " simulations " as proof, meanwhile at the same time asking for " official sources " on the Abrams armor and the M829A2 ability to pen K5, which he’s already gotten. This guy is New to Warthunder, and has no idea how this game has been for the last 5+ years catering to russian tanks
Those were 5 experimental ENTIRE hulls. If it were only sections, like front, it would have to be stated as such. US gov/military is very specific when it comes to expenses, expenditures for obvious reasons.
I see you support the ideas that some groups of people have rights and others don’t.
I think that’s called discrimination and can be grounds for a trial in many countries.
lmao his chanel hiding my comment
what i post was
“Learn To See Truth With Your Own Eyes”
Full context where bug report start
said bug report
You know, reading all this super serious stuff about the M1 makes me think how truly lifelike and amazing the game must be at top tier. None of that mixed era drivel and capturing the D point for you guys up there then? To listen to all this talk one would never imagine the game equated to having at least 4 nations of different eras pounding away at each other on a WW2 map.
I find it all very interesting as Armour is my bag but I find it funny as you couldn’t ask for a more unrealistic gameplay. All this super detail for five minutes of total fantasy.
Just step back and ask yourself …what does it all mean?
That Gaijin won’t model some tanks accurately if it suits them.
To do what with them? Accurately model them to secrecy breaking levels then slap them out onto Sun city to fight Leopards?
As I said, good and fun talking about it all but then you have this dire game for these super accurate tanks which is actually what the game should be about not a parade of amazingly detailed models. Now you can say I am going off topic but what is the point of the topic? Unrealistic tanks in an unrealistic setting where there is not even an attempt at teams, era or even a suitable map to reflect the conditions these vehicles would have been in or were designed to be in.
I’m not going to spam the thread or even keep going but I’ll ask, When you get this amazing replica of the M1 perfect in every way, what are you going to do with it? Capture the D point ? There will still be nothing real about the game or how it plays.