Hughes AIM-95 Agile - Off boresight before it was cool

Any speculation on burn time for the 8 fin’s motor? And possible ranges that might be derived from it?

Which aircraft were these fired from?

In the attached video it looked like a F9F-8 Cougar, but IDK how well that would work balance-wise.

F9F-8, F-4J, F-8, F-14 and possibly F-15 and F-16, that’s all AFAIK

Would love to see a tech tree F-8H (best F-8 variant) with earlier, easier-to-flare AIM-95 and a tech tree F-14D with best AIM-95 and AIM-120


Which would be better, the electro optical seeker or the two-color IR seeker?

The electro optical would work like the Chapparal whereas the two-color seeker would be more like the stinger.

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Found another source for the AIM-95 (D-1 type Captive Test Unit), implementation.

It has quite a bit of info related to the Seeker, gimbal limits and employment methodology(s), and supports F-14 / F-15 / A-7 carriage.


Once more; I’m glad to see someone else with a passion for this particularly strange missile. It’s been very nice to read all this.

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I’ll share what I can lol


With the newly found information we’ve seen in this thread, I decided to take a crack at making an in-game model of AIM-95 in an “early” configuration. It’s not quite perfect, as it takes a lot of trial and error to get the PIDs and such working smoothly without compromising maneuverability, but I believe it’s in a “good enough” state right now.

135 kg Start Mass
82.8 kg End Mass (Adjusted until specific impulse was a reasonable number)
15,570 Newtons Thrust (3,500 lbs)
6.86s Burn Time
208.6s Isp
24,012 lb-sec Total Impulse
85° Gimbal Limit
70° Lock Limit

The .blk file if anyone would like to try refining it further

rocketGun:b = true
preset_cost:i = 20
bullets:i = 1
shotFreq:r = 1000.25
sound:t = "weapon.rocketgun_132"
helicopterGroup:i = 2
mesh:t = "uk_sraam"
tags {

rocket {
	bulletName:t = "uk_sraam"
	statType:t = "hydra"
	caliber:r = 0.203
	length:r = 2.54
	WdK:p3 = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1
	CxK:r = 2.2
	finsAoaHor:r = 0
	finsAoaVer:r = 0
	distFromCmToStab:r = 0.08
	mass:r = 135
	massEnd:r = 82.8
	timeFire:r = 6.86
	force:r = 15570
	timeLife:r = 7.5
	thrustVectoringAngle:r = 0.2
	useStartSpeed:b = true
	startSpeed:r = 0
	machMax:r = 2.4
	endSpeed:r = 0
	maxDistance:r = 10000
	minDistance:r = 30
	rangeMax:r = 10000
	loadFactorMax:r = 20
	guidanceType:t = "ir"
	guidanceSfx:t = "alarm_spin_scan"
	effectOffset:p3 = -1.8, 0, 0
	normalizationPreset:t = "heat"
	ricochetPreset:t = "he"
	groundRicochetPreset:t = "he"
	secondaryShattersPreset:t = "ap"
	stabilityThreshold:r = 0.05
	stabilityCaliberToArmorThreshold:r = 5
	stabilityReductionAfterRicochet:r = 0.5
	stabilityReductionAfterPenetration:r = 0.15
	bulletType:t = "aam"
	explosiveType:t = "pbxn_102"
	explosiveMass:r = 6
	maxDeltaAngle:r = 0
	dragCx:r = 0.014
	spawnExplosionFx:b = false
	spawnExplosionWreckage:b = false
	explosionEffect:t = "explosion_midair_medium"
	groundCollisionEffect:t = "explosion_midair_small"
	ricochetEffect:t = "hit_59_80mm_metal_ap"
	waterCollisionEffect:t = "hit_59_80mm_water"
	explosionPatchRadius:r = 3.4
	waterRicochetEffect:t = "hit_81_105mm_water_ap"
	groundRicochetEffect:t = "hit_81_105mm_dirt_ap"
	visualShattersWaterOffset:r = 1.2
	visualShattersGroundOffset:r = 1.2
	fireEffect:t = "fires_exhaust_jet_early_big"
	smokeEffect:t = "smoke_rocket_tail_light_huge"
	smokeEffect2:t = ""
	hazeEffect:t = "haze_missile"
	endSmokeViscosity:r = 0.05
	distanceFuse:b = false
	hitPowerMult:r = 400
	fuseDelayDist:r = 1
	explodeTreshold:r = 0.1
	hasProximityFuse:b = true
	explodeTreshold:r = 0.01
	explodeHitPower:r = 550
	explodeArmorPower:r = 75
	explodeRadius:p2 = 1, 5
	rendinstDamageRadius:r = 9
	shutterDamage:b = true
	shutterDamageRadius:r = 17
	shutterAmount:i = 2000
	shutterArmorPower:r = 12
	shutterHit:r = 10
	price:r = 3000
	arcadeProp {
		finsAoaHor:r = 0
		finsAoaVer:r = 0
	guidance {
		warmUpTime:r = 1
		workTime:r = 20
		uncageBeforeLaunch:b = true
		useThrustVectoring:b = true
		breakLockMaxTime:r = 1
		irSeeker {
			rangeBand0:r = 11000
			rangeBand1:r = 4500
			rangeBand2:r = 11000
			rangeBand3:r = 11000
			rangeBand7:r = 9000
			rangeMax:r = 11000
			fov:r = 3.2
			minAngleToSun:r = 10
			lockAngleMax:r = 70
			angleMax:r = 85
			rateMax:r = 60
			prolongationTimeMax:r = 0.5
			designationSourceTypeMask:i = 38
			constantDesignationSourceTypeMask:i = 6
		guidanceAutopilot {
			timeOut:r = 0.15
			propNavMult:r = 12
			reqAccelMax:r = 55
			velFrameReference:b = false
			baseIndSpeed:r = 1800
			accelControlProp:r = 0.000025
			accelControlIntg:r = 0.002
			accelControlIntgLim:r = 1.0
			accelControlDiff:r = 0.001
	stabilityRicochetModifier {
		mod1:p2 = 0, 0.05
		mod2:p2 = 20, 0.1
		mod3:p2 = 30, 0.2
		mod3:p2 = 45, 0.3
	pressureDamage {
		damageType:t = "pressure"
	damage {
		shatter {
			useRealShatters:b = true
			countPortion:r = 0.15
			segment {
				radiusScale:r = 1
				penetrationScale:r = 1.5
				damageScale:r = 1.5
				angles:p2 = 0, 9
				countPortion:r = 0.1
			segment {
				angles:p2 = 10, 29
				countPortion:r = 0
			segment {
				radiusScale:r = 1
				penetrationScale:r = 1
				damageScale:r = 1
				angles:p2 = 30, 124
				countPortion:r = 0.35
			segment {
				radiusScale:r = 1
				penetrationScale:r = 1.5
				damageScale:r = 1.5
				angles:p2 = 45, 70
				countPortion:r = 0.05
			segment {
				angles:p2 = 125, 169
				countPortion:r = 0
			segment {
				radiusScale:r = 1
				penetrationScale:r = 1
				damageScale:r = 1
				angles:p2 = 170, 189
				countPortion:r = 0.1
			segment {
				angles:p2 = 190, 234
				countPortion:r = 0
			segment {
				radiusScale:r = 1
				penetrationScale:r = 1
				damageScale:r = 1
				angles:p2 = 235, 329
				countPortion:r = 0.35
			segment {
				radiusScale:r = 1
				penetrationScale:r = 1.5
				damageScale:r = 1.5
				angles:p2 = 290, 315
				countPortion:r = 0.05
			segment {
				angles:p2 = 330, 349
				countPortion:r = 0
			segment {
				radiusScale:r = 1
				penetrationScale:r = 1.5
				damageScale:r = 1.5
				angles:p2 = 350, 359
				countPortion:r = 0.1
		shatterDamage {
			breachConeAngle:r = 45
		explosive {
			radius:r = 0.15
			offset:r = 0.9
	DamageParts {
		body {
			hp:r = 50
			armorClass:t = "tank_structural_steel"
			armorThickness:r = 1
	DamageEffects {
		part {
			name:t = "body"
			onHit {
				shellState:t = "inFlight"
				expl:r = 1
			onKill {
				shellState:t = "inFlight"
				destruction:r = 1
			onHit {
				shellState:t = "onUnit"
				damageType:t = "generic"
				expl:r = 0.05
				fire:r = 0.45
				break:r = 0.5
				damage:r = 3
				fHitCritical:b = true
			onHit {
				shellState:t = "onUnit"
				damageType:t = "generic"
				expl:r = 0.5
				fire:r = 0.3
				break:r = 0.2
				damage:r = 30
				fHitCritical:b = true
			onHit {
				shellState:t = "onUnit"
				damageType:t = "explosion"
				expl:r = 0.45
				fire:r = 0.45
				break:r = 0.1
				damage:r = 50
				fHitCritical:b = true
			onHit {
				shellState:t = "onUnit"
				damageType:t = "cumulative"
				expl:r = 0.4
				fire:r = 0.4
				break:r = 0.1
				damage:r = 100
				fHitCritical:b = true
			onKill {
				shellState:t = "onUnit"
				expl:r = 0.05
				fire:r = 0.05
				break:r = 0.9
				fHitCritical:b = true
	collisions {
		steel {
			fx:t = "explosion_midair_small"
			ricochetFx:t = "hit_81_105mm_metal_ap"
		armor {
			fx:t = "explosion_midair_small"
			ricochetFx:t = "hit_81_105mm_metal_ap"
		buildings {
			fx:t = "explosion_midair_small"
			ricochetFx:t = "hit_106_132mm_stone_ap"
		wood {
			fx:t = "explosion_midair_small"
			ricochetFx:t = "hit_106_132mm_wood_ap"
	shatterCollisions {
		groundCollisionEffect:t = "hit_12_18mm_dirt_ap"
		waterCollisionEffect:t = "hit_8_11mm_water"
		default {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_dirt_ap"
		horLandMesh {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_dirt_ap"
		soil {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_dirt_ap"
		dirt {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_dirt_ap"
		road {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_dirt_ap"
		bricks_red {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_red_brick_ap"
		roadSoil {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_dirt_ap"
		sand {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_sand_ap"
		duneSand {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_sand_ap"
		roadSand {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_sand_ap"
		quickSand {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_sand_ap"
		snow {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_snow_ap"
		ice {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_snow_ap"
		roadSnow {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_snow_ap"
		snowLower {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_snow_ap"
		glass {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
		wood {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_wood_ap"
		steel {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
		metal {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
		tank_structural_steel {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
		aluminum_armor {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
		tank_rubber_screens {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_stone_ap"
		buildings {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_stone_ap"
		verLandMesh {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_stone_ap"
		concrete {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_stone_ap"
		rocks {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_stone_ap"
		rocksSlippery {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_stone_ap"
		fabric {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_stone_ap"
		stone_snow {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_snow_ap"
		armorPierceLowCal {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
		armorPierceMedCal {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
		armorPierceHiCal {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
		armorNPLowCal {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
		armorNPMedCal {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
		armorNPHiCal {
			fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
	proximityFuse {
		timeOut:r = 0.5
		radius:r = 5
		detectShells:b = true
		shellCaliberRange:p2 = 0.08, 0.2
	armorpower {
		ArmorPower0m:p2 = 28, 10
		ArmorPower100m:p2 = 25, 100
		ArmorPower7000m:p2 = 23, 7000
		ArmorPower10000m:p2 = 0, 10000
	hitpower {
		HitPower0m:p2 = 400, 500
		HitPower10000m:p2 = 400, 10000

Could it potentially be carried on the BOL pylons that the F-14 and F-15 use?

I don’t think so.

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I quite like this idea- the F-8H and F-14D would be the perfect aircraft for the Agile, being relatively low-production and the final iterations of their families, justifying experimental weapons not carried operationally. However, did the F-14D carry AMRAAMs? My brief research says it did not.

i didn’t but it was tested and they could easily have made them use them with a software update and bolt on rail but due to politics it didn’t
You should look in to how the F14D was scaled back

F-14s were tested with AMRAAMs and the F-14D’s SAC (Standard Aircraft Characteristics, primary source) says it can equip them, which should be more than enough to get them.


I don’t think anyone would pick an agile over an aim9m. Considering they will be as dogshit as the sraams currently are

It could work as a alternative option for non toptier jets(F4J,F8H,F14 etc). Also most top tier aircrafts aren’t going to receive it anyways.

They used a crossed array like the R-73 so I’d imagine they’ve got some flare resistance. They’ve also got a lot more impulse than an SRAAM so they’ll still be anemic in range but it won’t be nearly as bad. Not that I support adding it to normal aircraft, it should be restricted to an event vehicle at best.

The AGILE has an AIM-7F motor, what do you mean it will be anemic in range?


AIM-7F glides pretty well, AGILE does not glide. It’ll be a lot less of a problem than it is for the SRAAM (especially considering it has R-73 equivalent IRCCM to my knowledge) but it still is dead on motor burnout

They don’t just detonate on motor burnout, believe it or not. Just cause it can’t change it’s heading after the motor stops doesn’t mean it hasn’t predicted where the target is going and isn’t going to get close enough for its proximity fuse to do its job