How would one use a flight stick control setup to move the targeting camera around? (using the f15e)

Hi, I am currently in the long and tedious process of setting up flight controls using a Logitech G x56 H.O.T.A.S flight stick and throttle. I have been diving through the settings in the keybedding menu and can not find one that can control the movement inside of the targeting pod. Any other suggestions on controls is welcome as well

I thought that it’s these controls:

However, I use the mouse for that all the time right now actually.

Note also that there is no way to control the Targeting Equipment (or any optical seekers) from the cockpit view. Those controls only work in the actual targeting view mode.

I have bought wireles airmouse, attaced it to my headsetup and use it as normal muse, to look around.

I believe you need to use the “Gunner Aiming Control” bound for both X and Y axis in order to slew a TGP or TV/IR seeker from the HOTAS. For reference, this is how I have mine set up:

Schindibee’s comment above only guides weapons that use SACLOS aiming, like Fritz-X, Bullpups and Nord AA/AS-20/30s from what I remember


Thank you! I have been going nuts looking for this key binding.