Hull Armor of the M1 Abrams

Those were 5 experimental ENTIRE hulls. If it were only sections, like front, it would have to be stated as such. US gov/military is very specific when it comes to expenses, expenditures for obvious reasons.

I see you support the ideas that some groups of people have rights and others don’t.

I think that’s called discrimination and can be grounds for a trial in many countries.

lmao his chanel hiding my comment
what i post was

“Learn To See Truth With Your Own Eyes”

Full context where bug report start

said bug report

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You know, reading all this super serious stuff about the M1 makes me think how truly lifelike and amazing the game must be at top tier. None of that mixed era drivel and capturing the D point for you guys up there then? To listen to all this talk one would never imagine the game equated to having at least 4 nations of different eras pounding away at each other on a WW2 map.

I find it all very interesting as Armour is my bag but I find it funny as you couldn’t ask for a more unrealistic gameplay. All this super detail for five minutes of total fantasy.

Just step back and ask yourself …what does it all mean?

That Gaijin won’t model some tanks accurately if it suits them.


To do what with them? Accurately model them to secrecy breaking levels then slap them out onto Sun city to fight Leopards?

As I said, good and fun talking about it all but then you have this dire game for these super accurate tanks which is actually what the game should be about not a parade of amazingly detailed models. Now you can say I am going off topic but what is the point of the topic? Unrealistic tanks in an unrealistic setting where there is not even an attempt at teams, era or even a suitable map to reflect the conditions these vehicles would have been in or were designed to be in.

I’m not going to spam the thread or even keep going but I’ll ask, When you get this amazing replica of the M1 perfect in every way, what are you going to do with it? Capture the D point ? There will still be nothing real about the game or how it plays.

So we can have our favorite tanks not be artificially nerfed in a game that Gaijin claims is centered around their authentic modeling of equipment. It’s a game, that is correct. But it matters enough to the players to go through the process of researching equipment, only for Gaijin to put a lot of effort into the mental gymnastics and excuses as to why they won’t follow their own guidelines and claimed goals.

See their Stinger missile cope.


I have explained you why a company trying to sell different ERA while supposing other countries penetration simply doesnt work. Not only that but translations you have been giving are completely offset and contradict the ad to sell Relikt. You have two sources contradictinf eachother while you can already doubt both for just being ads for company to sell russian army Relikt on tanks, which it is.

Not only that but I doubt you can even use your eyes if you forget T-80BVM has Relikt, and that round went under ERA, without setting it off, which can be seen by simple fact that plates that Relikt and Konkakt-5 ERA throw is intack and in place. Even if it would go higher it would still probably hit between them.
So that case cant even be admired as K-5 or Relikt failing.

Plus we have so many things in game which would IRL fail and in game perform ok.

Just arguing with you sent you so mad that you go on targetting me personally, making me seem worse in eyes of others, just telling nuh uh without proper statements anywhere. You need help. If you cant live with someone disagreeing with you once, than I doubt its even worth talking to you. And hell you can decline even the most obvious things.

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Yes I get that sure, fine but if the tanks weren’t buffed and nerfed appropriately what kind of game would you actually have? I mean I have read the words the American tank crew guy wrote in a similar post about reality regarding the M1 but he also mentioned the total fantasy scenario for the game.

Kind of seems to me that realistic M1s is the last thing Gaijin want when trying to make the game itself work. You ultimate should end up with the top tier tanks of all nations being the same, that means Russia and the USA being equal.

So my question is, Are you guys looking for the M1to be equal to the top Russian tanks in War Thunder to make a balanced game or be superior to Russian as in real life? Seems to me you can’t really have both. If the M1 was re created perfectly, would it not be so OP that it up in a BR of its own in a new top tier, presumably devoid of any Russian vehicles? Just wondered of I am missing the point here. We have the same fixation with model detail in lower BR and the same unrealistic game.

That’s a question for Gaijin, since they claim authenticity is what drives bug reports and equipment modeling. Maybe Russian tanks wouldn’t be eligible for the higher BRs. Since the stats are player driven, who knows.


That being said, I hardly think giving us the hull armor we can prove the M1 should have is going to break the game or make Russian armor unusable.


Yeah, I mean that is my point really. I know for the Chally 2 that a Russian top tier could probably fire 3 or 4 rounds to our one. The problem there is the maps don’t do the Chally any favours as it’s a long-range weapon. Just giving the game a small map instantly boosts the power of the Russian tanks. Unlikely you will kill a Ruskie from 3 miles in a Chally in WT. firing on the move is hard in some of those maps. They really do favour Russia or should if the game was real. This what I mean by the game play needing to drastically change for top tier but it doesn’t it’s the same as WW2.This has to be part of why top tier is so unplayable for many and why the realistic modeling of the M1 is is some ways irrelevant.

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Unpopular opinion: they will only buff the front armor of the Sep V3 because is there were the weight increase is the clearest and it is clearly stated that they increased frontal hull protection. That is very unfortunate but I think that’s what will happend.

If they resist to add hull armour, I would definitely take M829A3, fixed turret ring and spallliners

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They passed a sugestion of abrams spall liners yesterday so there is that. Unfortunately they still deny any anti-ERA tips for western tanks, what I personally think its not really hard to implement.
Point or contact = era? Reduce era armor by x%. Badaboom done. Anti-era tips.

Well, it depends how you implement it. If we do it irl style it is impossible, as number of polugons that would need to change its place would kill the game

But thats not needed is it. You only need to simulate the effect of the effectiveness reduction in-game. Could be as simple as reduce ERA kinetic value by X or X%.

Can you give me a link? Just want to see its placement, have to learn and adapt after all.

Take your time, no rush.

Let me search here if I still have it on the history. I’ll return to you soon enought

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Im not sure if game sees ERA KE protection as different, but if it does then yea it will be easy.