How to rip off flaps affect flight performance?

My BF 109 F-2 lost both flaps in a dogfight with a P-39N-0, the flaps of the 109 is slow to retract and I didn’t make it in time. The fight then continued, I chased the P-39, I felt it was climbing better than me. How to my rip off flaps affect flight performance? does reduce the climb rate? Speed? Turning and so on?

I thought that at 5,000 km altitude I should have a performance advantage with 109 against P-39, but I didn’t have that feeling. As I said, I lost both flaps, empty holes in both wings.

The simple real-life answer is it reduces wing surface so it reduces lift, same as other forms of wing damage. It would be interesting to test.

If it’s an asymmetric rip, it might be because the instructor is compensating for either a yawing or rolling motion causing extra drag or side-slip (and thus drag) on your plane.